Angeles quickly prepared holy water, which was everywhere in Los Angeles.

Gabriel reluctantly cut a wound on his body and took a little bit stingily.

She is no longer than before, her body is very delicate and soft. Fortunately, the magic attached to this suit is good, and her wounds are quickly healed.

She put her own blood into a test tube and threw it into the sky, and the holy blood escaped into the void.

The next moment, the holy blood and holy water were in Dane's hands.

He crushed the test tubes containing the two liquids to mix the liquids inside, and then compressed them with the high pressure of his palms.

The holy blood and holy water produced a strange magical reaction, mixing into a cinnabar-like crystal.

He quickly glued a little bit with his thumb and drew an ankh on the palm of his left hand and a cross on the palm of his right hand. After finishing the drawing, his hands immediately produced an indescribable magic power.

The First Fallen smelled danger, but before he could figure out what it was, Dane's fist struck again.

The first fallen stepped forward to fight,After the move, Dane found an opportunity and struck him in the face with a palm, instantly causing the First Fallen to feel the pain of being branded by a red-hot discus!


This is a curse from God, and the First Fall is spurned by everything in heaven.

The blood of the holy virgin has the power of faith, and the holy water reaches the Silver City directly, working both ways.

In addition, Dane painted the Talisman of Life on his left hand, which is the opposite force to hell. It is also a token that the"Death" of the Endless Family wears on his chest all year round, and it has huge energy.

The right hand is the sacred cross, which can punish all unclean people.

After this combination of punches, the First Fallen couldn't resist immediately, and was beaten by Dane until he ran away with his head in his arms.

This effect is no less than when he beat Superman with a kryptonite glove. How can it be so good?

The First Fallen didn't dare to compete with him, so he could only dodge. As he ran, he yelled,"Despicable and shameless!"

No matter what he said, Dane kept pursuing him.

But the First Fallen also has a temper. Although he does not have a biological force field, he has a special aura similar to the principle. He picked up the building on the side of the road and threw it at Dane!

Dane tore apart the reinforced concrete of the building with his hands, and among the gravel and flying steel bars, he saw a long gun, or was it a spear?

He felt the extremely threatening force from above and flew back. The tip of the spear passed through the tip of Dane's nose, as if it cut through the space directly.

The curtain of the dream world was cut open again, and the slashes made by the gun blade even affected other people's battlefields.

Gabriel looked up and exclaimed:"The Spear of Longinus!"

This god-killing spear of the First Fallen is the original version. It was once used when the Son of God led the angels to fight against the Fallen Lucifer. The gun drank the blood of the Son of God, so the gun body turned completely blood red.

It is also the most powerful weapon against the divine body!

But I didn’t expect that this artifact would actually be in the hands of the First Fallen!

The First Fallen held a gun and sneered. Since you don't want to talk about martial ethics, then everyone should stop talking about it.

He pointed his gun at the sky, and the thunderclouds were suddenly dyed blood red. The clouds split open, revealing a bottomless pit.

It was the abyss of hell, and countless ferocious, deformed, and indescribable monsters came out of the abyss.

Faceless giants, oozing flesh, pale worms, rotting tentacles.

Among these abyssal alien species, you can see huge brain tissue sprouting countless arms, and you can see brainless giants with countless eyeballs, each of which reveals the opposite of life. greediness.

The looks of many abyssal creatures, even if placed in hell, would make people feel crazy.

This is probably the"deep sea creature" in hell. No one can see it anyway, and its appearance is very random.

But in fact, these creatures are the real demons of hell. They are weird creatures from another dimension.

It is the earliest referent of the word"devil".

As soon as they landed on the ground, they couldn't wait to start killing and eating. They were more cruel than the demon army summoned by Aini!

The Hai Clan soldiers bear the brunt!

They completely treat human beings as snacks and playthings, and every move reveals their blasphemy against life and their contempt for all things.

All members of the Justice League were outraged, and unanimously chose to focus their fire on these alien monsters.

Green Lantern uses the power of the Lantern Ring to manifest a giant robot with a bolt gun in his left hand and a chainsword in his right hand, and kills the weird and huge monsters.

Batman flies a fighter plane across the sky, using energy weapons made of eternal metal to shoot at those flying monsters, and the effect is outstanding!

