"Dane, Batman is on his way."Cortana has been monitoring every hero of the Zhenglian Alliance and discovered Bruce's movements immediately.

Dane just nodded when he heard this and didn't say anything.

"Plug in Amanda Waller."

Cortana nodded and cast her dream magic.

In Gotham, Amanda was sitting in the commercial car and was worried.

Even though she looked calm and composed in Wayne Manor, she really didn't know what she was feeling. She was just forcing herself. Self-supported.

Amanda, who was deep in thought, suddenly found that the surroundings were a little quiet. She saw the car stop.

"what happened?"She asked the driver, but got no response.

So she took out a lady's pistol from her bag, opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as she landed, she found more abnormalities. Everything around her was still, as if someone had pressed the button pause button

"what happened?"

She could probably guess that this was a supernatural event, but she didn't know who was targeting her.

"Amanda Waller."

She turned back suddenly, raising the gun in her hand out of habit, only to see Shazam standing there.

"Shazam..." She put down the pistol

"I heard you wanted to see me."Dane's expression was light.

"The United States needs you."Amanda tried to play the righteous card.

But Dane smiled and said,"It doesn't look like it. Don't you have the Suicide Squad and the Justice Society? I saw them working very hard."

Dane can say something conscientious. His words were definitely not sarcastic.

But to Amanda's ears, it was clear that he was being sarcastic.

"We need more power, and...I hear you guys knew this was going to happen."

When Dane heard that she actually had the intention of blaming someone else and asking for culpability, he immediately said:

"If you can't get your attitude right, this conversation is over."

This attitude of asking for help? Dane turned around and wanted to leave.

"etc!"Amanda stopped him hastily,"I apologize to you for my attitude. Dane was not interested in playing language games with her anymore and said straightforwardly:

"I can tell you clearly that we have been paying attention to the enemy this time. The reason why we did not inform you is because you are not trustworthy. You know what I am talking about."

Whether it is the anti-heroic wave that suddenly arose in public opinion some time ago or the small actions secretly made by official organizations, it shows that the upper echelons of the United States have always been malicious towards superheroes.

Dane can understand it, but he cannot accept it if he is in a different camp.

Moreover, The most important thing is that the officialdom has been infiltrated by"parasites", and it is impossible to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

In this case, notifying the Sky Eye is tantamount to exposing oneself.

Amanda also understands this, and she is also very distressed.

Originally, Doctor Destiny She had already promised to the Sky Eye Club, and it only took a little time to completely catch all the"eyes" in the Sky Eye Club.

But she was so confused by the news about Tes Adam (ccfa) that she actually wasted this opportunity, but This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the problems they are facing now?

Amanda has a headache. The alien lurking thing is not over yet, and there is another demon thing. The broken house in the United States is now leaking from both ends.

She even doubts that the military Bian may have been controlled by alien creatures, so she did nothing in this incident.

Her guess was very close to the truth, but she still had a little imagination and did not expect that the two incidents were actually the same perpetrator.

"You want help from the Justice League, yes."Dane first said some exciting news for her, but then added

"But before that, I want to meet Mr. President"

"This is impossible!"Amanda subconsciously refused

"I need to discuss the positioning of Justice League with him in detail."Dane ignored her refusal.

Although the president of the United States is only a spokesman for capital, it does not mean that he is completely a puppet. It is undeniable that during his tenure as president, he can almost be called this The most powerful person in the world.

Especially in a country with huge global influence like the United States, a single word from the president can have a profound impact on the world.

"The president won't see you."Amanda frowned. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although there is no such saying in the United States as"a gentleman does not build dangerous walls", it has a similar meaning. You can see the president of a country if you want to. ?

"I think it would be more appropriate for you to ask the president to tell me this in person."Dane smiled meaningfully.

He is not just Shazam, but also capitalist Dane Davis.

As we all know, capitalists are the fathers of the United States, so he is also one of the fathers.

Pioneer Technology also has its own supporters in Congress Politicians, even in the military, have their own targets for support.

However, official positions are generally not high. It is not that they cannot be bribed, but politicians who have reached a certain level are masters of fish farming. Pioneer Technology has no interest in becoming a member of this pool of politicians. Fish.

After Amanda completed the task assigned to her by General Lane, she has been promoted to one of the chairpersons of the Sky Eye Society and has the right to directly contact the president.

Dane believes that the president must be in a state of distress now, and he will be willing to meet It's his own side.

Although it's not impossible for him to meet directly, it would mean bullying the weak. The Justice League cannot leave such an impression on others.

Otherwise, it would not be the Justice League, but the Crime Syndicate.

Amanda Seeing his insistence, she had no choice but to call the president's office.

To her surprise, the president agreed easily without any hesitation.

She didn't know but Dane knew very well, because Shabak The war has reached Washington, and the White House is now in danger. However, the military has still not made any move.

Thanks to the efforts of the"parasites" to infiltrate, it can be said that the United States is now completely paralyzed militarily, and any available The president had to fight for the power at this time.

Amanda was still in a daze after hanging up the phone. She knew that from this moment on, the Justice League was no longer just a civil organization.

When she looked up again, Shazam has disappeared, and the flow of time has resumed around her.

Gotham is like a paradise. After seeing too much chaos in the outside world, Amanda actually feels that this place is a very beautiful place.

She trembled, got into the car immediately, and told The driver enters a certain address and the car starts again.


At the same time, Dane also teleported into the White House and met the current president at the Firm Table.

They talked for a while and finally Dane left satisfied.

After he left, the staff asked the president worriedly:"Mr. President, this kind of thing..."

The president reached out and interrupted him:"If it was the United States in the past, of course I would not agree, but now the United States no longer has the ability to stop them. ,and…"

"We need the power of the Justice League now."

The staff did not speak. In the final analysis, they failed to live up to their expectations and were caught by the enemy. Now the military does not know what is going on and is completely unable to command.

However, the president had something deeper in mind and did not tell his staff.

The Eye of the Sky will He once reported to him the enemy's infiltration into their interior. At that time, he thought it was only a small part. Now it seems that the scope of the infiltration is absolutely unimaginable.

There is even a possibility that the upper echelons of the military have all All have been replaced, so now the military of the United States is the enemy of the United States.

And nuclear weapons are in their hands!

This is the most serious problem.

Fortunately, after experiencing the Beach City incident, they have made strict institutional reforms on the use of nuclear weapons. , it is impossible for the military alone to obtain the right to activate nuclear weapons.

Now nuclear weapons require the consent of the president, a majority of members of Congress, and the entire military before they can be activated. If one condition is missing, it is impossible to obtain an activation code.

But the president does not know that they How long can it last? I can only pray that the Justice League can really solve this problem perfectly...

After Dane returned to the Justice Building, he immediately contacted Martian Manhunter and asked him to take immediate action to catch the hidden spies within the military.

Nuclear weapons The president knows about this, and of course he knows it too.

Most of the heroes of the Zhenglian are not capable of dealing with nuclear weapons. Of course, this thing must be solved first.

At the same time, he also sent a message to other Zhenglian members, ready to start a group at any time!.

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