American comics: The savior starting from the vampires

Chapter 390: Cannot be compared with the Duke

"It's not surprising if you don't know. Mr. Marco Royce is our guest at Evernight and the true upper class elite of America. How can he treat himself so slowly?"

Lin Jue pulled Mark Royce up, who kept apologizing and admitting his mistakes, gently patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Mr. Duke! I..."

"Mr. Marco, I actually think that the person you should be ashamed of is not me, but Mr. Donald Trump. In any case, I have not offended you by insulting others in this solemn and serious occasion. , it’s your fault!”

Looking at the man in front of him who suppressed his smile and looked slightly indifferent, Marco Royce shivered all over, and he could feel a strong chill.

It's not a physical feeling, it's a mental fear.

He quickly looked at the father and daughter behind Lin Jue who were a little shocked and at a loss.

"Mr. Donald Park, it was my problem before. I should not deliberately belittle you and your company because of business competition. I sincerely apologize to you here! I'm sorry!"

He bent his upper body 90 degrees and bowed, and Marco Royce said tremblingly. Only when he faced the Grand Duke of Yongye did he feel that suffocating feeling of trembling. Even if he had been pampered for so many years, he could not do it at all. Resist the kind of respect that comes from life instinct!

And the other side.

Looking at the man who bowed and apologized and kept begging for forgiveness, Donald Park rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The man who once looked like a giant in his eyes actually apologized to him humbly. The arrogant face of the man in front of him was still vivid. In front of my eyes, my hind legs are already in such a mess!

Looking at the man with an indifferent expression, Donald Park naturally knew that there was someone who could reverse all this.

He did not make any move to forgive Marco Royce, but came to Lin Jue with a solemn expression.

"Dear Duke Yongye, thank you for your help today. I would like to give up one-third of the shares of Tepu Group as a return gift for this thank you!"


Evanlin opened her mouth wide and looked at her father in disbelief. Others didn't know it, but her daughter knew how stingy her father was.

Not to mention one-third of the shares, even one percent of the shares would make his father feel heartache.

Looking at the old man in front of him with interest, Lin Jue smiled: "No, no, no, Mr. Downer, this is just a simple effort, you don't have to care so much."

"No! Mr. Duke, this is not only my gratitude, but also my sincerity in wanting to cooperate with you."

Gritting his teeth, Donald Pu quickly said that he would seize this opportunity, even if it hurts. He was very clear about the current situation of Tupu Group. His company's shares had already hit the bottom due to the impact. The pressure from peers has hit every wall in the New York real estate market.

By handing over a part of his hand to Yongye, in disguised form, the Tepu Group becomes a part of Yongye. Not to mention the difficulties ahead, and even the pressure from other peers, Donatepu will not be afraid.

The principle of leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade couldn’t be simpler!

Looking at the man in front of him who insisted on giving away his shares, Lin felt helpless. He could clearly see what the somewhat familiar man in front of him was thinking, but he didn't care about them.

"In this case, Mr. Downer can communicate with Yongye Real Estate, and they will communicate with you about the follow-up matters."

In any case, the other side was giving it away for free, so Lin Jue accepted it. In addition to Yongye's subsidiaries in various industries, there are also Yongye's investment companies everywhere. He doesn't mind having one more Tepu Group.

"Thanks you!"

At this moment, Donald Park had a feeling of parting through the clouds and seeing the rising sun. He noticed that everyone around him looked completely different from the previous ones, with a hint of arrogance in his expression.

He is a proud man to begin with, and there is nothing he can do about it today!

Turning around again, looking at Marco Royce, whose face remained gloomy and still bowing to apologize, Donald Park grabbed the man in front of him.

"Mr. Marco, let what happened before be in the past! In fact, I hope that your company will cooperate with you on real estate projects in other cities!"

His eyes were slightly lowered, but his seemingly calm tone hid a sharp edge.

His face twitched and he felt the strength on his shoulders. Marco Royce did not dare to do anything, so he could only put a smile on his face and nodded in agreement.

Donald Park gently patted the shoulder of the old man in front of him, and walked to his daughter's side with dignity.

Seeing that the matter subsided, everyone around them also showed sarcastic expressions, and soon it returned to the normal appearance of the banquet. Everyone was talking and laughing about the recent business, as if what had happened just now had been forgotten.

"Evaline! Did you see... these people were mocking us just now, and now, seeing our relationship with Yong Ye, they are coming to us one by one. What a bunch of hypocritical guys!"