Nightwing and Red Hood wore Eternal-N suits and fought fierce battles with those demons. The powerful technology and magical power of the suits gave them the strength to fight against the demons.

Black Canary and Barbara were also brought here by Poison Ivy and Harley, and the Birds of Prey team assembled again!

"I think we should put the controversy aside for now, what do you think?"

Barbara looked at the scene in front of her that was like a drawing from hell, and said to the Huntress. (To read exciting novels, go to FLU Novel Network!)

The Huntress put on the new suit she just got, this is Poison Ivy and Harley asked Dane to help her do it.

She felt that there was plenty of power in her body, and nodded to Barbara:"Let us kill these Son.Of.Bitch"

Mera temporarily joined them:"Count me in one!"

The girls entered the battlefield and attacked the demon army with other heroes.

Black Canary screamed with the greatest power in her life, and the huge sound wave destroyed the 30-story building.

The floors collapsed, crushing countless demon armies on the street. Crush it into mud!

Mera used water magic with both hands, and the underground water was led out by her, and she cooperated with other heroes to strangle the demon trolls.

Barbara and Huntress worked together to kill the humanoid monsters in the legion.

Superman and Martian Manhunter also did not Without holding on, the two men fired red energy beams from their eyes to kill the huge demonic creatures.

In this dream world where Dane banned magical power, those weird creatures could not use magic attacks against them, so in physical combat Falling into a total disadvantage.

But there are many of them, very many!

The abyss in the sky is still pouring out the monsters in the abyss. As long as this hole is not blocked, the demon army on the ground will continue to appear.

The demon lords each burst out their magic power, trying to completely flood the land with the breath of hell.

"Soon, your dream will be shattered by the dreamer's despair."The First Fallen laughed.

When all the dreamers die in their dreams, the dream will naturally be broken.

In that case, can those who have experienced failure in the dream still have the courage to continue fighting?

The answer is obvious.

Dane did not speak. He felt the fear that spread throughout the city and even the country, and finally took out another artifact in his collection.

——Light ring.

He put the light ring holding the Parallax monster on his hand.

For a long time, he has been studying how to fuse green light and yellow light. Theoretically, all colors of light originate from the same beam of light, so of course they can be recombined into new colors of light.

In his own"inspiration" dream, after thousands of failures, he finally used these two colors to blend a new light.

It is a yellow-green complex light, which enhances the intensity of hard light and eliminates the defects of yellow light that easily lead to depravity.

And he also has the ability to bring fear to others or absorb fear. The stronger his willpower, the stronger his power will be.

It can be said that it combines all the advantages of two colors of light. As for its color, the color of composite light is more pleasing to the eye than that of single color light.

The First Fallen is also a well-informed person. He frowned immediately when he saw this.

"Color light weapon? You actually have such a thing?"

Dane held up the light ring high. On the yellow-green (Nuo Zhao Zhao) ring, a huge strange insect was looming. It looked up to the sky and roared. The parallax monster opened its mouth wide, and the fear of hundreds of millions of people in the United States gathered from all directions.

Dane controlled Adjust the absorption intensity to prevent the Parallax Monster from taking advantage of this opportunity to suck everyone to death.

How strong is the power of hundreds of millions of people?

Even if each person only contributes a little bit, it is still an extremely huge amount of energy. Otherwise, Kakarot Why do you always use vitality bombs to turn the tables?

Dane didn't do those fancy things. He pointed his hands at the sky, and the energy in his hands was almost uncontrollable. The

First Fallen felt the power in his palms. It was scary, so I hurriedly avoided it.

The light ring erupted with strong power of colored light, and a beam of light shot straight into the sky like the legendary Tower of Babel. The huge light pressure and wind pressure pushed the air, and destroyed the buildings within a hundred miles around Dane. Destroy them all.

The abyss in the sky first withstood the attack of the light pillar. The power of these hundreds of millions of people shattered the mouth of the abyss. The energy poured into it like a world-destroying flood, blowing up its passage. The light pillar went up all the way, and the aftermath was endless. Stopping, it broke through the troposphere and stratosphere all the way, but it continued upward!

Until it tore apart the ionosphere and magnetosphere, exposing the dark universe to everyone's eyes.

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