Because he made a big fool of himself in Kandak, Albert was particularly eager to express himself this time.

Before Eagle Man could stop the fighter plane, he had already opened the hatch and jumped out.

"Shit!"Eagle Man cursed and adjusted the fighter plane to automatic mode.

"Let's go too!"

After saying that, Hawkman jumped down.

Tornado was a loyal fan of Hawkman, so he naturally followed and joined the battlefield with Hurricane.

Kent looked at the Helmet of Destiny and put it on


On the battlefield in Midway City, the human resistance army was defeated steadily and suffered heavy casualties.

At this moment, the giant transformed by Albert fell from the sky and crushed a bunch of little demons to death.

The huge weight caused strong seismic waves, knocking over other nearby demons.

Even on the human side, many people staggered due to his actions, and many of them kowtowed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."

Albert knelt down and apologized to those humans.

Then the little demons flying around in the sky focused on him and surrounded him like a swarm of flies to attack Albert.

He waved his two giant hands left and right, like swatting insects. Just shoot those little devils away

"who is he?"Some people looked up at the giant.

Then they were immediately scolded by the people around him:"You don't care who he is, as long as he is helping!"

As soon as the man heard this, he continued to attack the little devils.

More and more flying little devils gathered around Albert to harass him, making him unable to defend himself. He was attacked by these evil little devils several times. The thing scratched his face.

At this time, Eagle Man also arrived on the battlefield. He held an ax and fired his bow left and right, killing a demon every time.

The demon's blood splashed on him, giving him a murderous aura.

The whirlwind blew A tornado started and swept up all the demons. Albert saw the opportunity and slapped his hands together, killing a group of demons.

"Yue~ So disgusting."

He shook off the demon flesh and blood stained on his hands, but he didn't realize how many people would accidentally injure him if he did such a thing at his current size. Many people were smeared in the face by a pile of flesh and blood mixture as soon as they poked their heads out.

Even Hawkman, He was also accidentally hit because he was too close.

He waved his wings to shake off those things, and stared at Albert fiercely with his eyes.

Feeling a little embarrassed by his look, Albert raised his hands:"I'm sorry...

Eagle Man glared at him fiercely:"We will discuss this issue later, just you and me!""


Hawkman turned his attention back to the battlefield and called Doctor Destiny with some concern.


Dr. Destiny appeared in a burst of golden light.

Eagle Man immediately said:"We can't go on like this. The demons here are simply endless. We must find Sabak and kill him!"

"I'm doing it."Dr. Fate said to him,"But unfortunately, he has left here."

This is not a movie, and the current Shabak is not the real Ismail. He came for destruction.

So how can he stay here and give the heroes a chance to organize team battles?

After opening two hells in Midway City After confirming that the Justice League did not rush over immediately, Shabak flew towards the next location without stopping. The

Justice Association did not even touch its shadow.

It wanted to let the gate of hell open within one day. Every city in this country, every corner.

This kind of shoot-and-run tactic was used by Shabak, which made everyone feel helpless.

So when the suicide squad also rushed to Midway City for support, Amanda suddenly It was discovered that demonic incidents have begun to spread to other cities.

Demonic figures have been discovered in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and even Washington.

Harcourt rushed over to report to Amanda:"Someone discovered that there has been an unidentified guy. Cities across the United States opened their doors and let the demons in"

"Then send someone to deal with it!"Amanda said loudly

"We don't have enough people." Harcourt spoke out about the most serious issues at hand.

"What about the military? What is the military doing?"Amanda suddenly asked.

But Harcourt just shook his head. She really didn't know this.

Amanda immediately picked up the phone and dialed General Lane.

Although she had some military connections, how could she compete with him? It was better than Ryan, who had been immersed in it for many years.

But there was no answer there. Amanda's heart sank. She hung up the phone and called other military bosses she knew.

However, without exception, no one answered all the calls.

Amanda, who has a keen mind, felt a chill in her heart. She felt something was abnormal. Could it be that……

"Get ready, I'm going to the Pentagon in person!"

Harcourt received the order and was about to walk out, but was stopped by her again.


Harcourt turned his head when he heard this.