Donald Park whispered to his daughter while waving to a real estate company manager.

However, at this time, Ivanlin's mind was no longer here. Her eyes were filled with envy as she looked at Eve, who was holding Lin Jue's arm and being the center wherever she went.

What a sense of accomplishment it would be to be the center of attention at such a truly top-notch upper-class banquet.

Evanlin secretly thought that, like her father, she also had a flamboyant personality!


A somewhat familiar voice sounded, and Evanlin turned around to look, only to see a blond boy following her father in a suit and waving to her.


Evanlin recognized the other person. He belonged to the same aristocratic school as herself, and he was a real rich second generation. He was richer and more powerful than her own family. Before that, he was also one of the boyfriend candidates in Evanlin's mind.

but now……

Seeing the scene of the other party and his father rushing towards him, Ivanlin showed a polite smile.

"Haha, Mr. Donald Park! I have long admired your name..."

Ignoring her father's conversation with the other elder, Ivanlin looked at the tall young man coming towards her.

"Evaline...I'm sorry, my father and I didn't notice what happened here just now. If I were there, I would definitely help you!"

Louis' eyes were fixed on the beautiful and tall Ivanlin in front of him, his eyes were full of amazement. He had met Ivanlin as early as when he was in school and had tried to pursue her.

Evanlin did not refuse, but she always gave him a feeling of aloofness.

But he was not very patient, and soon couldn't bear the loneliness, so he found another rich second-generation girlfriend as his girlfriend. Now he is watching, Ivanlin is wearing a tight-fitting dress, which highlights her exquisite figure. That beautiful face, with a little bit of elegance, makes it very attractive in itself!

He left his girlfriend behind without hesitation and looked at the smiling girl in front of him with burning eyes.

"Louis, it's okay. The great Grand Duke Yongye is kind and benevolent. With his help, everything will be solved!"

Evanlin stared blankly at Lin Jue, who was sitting at the dining table and beginning to taste the food. Even when he was eating, he was surrounded by a large group of big shots that were familiar to the American people.

Noticing that her gaze did not stay on him, Lewis frowned slightly and followed her gaze. When he saw the man Ivanlin was looking at, there was a hint of complexity on his face.

"The Grand Duke of Yongye is not dead. This is simply unbelievable."

"Why do you think Duke Yongye is dead? Just because of those terrorists? You must know that Yongye Security is the largest security company in the United States. Not only do they protect the safety of major businessmen and politicians, they even often go out to fight against terrorists. They have always Maintaining a 100% record! As the master of Yongye, it is a strange thing in itself that the Duke of Yongye died at the hands of terrorists! "

Ivanlin's eyes were full of brilliance, and the way Lin Jue talked and laughed casually in front of those big shots that she couldn't even come into contact with made her heart beat fast.

Seemingly noticing the brilliance in the eyes of the girl next to him, Louis felt a sense of urgency and his brain was working rapidly.

"Evaline... do you know there is another strange thing about the Grand Duke of Evernight?"


The boy's mysterious words successfully attracted Ivaline's attention.

Seeing the girl's gaze, Lewis couldn't help but move forward, while Ivanlin stepped back slightly.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and Louis said softly: "In the years since the death of Grand Duke Yongye, his appearance does not seem to have changed at all, he is still so young!"

Just when Louis thought he would use this to change Lin Jue's image in Evanlin's mind, the girl in front of him looked unconcerned.

"Don't you doubt it, Evanline? Some people in our circle even say that he is..."

A little angry, Lewis wanted to say something, but he quickly stopped talking and looked around subconsciously, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

He was just so excited that he almost couldn't hold back his speculation that Grand Duke Yongye might be a vampire.

Now that he realized what he was saying, he quickly pressed his lips together, not daring to say anything.

Compared to Evanlin, who barely squeezed into the upper class, he and his family have a deeper understanding of Yong Ye. Many people here also know more or less about the mysterious events about Yong Ye, but everyone has the same idea. They had a tacit understanding and didn't dare to bring up those sensitive topics.

Evanlin looked at the pale and frightened Lewis in front of her with some doubts. Although there was nothing on her face, she was full of contempt in her heart.

Sure enough, no matter how prominent these people’s backgrounds are? It's not even as good as that man's finger.

The greater the comparison, the bigger the gap. At this time, Ivanlin's mind was filled with the figure of Lin Jue. Looking at Eve who was attracting attention, she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if she were standing there and being noticed. What kind of feeling.

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