Buzz buzz buzz buzz——

The huge buzzing sound shook the world again, but unlike before, this time Norman Osborn couldn't struggle at all.

Spreading out his palms, the huge werewolf body with blood sizzling was suspended in the air.

Norman Osborn roared, screamed and cursed wildly, but even if he used all his strength, he still couldn't break free from the divine thoughts surrounding him!

"Ah! Damn bastard, do you think it's over like this? Ha ha ha ha! No, absolutely not!"

Norman Osborn's sharp laughter spread throughout the entire block, and everyone's eyes looked at him. Even Lin Jue couldn't help but be curious, curious about what kind of behavior the crazy plus version of Norman Osborn in front of him would do?


A slight strange sound, it seemed to be the sound of some button being pressed. This extremely subtle and inaudible sound was instantly captured by Lin Jue?

Nuclear bomb?

Some familiar memories came to his mind, Lin Jue's pupils shrank slightly but quickly recovered, and his face was calm as he waited for the upcoming explosion.

To be honest, he didn't think that the Osborn Group had nuclear bombs now, and even if they did, they couldn't do anything to him now!


The sound of a balloon bursting resounded in the sky, and everyone looked up at the sky with a sense of something in their hearts. They looked at the hazy mist drifting down in astonishment.

Green Goblin's nerve poison?

No, isn't he a second personality because of some defective super soldier serum? How come there is another version of nerve poison?

Lin Jue's eyes revealed a hint of curiosity.

On the other side, Norman Osborn looked at the green fog that was spreading all over the sky and laughed directly, ignoring that his body was curled up under the strong pressure around him, and his bones made a crisp sound.

"Everyone will be liberated, everyone will enter extreme chaos, so what if you kill me? There will be thousands of me soon, quack quack quack!"

The sharp laughter stopped abruptly, and Norman Osborn seemed to see something and glared angrily.

"What are you doing? Damn bastard, how can you have such power?"

The reversal of attitude all originated from Lin Jue. He spread his palms, and an extremely bright light shone from his body. The green mist that diffused in the sky seemed to be affected by some invisible force and gathered together in an instant.

As the hot light speed shone through Lin Jue's hands, the green mass was instantly annihilated by the light column.

Everything seemed so understated.

"Is this your method?"

A certain accented and indistinguishable male and female voice resounded through the world. The scene in front of him not only made Norman Osborn completely dumbfounded, but also the people around him prostrated themselves on the ground.

Even the fanatical believers of Catholicism were shouting words like great angels. The green gas combined with Norman Osborn's roar made them think that it was a kind of existence similar to poison gas.

Lin Jue took action to annihilate it, and such an act was tantamount to saving their lives. At this moment, even those who had some resistance to the fallen angels in their hearts could not help but feel grateful.

"My God, this guy is simply an omnipotent god! Is there anything he can't do?"

Wesley muttered to himself as he was pulled away by Fox, and Fox nodded thoughtfully.

Just when everyone thought everything was about to end, the sound of helicopter gliders stirring the wind came again, from far to near, dense armed helicopters and armed forces rushing into the crowd. Obviously, the movement here finally made the people stationed in the New York Military District react.

Feeling something in his heart, Lin Jue did not pay attention to these soldiers, but looked at a seemingly ordinary street from a distance. There was no one there, but that was just the perspective of a normal person.

In Lin Jue's eyes, a bald woman in a monk's robe was staring at him seriously.

"Huh? Interesting!"

Lin Jue naturally recognized this unique-looking woman at a glance. She was the hidden Supreme Mage, and the other party had obviously paid attention to him.

In this regard, Lin Jue thought it was normal. If such a big movement and such a strong energy fluctuation could not attract the magic guardian of the earth, wouldn't Lin Jue's previous efforts all be in vain?

"Can you see me? Fallen angel?"

As if he noticed that Lin Jue was staring at him, Gu Yi's face was full of solemnity.

"Of course, although your magic is clever, it still can't hide from my eyes!"

With a slight smile, Lin Jue did not speak, but transmitted the information to the woman in front of him through his divine thoughts.

Ignoring Gu Yi, Lin Jue planned to deal with the matter in front of him first.

He felt a vague spying, and that spying was not just from the ones in front of him!

Tsk tsk tsk! It seems that I have attracted the attention of many beings in this wave...

With a chill in his heart, Lin Jue's huge divine thoughts that originally surrounded him suddenly retracted, looking at the huge wolf demon that he had squeezed into a ball and screamed.

