American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 807

"Dream? What dream?" Monica asked.

"Isn't this a dream?" Carol pointed to Su Sheng and then to Monica. "Aren't you the people I imagined in my dream?"

"Are you okay?" Monica looked at Carol blankly. "This is not a dream, you..."

Before Monica could finish her words, she suddenly backed up and hit the wall heavily. She couldn't move her body, and couldn't open her mouth. She was stuck on the wall like a specimen. The sudden change made Carol Danvers suddenly look at Su Sheng in surprise. "What are you doing, she is my friend, this is my...dream!"

"You seem to have forgotten what I told you at the beginning." Su Sheng slowly got up and came to Carol Danvers, pressing his palm down gently.

Carol Danvers felt out of control for an instant, and the strong pressure made her kneel on the ground with a plop.

"I... am your master!"

"You don't really think that I am the ideal type you imagined, do you really think that I am a fictional existence in your dreams?"

"what do you mean?"

Carol Danvers felt a little overwhelmed.

"You are really stupid and cute." Su Sheng said with a smile. "All this happened for real, only you thought it was a dream."

"No, no, this is obviously a dream, otherwise why don't I wake up every time..."

"Nothing? No trace?" Su Sheng waved his hand while answering the words, and the messy bed instantly became tidy. "I just need to restore everything to its original state after you really fell asleep every day, and the so-called traces will disappear naturally. Oh, you must be wondering why others didn't find out? That's because I isolated your room, this No matter what happens in the room, no sound will come out."

"No, no, no..." Carol Danvers couldn't accept this fact. "Why are you doing this!"

"To get you."

Su Sheng smiled brightly. "And I succeeded, you became very active, and even began to look forward to my existence and my appearance every day. Do you think all this is a dream? Hehe... If you go to check your body, you will know if it is a dream! "

body check?

Check what Carol Danvers reacted to in an instant.

"Then...see you tonight."

Su Sheng laughed and disappeared strangely. The next moment, Monica fell from the wall. She gasped in horror and looked at Carol Danvers: "This...what the hell is going on?"

Carol Danvers didn't answer in a daze, she doesn't even know what's going on now!

After a long time, Carol Danvers got up from the ground and turned to look at Monica.

She was still there, and nothing had changed around her.

Could it this really not a dream?

If it's not a dream, is it real?

Carol Danvers suddenly felt chills all over her body and couldn't help shivering. If this is true...then...this is even scarier than the nightmare at the beginning!


Ps: Recommend my finished works: "Marvel: The King Comes", "Marvel: The Immortal Throne", "Zombie: The Strongest Reaper", "Marvel: Fruit of the Door", there are many words and all of them have been completed, and the volume is large To be killed!

Chapter 1006: Realized Soul Conduit

The sun was scorching and there was no cloud in the sky.

In her room at the Peggy Carter Villa.

Peggy Carter and Minerva stared blankly at the soul conduit that Su Sheng manifested, and they saw the entire process of manifestation.

From scratch.

No need for any materials, no need for any production, a soul conduit just appeared.

"This... this is not scientific!" Minerva said subconsciously.

Peggy Carter subconsciously nodded in agreement. This is really unscientific. How could someone manifest something out of thin air? This does not conform to any scientific law.

"Can this work?"

"You'll know if you check it." Su Sheng walked to Peggy Carter's side, reached out her hand to stop her shoulder, and said to Minerva a little unruly.

Minerva went straight over to check it out, and the results surprised her.

Although there is no experiment, she can be sure that this soul conduit is 100% real, and its internal structure is completely consistent. In other words... this thing can really work.

"Can you modify reality?"

Minerva looked at Su Sheng and said in surprise. "This method, this ability to present real objects, should modify reality?"

"Yes." Su Sheng smiled.

"Traveling through time, modifying reality?"

Minerva suddenly looked at Su Sheng in surprise. "Could it be that you got the Infinity Stones? I heard that there are Reality Stones and Time Stones in the Infinity Stones, but... no... Although the energy of the Infinity Stones is eternal, the ability to cast the Infinity Stones is not eternal , this modification of reality is not durable.”

"Can you blow up a planet with one punch?" Su Sheng asked suddenly.

Minerva shook her head. "cannot."

"Then can you crush a stone with one punch?" Su Sheng asked again.

Minerva nodded: "Yes, I understand. What you mean is... the results of different powers are naturally different? Can you make the modified reality permanent?"

Su Sheng shrugged with a smile. "I like chatting with you more and more now."

Minerva said: "I want to mate with you more and more now."

cough cough...

Peggy Carter coughed subconsciously. Although she already knew the purpose of Minerva following Su Sheng, Peggy Carter was a little unexpected when she said such words so clearly.

"You check the condition of this equipment first, and I will bring someone over at night." Su Sheng said to Minerva.

"it is good!"

Minerva also wanted to know if there was anything special about the manifested soul conduit.

"Have you finished dealing with your affairs?" Su Sheng asked Peggy Carter.

Peggy Carter nodded: "The two Cree people...I handed it over to S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Okay, as the last contribution you made after you left, I brought it back to you and thought you would hand it over to S.H.I.E.L.D. Good people do it to the end, you can tell S.H.I.E.L.D. that the Kree can research something that makes people The potion of resurrection." Su Sheng said.

Peggy Carter said with a serious expression. "I'm going right now."

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