American comics: The savior starting from the vampires

Chapter 389 Who gave you the courage to scold the Grand Duke of Eternal Night?

If the company can only use some covert means to quickly solve the guy in front of him who is suspected to have certain strength.

Then Yongye can really make this guy in front of him die clearly, not to mention the commercial suppression, capital hedging, shorting the stock market, just talking about future travel.

Marco Royce has no doubt that the young man in front of him will be shot in the head because of his left foot stepping out of the manor!

Even so, the American politicians and soldiers in this manor will not only not say a word for it, but also give Yongye a witness.

Of course, Yongye does not need them, the nearest police station can perfectly solve this matter. It will not even affect this manor banquet.

"Boy, do you know what you are talking about? How dare you break into Yongye without receiving an invitation?"

Marco Royce continued to quote this topic, his eyes looked around intentionally or unintentionally, and soon, he saw the figure he was looking forward to, and he couldn't help but raise the decibel of his speech by a few degrees.

I wanted to talk to Count Eve, but I was always ignored. I didn't expect that I could catch his eye this time!

Looking at that figure, Marco Royce was secretly happy.

Although he was arrogant in front of Donnat Langpu and even refuted him in public, he seemed to be very powerful, but in front of Yongye Capital, he was still just an acquaintance and was not worthy of the other party's serious treatment.

Just before, he wanted to talk to Eve several times, but he was ignored by Eve, but he was not angry. Instead, he felt it was natural. Yongye Real Estate had annexed many real estate companies a few years ago and became the most powerful real estate overlord in the United States.

Even Count Eve alone owned a large area of ​​private farmland and land that even he couldn't help but covet. Yongye seemed to have the ability to predict the future. When the land price was still low in the early years, it bought farmland and commercial land.

Marco Royce has done special research. The land owned by Yongye in the United States alone has reached a terrifying level. They have at least two large science and technology or agricultural research bases in each state.

Looking at the scene again, you can see that in addition to him, Simon, Sandax Real Estate, Reiner Construction and other real estate giants who are not much different from him or even better than him are all circling around each other!

They hope to cooperate with Yongye or take the giant ship of Yongye. Otherwise, they will inevitably collide with it under the voyage of the giant ship. At that time, either they die or they die. There is only one ending!

"Mr. Marco Royce? I can tell you clearly that I did not receive the invitation, but that is because I do not need to receive the invitation!"

"No need to receive the invitation? Hahaha... Who do you think you are? How dare you speak nonsense here!"

With a sharp shout, Marco Royce looked at Eve who came in with big strides, with a flattering face, and directly reported: "Miss Eve, I found a person with bad intentions. This guy did not receive the invitation of Yongye and broke in without permission!"

While saying this, he pointed at Lin Jue and even volunteered: "I am willing to do it for Miss Eve and punish this ignorant guy who actually..."


Marco Royce felt that the bones of his shoulders seemed to be broken. He looked at the person who put his white jade palm on his shoulder in disbelief.

The piercing pain made his face twisted, but the demeanor he always maintained made him resist screaming. He could only keep twitching his forehead, and in an instant, big drops of cold sweat oozed out.

"Who gave you the courage? You dare to challenge the Grand Duke of Yongye in public on Yongye's territory!"

The voice fell with a certain chill.

The words stirred up a thousand waves, and the onlookers were all in an uproar. They looked at the young man who had always been indifferent in the field in disbelief.

After careful observation, and comparing it with the image in their memories, everyone showed an incredible look.

The long-dead legend was standing in front of them alive, and still had that young image.

This was incredible.

Among them, there were people who had seen Lin Jue in person, but they just felt that Lin Jue was a little familiar, but they didn't dare to think about it. Unexpectedly, the result was the most unexpected.

One of the men who had teased and ridiculed him couldn't help but slapped himself in the face, and then kept bowing and apologizing. The panic on his face formed a sharp contrast with his previous smile.

On the other side, Marco Royce fell into the abyss.

The words of the people around him came to his ears.

"It's over, Horton Real Estate Company is completely finished!"

"Even the Grand Duke of Yongye dares to mock him, Marco Royce is simply throwing his life away!"

"I was wondering why I felt respect for the Duke of Yongye when I saw him? I was saying it!"

You damn bastards, it wasn't like this just now!

Marco Royce cursed wildly in his heart. He ignored the pain in his body and looked at the man with a calm face.

The figure that had been silent in the depths of his mind for who knows how long flashed by.

The British noble with an Asian face...

Damn it! Why didn't I guess it before? But, isn't he dead? This is impossible!

However, these were quickly forgotten by Marco Royce. He pulled a smile that was uglier than crying and began to apologize crazily, bending down and bowing in an attempt to get Lin Jue's forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, I was blind and offended you. Please forgive me... Please!"

Feeling the chill behind him.

Oh no, Count Eve wants to kill me!

Driven by the strong fear, Marco fell to his knees with a plop, and even crawled to Lin Jue and tried to hug his thighs.

In front of death, everything is nothing!

He was completely crazy.



Two subtle swallowing sounds sounded at the same time, and Donat Park and Ivanlin, who were in a daze, looked at each other.

The real estate tycoon who once made them afraid actually crawled at the feet of a person. Such a scene was shocking no matter how you look at it.

Looking around, the people who once mocked and despised them were licking their faces, bowing to apologize, or flattering. They were no longer as high and mighty as before.

"Dad... is he really the legendary Grand Duke of Eternal Night?"

"Ivanlin! Do you think anyone other than a great man like him can do this?"

Looking at the tragic scene of Marco Royce who embarrassed them, Donat Park and Ivanlin felt like they were in a dream.

Ivanlin's gasp was heard in his ears, and Donald's eyes were fixed on Lin Jue.

No matter what, even if I lose everything, I will get close to the Grand Duke of Eternal Night!

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