"If you can survive my next attack, I will give you the right to survive!"

As if the voice of God shook the world, Lin Jue did not care about the people nearby but spread his hands.

In an instant, Norman Osborn's body rushed straight into the sky.

Next, it's time to give these people a little shock!

His pupils suddenly contracted, and huge wings covered the sky. Behind Lin Jue's original six huge black wings, a bat-like wing spread out.

At this moment, he completely integrated the power of the vampire god, and at the same time, the weather in the sky began to change.

Everyone looked at all this in astonishment, and they seemed to have a sense of foreboding that something big was about to happen!

Rumble, rumble——

Dark clouds gathered in an instant, and thunder like a giant python was entangled high in the sky and shuttled between the clouds. The originally starry sky was actually filled with dark clouds and thunder in a short period of time.

Not to mention the people and soldiers, even Gu Yi, who had been hiding his figure, was dumbfounded by this scene that changed the atmosphere.

She could feel the huge power emanating from Lin Jue's body.

"When did such a powerful being appear in this world? His power is even close to that of the devil?"

Gu Yi murmured to himself. Originally, she had always thought that the real world had been peaceful under her protection, but today she was wrong. The appearance of the evil wolf demon attracted her attention, and the arrival of the fallen angel made her doubt herself. Is there something wrong with my magic perception?

Angels and demons have always existed in this world. One of them is trapped in hell, and the other is blocked in heaven. They have no ability to invade the real world. And the arrival of Lin Jue not only shattered Gu Yi's feelings about those two mysterious worlds here. Her thoughts even subverted her cognition.

Lin Jue's image of a fallen angel was completely different from the angel in Gu Yi's impression, especially the moment those bat-like wings stretched out. Gu Yi even dared to conclude that Lin Jue was not an angel or a fallen angel in this world at all!

Could it be a demon that escaped from a certain dimension in the multiverse?

Gu Yi was secretly shocked. She didn't know the reason why Lin Jue came to this world, but from beginning to end, Lin Jue did not do anything to harm the world, which made her not take action rashly!


Huge thunder fell from the sky, lighting up the entire neighborhood in an instant, and half of New York could hear the bursts of thunder that sounded like the sky was falling.

"Jesus! What is that?"

"So big, so thick, my God, is this the end of the world?"

The huge thunder in the sky frightened the residents of other districts who noticed the strange phenomenon and froze in place.


The abandoned neighborhood was silent. All the soldiers looked at the scene above in astonishment. As for the people, they were running wildly outside in a panic.

Wesley touched his exploded hair, and huge thunderbolts in the sky struck the ball of blood. For the first time, he felt sad for the terrible werewolf.

This is simply not a harm that life can bear.

"Stop sir!"

Peter Parker's voice rang in Lin Jue's ears, and Lin Jue's golden pupils stared at the Spider-Man who was jumping rapidly.

"Sir! That's enough. Your actions have hurt innocent people. Please remove your divine punishment!"


Secretly swallowing, when those golden pupils stared at him, Peter Parker felt what real power was. His spider sense was alarming like crazy, and his body almost reflexively wanted to escape from the sight of the mysterious existence in front of him. .

God...this must be a real god!

At this moment, Peter Parker forcibly overcame the fear in his heart and stared at the people who collapsed to the ground below. The people below Norman Osborn seemed to be affected by some kind of electric charge. Spreading in all directions like waves.

It has even spread to the military!


Without saying a word, Lin Jue looked at the huge ball of flesh that was bloody and charred, with a faint remaining consciousness flickering in and out.

Knowing that Norman Osborn was completely unable to move, he glanced at Fox, who was looking over in shock, and then Lin Jue's figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

The dazzling light is fleeting!


It wasn't until Wesley shook Fox's body that she reacted.

Looking at her partner, Fox didn't know whether she should say what she was thinking, but soon, she looked at the surrounding army, her expression changed, she led Wesley into the crowd, and soon disappeared. .

And Peter Packham also shot out the spider silk and disappeared into the distance amid bursts of exclamations and thanks.

In just a moment, only the huge meat ball that fell to the ground was left in the originally chaotic and dilapidated neighborhood, as well as the soldiers and researchers in white robes surrounding it.

While they were in full swing, a motorcycle rushed outside the soldiers' cordon in an instant.

"Hi, madam, the front is closed, please go around!"

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