Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the sky in shock.

In the dark starry sky, it seems like you can still feel the cosmic rays hitting your skin, leaving a stinging sensation.

Seeing the vastness of the sky, everyone seemed to feel that they were no longer so afraid in their hearts.

In fact, Dane sucked away the fear and temporarily relieved their emotions.

The first fallen person is far away and is not affected by the color light energy.

The source of colored light energy is white light, which is the origin of life and its nemesis.

Although the yellow-green light has a lower restraint effect on him than white light, it is no less powerful than holy water and can really hurt him.

The First Fallen's face looked a little dark at this time. There were only a few forces in the entire universe that restrained him.

As a result, even the opponent knew it but didn't tell it, and still had it, who the hell could he reason with!

But after all, he is an old demon who has been famous for many years, and he will not give up so easily. He still has the God-killing Spear in his hand.

Dane inspired the power of the lamp ring, superimposed the power of the Egyptian sun god, and built himself an armor full of divinity, which was directly modeled after Thanos' armor.

When the Fallen One rushed over with a gun, he grabbed it with his hands manifested by lustful light.

The colored light energy was rapidly consumed by the impact of Longinus's gun, but was replenished by the constant stream of energy from the Parallax monster, showing an evenly matched situation!

Dane's two hands were occupied, but two new hands"grew" from behind him and hit the First Fallen on the face, and the pain like being burned appeared on his face again.

He activated the gun body, and sharp bloody thorns suddenly sprouted from where Dane's hands were holding them. Fortunately, they were blocked by the gauntlets, so he was not injured.

The trouble with this gun 217 is that it is a god-killing gun. Even if it is a god's body, after being stabbed, the wound will be difficult to heal.

The First Fallen glanced at him with a sneer, and the scars on his face healed quickly, as if it had never been just an illusion.

"It does surprise me that you can master the power of color light, but you can't kill me with this alone."

He is right. Although in terms of combat power, the First Fallen is not considered the strongest. He is not a multiverse-level boss like Lucifer. There is a God in every multiverse. They are The avatar of Almighty God.

The First Fallen is just a creature created by some of the avatars of God. In terms of level, it should be said that it is very high in the current universe, but it is nothing in the face of the multiverse. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to defeat the road. Western, and also a clone of Lucifer, so Dane is not afraid of this opponent at all.

But the biggest trouble with this kind of opponent is that he can live long enough and has a very long origin.

This is the same as the"heel" in the prehistoric world. Argument.

As the first life created by God, many multi-level beings have to give him three points of respect, including Lucifer and Sandman Morpheus.

Out of love, Sandman once promised to the First Fallen, He will not die at the hands of"dream".

The Sandman said it lightly, but this cut off Dane's idea of ​​easily squeezing him to death with the power of dreams, and could only trap him here.

The power of color and light can It hurts him, but cannot kill him completely, unless it is white light, which may be possible. The same is true for holy water. It represents God's rejection of the First Fallen, but in terms of lethality, it can only be said to be yes, but it is better than nothing.

In the comics Constantine once tricked him into drinking holy water, but apart from giving him a stomachache, it was nothing.

So the First Fallen was confident and had a headache...

However, Dane looked at him strangely:"Even if I do take it You can't help it, but isn't this the same thing for you?"

Similarly, in this dream world, the First Fallen have nothing to do with Dane. As long as Dane is not directly stabbed in the heart by the spear of Longinus... In fact, the stabbing is useless!

Dane's true body But the God of Death!

He was stamped by"Death" himself, and only"Death" can take him away. Not to mention the gun of Longinus, even if Almighty God comes, he has to fight"Death" first.!

When the First Fallen heard Dane’s words, he smiled cunningly.

"Shazam, do you remember where Shabak went?"

Dane frowned, looked around, and found that there was no trace of Shabak on the battlefield.

The First Fallen was confused by him:"Shabak has never been complete. I'm not talking about his body, but his soul.."

He saw Dane's surprised look and laughed proudly:"Do you think we didn't find anything abnormal about that soul? But we don't care at all! His expression suddenly turned cold and stern:"As long as he can help us get the human world, it doesn't matter what it is.""

