American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 806

"Is she from the Cree?" Melinda May looked at Minerva again.

At this time, someone opened the door and came in. Peggy Carter, who had just entered, was slightly stunned when she saw the situation in the living room, and then asked, "What happened?"

While speaking, Peggy Carter signaled Melinda May to put down the gun.

"This is Minerva, the Cree doctor of genetics." Su Sheng introduced Minerva casually, and then pointed to the two unconscious Kree 073 people. "These two guys are for you."


Peggy Carter looked at Minerva, seeing that Minerva didn't seem to respond, and then said to Melinda May: "Take them away first."

"Yes." Melinda May walked over and took the two Cree away with some difficulty.

"What happened?" Peggy Carter asked curiously.

Not long after he left with Su Sheng, why did he get two comatose Cree people, and this Minerva, she is a doctor of genetics from the Cree people? She seemed unresponsive to her kind being taken away.

Su Sheng explained briefly, talking about his acquaintance with Minerva and the purpose of coming here.

"Soul conduit? The genetic fusion of Kree people and humans? Can you get superpowers?" Peggy Carter was a little surprised and paused. "Manufacturing this soul conduit should require a lot of special materials, right? I can get it for you."

Su Sheng smiled and said: "As a person who is leaving this era, you don't have to worry so much. Those two Cree people are enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to study."

Peggy Carter paused and didn't speak.

Her villa is not big but not small. Su Sheng found an empty room to settle in Minerva, and also used this room as a laboratory for manufacturing soul conduits. Minerva doesn't seem to have much interest in life on Earth. She just wants to know if the soul conduit experiment can be successful, and when she can mate with Su Sheng... Peggy Carter really wants to know more, Su Sheng didn't specifically stop.

As long as she doesn't spread the word, she will know it if she knows it.

Night, quiet.

Su Sheng once again used the Reality Gem to hide the reality. Peggy Carter slept in her room. Whether she could sleep was another matter. Minerva took a shower and changed into the pajamas of the earth. She wanted to find Su Sheng to study the business, but Su Sheng disappeared. Minerva found that this space was very special, and she seemed unable to leave at all, so she had no choice but to prepare to rest.

As for whether Su Sheng would be detrimental to him?

Minerva is not very worried, she is very confident in her judgment.

Aeronautical Information Agency base.

Carol Danvers tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She hadn't had a dream for several days. At first, she was troubled by the nightmare and wished that the dream would never appear, but later she was relieved, and she even looked forward to enjoying the dream, but the dream disappeared.


Carol Danvers sighed subconsciously, closing her eyes and preparing to force herself not to think about it again.

After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly felt someone lying down beside her.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Carol Danvers saw the person he wanted to see, an ideal man who appeared in his dream, an ideal man he imagined in his dream.

This is my dream!

In my dream, I don't need to worry about anything, so when Carol Danvers saw Su Sheng, the first reaction was to laugh, and at the same time, he took the initiative to kiss Su Sheng.

Bold and proactive, fiery and intense.

At the same time, he actively touched the fuse and prepared to burn it.

Wave after wave, Carol Danvers' wanton cries gradually calmed down. Exhausted and extremely satisfied, she huddled in Su Sheng's arms, murmured a little tiredly and lazily, and then fell asleep deeply. up.

The sun shines.

Carol Danvers snorted comfortably when he woke up from his sleep, and stretched his arms lazily.

As a result, just as the arm was raised, Carol Danvers' body froze.

She slowly opened her eyes tentatively and looked to the side.

Under the shining of the sun, a man was lying next to him, a man who would only appear in his dreams.

This made Carol Danvers suddenly stupid. is he still here? Is it a dream and you haven't woken up yet?


Ps: Recommend my finished works: "Marvel: The King Comes", "Marvel: The Immortal Throne", "Zombie: The Strongest Reaper", "Marvel: Fruit of the Door", there are many words and all of them have been completed, and the volume is large To be killed!

Chapter 1005 You are so stupid and cute!


Seeing Carol Danvers' stunned expression, Su Sheng smiled and greeted him with a good morning kiss.

The touch is real.

"'t I woken up yet? Is this still a dream?"

Carol Danvers asked Su Sheng~ in a daze.

"What do you think?" Su Sheng said with a smile.

"It must be so, it must be that my dream has not woken up." Carol Danvers analyzed with his head lowered. "Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind, I hope to see you tomorrow, so my subconscious mind constructed another dream, a dream where you are still there when I wake up, a dream where you are still there tomorrow. It must be so!"

Carol Danvers subconsciously got up and looked outside while talking, she wanted to confirm if it was a dream. As soon as he got up, he heard a knock on the door.

"Carol, are you up?" It was Monica's voice.

This is not a dream? Or was he dreaming of Monica?

Carol Danvers subconsciously walked over to open the door, and as soon as the door opened, she saw Monica outside the door stunned.

"You, you haven't got your clothes on yet?" Monica said with embarrassing eyes. "Get up and pack up, didn't you agree to do morning exercises together today?"

"Wait first."

Carol Danvers looked at the smiling Su Sheng on the bed and then at the embarrassed Monica and said. "you……"

"What's wrong?"

Monica raised her head subconsciously and then... widened her eyes and opened her mouth.

"You, is there someone in your room? God, I'm sorry I didn't didn't you tell me." Monica was about to leave in panic and embarrassment.

Carol Danvers hastily pulled her back. "You, can you see her?"

"Yes, of course!" Monica asked subconsciously. "He, he's not from our base, right? Carol, you should know that the base doesn't allow outsiders to come in, even...even if it's a boyfriend. You, you should clean up quickly and let him leave. If someone It will be troublesome to find out!"

"It's strange, is this dream so real?" Carol Danvers frowned.

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