After all, Shabak has just become a demon lord and is not yet proficient in using his power. Like Shazam, he should be positioned as a mage rather than a warrior.

But unfortunately, Beelzebub, who was supposed to give it magic knowledge, had been killed by Dane, so that its magic reserves were very scarce.

For a while, he couldn't find a faster way to deal with these two women.

But this situation did not last long. Some basic magic was engraved on Shabak's body like instinct, and it could be cast without the need for deep magic knowledge.

Shabak raised his fists with both hands, and the fire of hell was pulled out of the abyss, covering his whole body in an instant.

The weapons swung by Hawkgirl and Gabriel were caught by his left and right hands, and the flames of hell burned along the weapons on their bodies, and then suddenly exploded!

Shabak was about to continue the attack when his ears suddenly heard a sonic boom coming from the sky.

He looked up and saw a fist as big as a casserole hitting his face, hammering him into the ground again.

It’s Shazam!

Hawkwoman and Bailey flew over quickly

"Shazam!"Four seven seven"


The two women spoke at the same time and looked at each other at the same time, as if there was an electric connection in their eyes.

"The parasites are starting to gather here. You two should be able to identify them. If you encounter them, don't hesitate to kill them directly."

After that, Dane rushed towards Sabak who stood up.

Hawkwoman and Gabriel temporarily put aside their conflicts and joined forces again.

They followed Dane's words and searched for those hidden in the crowd in the city.""Alien".

Both of their equipment can be connected to Cortana, and with her help they can identify those things.

After the meteorite landed, Shazam knew that their final trump card had been played.

He passed Cortana Na's surveillance found that those"parasites" began to gather at Shabak's location.

Their ultimate goal is still unknown, but it must be related to Shabak.

""Parasite" worked hard to obtain the power of magic. The purpose should not only be to create an individual with magical power. The ultimate goal should be related to the flaws that Dane had discovered.

Originally Dane wanted to wait and see. What kind of work can they do, but considering that they have already made an agreement with the president, they can't put it off, so let's officially start the group.

Shabak also seemed to have a premonition of the crisis, and he was shocked, and the energy in his body Fierce fire erupted from every inch of its skin.

Dane blocked his face with his arms, and the flames burned on him, but it did not hurt him at all.

Just kidding, he now has the power of the Sun God in his body, which means he can fly into the sun. There would be no problem taking a bath, let alone the hell fire?

But Shabak's purpose was not to hurt him with fire, but to complete a magic circle.

The flames dissipated, and a huge five-pointed star appeared under Shabak's feet. It was burning with raging fire.

Dane felt that the key to hell seemed to vibrate, and he frowned. This meant that there was a stronger demon lord who violated the rules of hell and forced his way out.

But this was all in the sand. It was done with Buck's voluntary cooperation.

Good guys, you are very brave to break through the door in front of the administrator.

Five doors were opened at the five tips of the inverted pentagram, and five big demons flew out.

Five demon lords, Satan, Ani, Belial, Asmerton and Cretes, came to the world!

Asmerton looked at Shabak:"Very good, you have indeed fulfilled your promise!"

"Ah ~ this fragrant aroma." Belial took in a breath of intoxication, as if he wanted to inhale all the fragrance of the soul into his nose.

As soon as Ani saw Shazam, he immediately summoned his demon army.

26 legions responded to his call from hell and formed a large army around them. Reborn on the ground.

Dane did not hesitate to start shaking people. Under his emergency contact, all members of the Zhenglian responded positively.

The light of teleportation flashed around Dane one after another, and figures emerged one after another.

When the last one After the members also emerged from the teleportation light, Dane pointed at the six demon lords and their demon army opposite

"Justice League, attack!"

Shazam and Superman took the lead, picking the two strongest opponents and punching at the same time. The physical attacks of the two demigods were invincible, and they sent out a shock wave with one punch. The aftermath alone destroyed all the buildings along the way, even the reinforced concrete. Cracks were shaken under the waves of air.

The first punch of Shazam and Superman sent both of them flying.

They looked at each other, then separated left and right, flying towards their opponents.

Superman chased Asmo. Suddenly, Shazam chased Satan. He always felt that something was wrong with this demon.

He was extremely sensitive to energy. This guy who called himself"Satan" was not hammered to death in hell. He must be extraordinary. Dane found one. The energy intensity in his body was too high! He was almost at the same level as other demons!

Satan stopped in mid-air, looked around, and suddenly said something

"Your place here should be a dream world, right?"

Dane suddenly raised his head and looked at him carefully.

This demon did not have the same ferocious appearance as other demon lords. He had the appearance of a human, just like Lucifer.

Huh? The same as Lucifer?

Dane suddenly thought, Luo Shan Ji is Lucifer's territory!

Even if he doesn't care about foreign affairs, he will never allow other demons to run wild on his territory!

And Dane has always suspected that Lucifer may be involved in this incident, but if Lucifer is unwilling , who can force him?

Or in other words, with Lucifer's status, what kind of devil can ask him to take action?

Associating these clues together, the identity of the person in front of him is almost ready to be revealed.

Dane tried:"Are you a First Fallen?"

The First Of The Fallen (The.First.Of.The.Fallen), whose real name is unknown. It is rumored that he is God's first creation, God's partner and the incarnation of His conscience.....(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, for some reason, he began to think that God might be a madman, so he was exiled from heaven to hell by this"madman" and became the first fallen person..

In Hell, the First Fall became its first ruler and the first Satan.

Later, it was he who initiated the rule that"Satan" became the Trinity. He and the other two demons became the subsequent rulers of hell.

Until Lucifer fell, the struggle between them lasted for a long time, and finally Lucifer succeeded in seizing the throne of Satan.

If it were him, he would indeed be qualified to name himself"Satan".

Let me tell you a little trivia here. The man who cured Kang's lung cancer in the movie"Hell Detective" was not Lucifer in the original comics, but the First Fallen.

In the comics, hell is still ruled by three fallen people, headed by the First Fallen, and Zha Kang sold his soul to three people at the same time, causing internal strife among them.

The First Fallen was surprised. He didn't expect anyone to know about his deeds!

You must know that in human legends, Lucifer has always been the original fallen one.

"You know a lot."

The First Fallen restrained his smile. Since the other party knows his identity, he has lost the greatest deterrence in the eyes of the other party.

After all, the deterrence of magic lies in its mystery. Once the mystery is lost, its power will be greater. reduce

"Did Lucifer tell you that? But he quickly rejected his idea,"No, he doesn't have that kind of character.""

Dane sprinted forward, and the superimposition speed of the two divine powers made him incredibly fast.

0.7 The First Fallen only took a slight step away before being punched in the face by Shazam and sent flying upside down again.

"No matter who you are, you are causing trouble on my territory. If you don't leave something behind, don't even think about going back."

Although the First Fallen has a great reputation, he actually can't beat Lucifer, it's just a clone.

Dane is not even afraid of Lucifer, so he is afraid of him as a loser? Fuck him!

The First Fallen was punched twice in a row There was also some anger on his face. He stopped his body and rushed forward to fight with Dane.

"You are so brave!"

When it comes to trash-talking, Dane has never been inferior.

"Wouldn't it be better for a mere loser to just hide in hell and retire? If you have to run out, no wonder God looks down on you, trash!"

This sentence accurately hit the pain point of the newly fallen, and he flew into a rage, stimulating the magic power in his body, and knocked Dane away.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the sky cracked like glass, which was a sign that the dream was about to split.

But Dain En just raised his hand and gently brushed it, and the crack was closed.

He sneered at the First Fallen:"You entered my territory, you can come and leave whenever you want?".

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