Dane didn't speak, as if he was shocked. The

First Fallen continued:"But he has a flaw, yes, we can see it, his soul is not complete, so his power is far from reaching Peak level.

But we are sure that as long as he fills in those missing parts, he will become the new Demon King, a real Demon King, even surpassing you and surpassing the peak Wizards Council!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a hellfire rising into the sky in the distance, burning half of the sky. The overwhelming magic power seemed to be endless. The gates of hell began to open across the United States, and countless demonic armies invaded (cdfa) the human world.

Just as the First Fallen said, Shabak finally completed the last step, merging all the"parasite" bodies into one and returning to the original state.

Now, it is no longer a"parasite", and it is no longer a"parasite". Demon Shabak, it is a new individual, it is called Parasitic Demon!

"Now, we feel, great!"

The size of the parasitic demon has expanded to four meters high, which is still its normal size.

As for its abilities...

The parasite easily inserted its fingers into the cracks in the ground of the building and pulled it upwards. The building was easily pulled up by it. It waved its hand and threw the entire building towards the heroes of the Justice League.

"Holy. Shit!"Nightwing was within the attack range of the building. He couldn't help but uttered a curse word, and then ran away madly.

Upon seeing this, Hawkgirl flew directly to the building, held the hammer in both hands, and smashed it fiercely.

The N-type circle The head hammer shone with dazzling white light, and the concussive force spread from point to surface, shattering the building!

"Well done!"Harley yelled.

Poison Ivy activated her power, and huge and thick vines grew out of the ground, entangling the parasite in the blink of an eye.

She squeezed it to the middle, but it still broke apart from the vines. An arm.

Black Canary approached it and screamed with all its strength.

The vines were quickly shattered under the attack of sound waves, and the parasitic demon's huge body was also blown away, but it quickly stabilized its body.

It suddenly moved towards As the Black Canary opened its bloody mouth, a stronger sound wave energy was spit out, blowing the earth away.

The huntress used the rope to pull her back in time, avoiding the attack range of the sound wave.

The Black Canary stood still In shock, she grabbed the huntress, pointed at the parasitic demon and said:"Helena, it..."

Helena nodded solemnly:"It can actually absorb your abilities."

On the other side, Wonder Woman rushed towards the Parasite Demon.

She split open the body of the parasitic demon with a sword. The bones were almost visible, but there was no blood inside, just a wriggling mass of flesh and blood.

The parasitic demon laughed wildly and punched Diana away with one punch, becoming even stronger than before.

Martian Manhunter is waiting for an opportunity, using his mindHe tried to sneak attack on it, but was injured by the pure desire to kill and eat in the heart of the parasitic demon, and was caught by the parasitic demon.

He suddenly noticed that his power was losing. Martian Manhunter was shocked and struggled desperately, shooting red lasers from his eyes to attack the parasite.

Unexpectedly, the Parasitic Demon also had red eyes, and fired a thicker red ray to confront Martian Manhunter. In the end, Martian Manhunter was the first to be defeated!

He couldn't help but activate his virtualization ability and temporarily separated his body from the material world. He finally escaped from the clutches of the devil, but the parasitic demon had already absorbed enough energy.

Batman saw some clues on the fighter plane, and immediately controlled the fighter plane to launch Eternal Gold missiles, blasting away the parasitic demon.

At the same time, he shouted in the channel:"It can absorb your superpowers. All superhumans, step back. Hal, you come with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hal Jordan immediately understood, and the green light dragged The first long giant whip, with a round hammer at the other end, hit the parasite demon hard.

It cannot absorb the energy of green light, nor can it absorb Green Lantern's abilities.

Because it comes from the lamp ring, but also from Hal's firm will and heart. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is something that the parasitic demon cannot copy!

Batman saw the opportunity and immediately activated the energy weapon in the fighter plane. The huge blue light pillar hit the parasite, pressing it into the ground like an earth drill and burying it with the hell magma..

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