Amanda's face was uncertain, but after a moment, she made up her mind:"The plan changed and the destination was set in Gotham. Let's go see the Dark Knight."

This matter still needs the Justice League to take action.

…………(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Khandak Justice Building.

Dane stood in the middle of the hall, watching the live footage played on the screen.

On the large 360-degree screen, scenes of several cities being poisoned by demons were shown.

Sabak is like a cancer cell, spreading a virus called"The Devil" throughout the United States.

Dane is here to make a list. None of these demons that have invaded the world can escape.

Their souls all contribute to Dane's infernal plans.

Behind him, Zatanna walked over.

Seeing the tragedy happening on the screen, she felt compassion

"Are we really doing nothing? Dane came back to her senses and comforted her:"No, we are already doing it.""

The power of dreams has been fully deployed in the United States. Cortana uses the Dream Stone as the core to control every client in the United States, including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets, workstations, routers, gateways and other Internet-connected devices. Through enchantment.

Make sure that the power of the dreamstone covers every inch of the land. This is Dane's first attempt to combine technology and magic... The suit does not count, it is just a pile of materials, and Dane is not satisfied.

But this Once, the dream stone combined with modern technology had a very good effect.

Dane's ideal dream world has been built 99%, and it will be completely completed with only the last touch. Cortana will also benefit from it and become a real life.

She will become the dream god second only to Dane in this new dream world, and she will also be a new god who does not need faith.

Zatanna still couldn't bear it, she took Dane's arm:"Let's help them."

Zatanna rarely made requests to him, so Dane thought for a moment and nodded:

"If you want to help, bring Birds of Prey with you, but the Justice League has plans of its own"

"The devil is not the trouble, but the alien species that is causing trouble behind the scenes. We must eradicate the real masterminds."

Zatanna nodded and trotted off to discuss it with the Birds of Prey team.

Dane continued to stand in the hall, watching the fire from across the bank.


Gotham is pretty peaceful here.

Sabak did not choose to cause trouble in Gotham, and the city where the heroes of Zhenglian are located is still safe and sound.

This is of course because Shabak and the"parasite" groups it represents are very afraid of Zhenglian's power.

But it is also stuck in the bug, and Shabak believes that the heroes of Zhenglian are also worried that it will invade their city.

Therefore, as long as Zhenglian does not attack them, Shabak will not take the initiative to provoke them.

Amanda got out of the car in front of Wayne Manor, and as soon as she walked into the door, the door opened automatically.

Av is already waiting at the door

"Good day, Ms. Waller. Amanda nodded and said,"I want to see Batman."

Afu smiled:"There is only Mr. Wayne here, not Batman." Amanda didn't argue with him:"

Okay, I want to see Bruce Wayne.""

Alf led her into the house. In the living room, Amanda saw Bruce in casual clothes.

"There is chaos outside now. Amanda got straight to the point.

Bruce maintained his cynical persona:"I think Gotham is very safe.""

"That's only temporary. If you continue to ignore it, the war will burn here sooner or later."

"I'm just a businessman, Waller, what do you expect me to do? Donate? Or rebuilding after a disaster?"

"I hope to see Shazam!"Amanda ignored his sarcasm.

"You can like him on the official Kuai Dou account and maybe he will reply to you."

Damian, who was eavesdropping behind the door, almost laughed out loud. Bruce had a way of being eccentric.

But Amanda still didn't feel any weird. She lowered her head sincerely:

"No matter what grudges we have between us, for the sake of the world and innocent people, please help."

Bruce was silent for a while, and then suddenly said:"Aph, send Ms. Waller out."

He actually saw the guest off directly.

Afu was surprised for a moment, then calmed down his expression and stepped forward to ask Amanda to go out.

Amanda didn't hang around, she just looked at Bruce deeply.

After they went out, Bruce gave Dane Make a call

"That woman Amanda wants to see you."

I don't know what was said over there, but Bruce nodded:"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

After that, Bruce hung up the phone, stood up, and walked into his Batcave.

On the manufacturing platform in the cave, a Batfighter emitting eternal golden blue light was ready for battle.

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