However, Cortana told Dane that it turned out that most of the members of the Zhenglian Alliance had spontaneously gone to other cities to provide disaster relief, and no member was really safe and sound in their own city.

"They all have restless tempers."

Dane understands them. Even though he has explained in advance that everything can be reset, they still can't bear to see those people suffer.

This kind of heroic plot is a common psychological phenomenon in the superhero world, but let Dane What he didn't expect was that even Batman would take action.

He clearly remembered that the Dark Knight was also terrifyingly cold-hearted when necessary.

"It seems that in the Justice League, I have the hardest and coldest heart. Dane sighed with emotion.

Cortana appeared from the void, stood beside him and said softly:"Of course you are not like that, Dane." Dane just smiled. He was actually not that sentimental, but he still enjoyed the feeling of being cared for.

"Where did Xiao Zha and the others go?"

Cortana called up the satellite positioning:"The satellite map shows that they are now in Central City."

Oh? The city where Flash Barry is located.

It should be almost soon before he becomes the Flash."

"Huh? Mera is there too?"

Dane saw Mera's logo on the map. Why did she join the Birds of Prey team?

Cortana explained to him that Mera couldn't sit still and she didn't like the entertainment methods of surface people. , so I can only use this method to relieve my boredom.

Good guy, you should go to Amazon!

"Dane, satellites have discovered UFOs appearing in outer space, and their target is the Earth!"

After Cortana finished speaking, she quickly switched the screen. In the satellite image, something shaped like a meteorite has broken through the atmosphere.

The target is Philadelphia!

"Superman has already gone to deal with it."Cortana then said.

Before Cortana called the police, Clark had already seen the meteorite from outer space with his own eyes and calculated its landing point.

He saw that Metropolis did not encounter demons like other cities. After the attack, he decided to leave for a while and help people in Philadelphia solve the problem of the meteorite.

So when the meteorite burst into the atmosphere, Clark had already flown into Philadelphia's airspace and was floating in front of the meteorite.

"Is that a bird?"

"No, that's a plane?"

"That's Superman!"

The people of Philadelphia were excited. They have not encountered an attack from demons so far.

The United States is still very big, and Shabak needs to be busy for a while.

Seeing the meteorite getting closer, Clark exploded the sonic boom cloud and rushed up, approaching the meteorite. He punched out his fist in an instant.

The speed of the two superimposed, producing astonishing kinetic energy. The meteorite exploded rapidly with Clark's fist as the center. Countless fist-sized gravels spread out like flowers and fell towards Philadelphia.

Clark didn't pay too much attention. Because at this height, those stones will basically burn and turn into non-lethal small grains of sand after falling to the ground.

But that is normal.

In Philadelphia, a figure who once appeared in the Pentagon looked at the sky. He seemed to be able to Through the clouds, I saw those countless scattered small stones.

They were not actually real meteorites, but nests of"parasites" that were just disguised as meteorites.

Superman's power is indeed very strong, and that punch would probably destroy it. He killed more than half of the"parasites", but there were still countless people who survived.

And they were about to be reborn in this city.

Just as he expected, those"meteors" landed on Philadelphia and quickly spread throughout the city Kai Lai.

The average individual is a"parasite" of less than ten grams, which is so small that it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Many Philadelphians were possessed by it without knowing anything, and their consciousness was instantly deprived of by this creature.

Like this There were a lot of people, but they all quietly occupied human bodies without making any noise, so no one noticed their abnormality for a while.

In the sky, Clark was satisfied with his results, and he solved another crisis.

However, the air distorted, and a phantom appeared in front of him. It was Dane.

"Clark, what you did this time was a bit reckless.

Clark said in surprise:"What's wrong?""

Dane reached out and pulled out a map from the void. It was a three-dimensional image of Philadelphia, in which there were thousands of humans marked in red.

"These are things that just fell from meteorites, and they possess humans.

Clark said in disbelief:"So that one just now was not a meteorite." Dane nodded:"If I guessed correctly, that should be their insect nest. Do you remember those parasites that Bruce found in Metropolis?" They are sending signals into outer space"

"This insect nest was probably summoned by them.

Clark looked ugly, and he quickly asked:"Can all this be undone?""

"When the incident is over, everything can be undone..." After saying this, Dane's figure has disappeared into the air.

In Los Angeles, Sabak encountered obstacles here.

"Dirty devil, how dare you do such a thing!"

Shabak looked at the woman in front of him who was wearing golden armor and carrying wings.

Who are you?

The person who stopped it was Gabriel. She has been living in the Los Angeles church.

This time she smelled the devil's scent. The smell just came. She couldn't believe that there was actually a lord-level demon so openly poisoning the"god"'s territory.

Gabriel drew out the sword from behind and raised his hand to slash a golden light, which Sabak easily dodged.

Scared it It was a big jump. What kind of powerful character did it think it was? That's it? Seeing that it dodged easily, Gabriel 's face became solemn and he turned on the halo mode. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The silver halo unfolded on her body, her combat power increased again, and her flying speed was so fast that she pulled out the afterimage.

She slashed Shabak with a sword, cutting a long wound on its red body.

The power of eternal metal is also the same To restrain its demonic power.

Shabak roared up to the sky, and the inverted five-pointed star on his chest suddenly spurted out a ball of hell flames, pushing Gabriel's body to fly out and hit the ground directly.

Shabak pointed at the wounds on his body. With a sharp stroke, the flame"welded" the wound back together like an electric weld.

As soon as it turned its head, a round hammer hit its face, knocking it down with huge force, just like when it threw Gabriel, that A hammer smashed it into the ground.

Gabriel quickly stood up from the pit and looked up. It was the person she didn't want to see.


The person who succeeded in the sneak attack was Hawkwoman. She had already set up an ambush at high altitude just for this attack.

Shayera looked at the angel below with some provocation:"You look very embarrassed."

Gabriel just snorted coldly and looked back at the big pit in the distance.

Of course, this injury can't be done to Shabak. In the blink of an eye, it stood up like nothing happened.


The new member of Zhenglian, Hawkgirl, this is the information that the"parasites" know.

However, the intelligence also shows that her abilities are more concentrated in the N-type armor, and she is not very strong.

So Sha Buck was ready to kill the opponent, but before it could take action, Gabriel rushed up first, and the big sword fell towards it again.

This time, Shaback did not dare to directly take her attack, and rushed back. He took a step back and got out of the way of the sword.

But Hawkgirl also joined the battle at the same time, and struck it down with a hammer while it was guarding Gabriel!

Sabak raised his hand to hold the round hammer, and the metal thorns on it pierced into its palm, but It didn't realize it and knocked Hawkgirl away with one punch.

Shabak's body is indeed weaker than the Shazam series in terms of hardness, but its recovery ability is extremely powerful, and all injuries can be regenerated almost instantly.

Just two breaths With a little effort, the wound caused by N on its palm has been completely healed.

Gabriel continued to chase Shabak to attack.

Shabak felt like a tiger biting a hedgehog with nowhere to bite.

Gabriel's equipment was too luxurious, It had nothing on its hands, so it was at a huge disadvantage.

When it suffered in close combat, it used magic attacks, bringing hellfire with it in every fight, making Gabriel play cautiously.

But after all, Sabak had all-round attributes. Better than Gabriel, he quickly used his powerful strength and speed to beat her to the left and right.

At this time, Hawkgirl came up with the hammer again, two against one, which was extremely ungrateful!

But the effect was good, and for a moment she actually relied on In terms of fighting skills, he fought with Shabak on a par.

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