The magic power of eternal metal is essentially a kind of natural force, and it is also a power that the parasitic demon cannot replicate.

Batman quickly grasped the point, but their output ability was not enough.

A ball of fire juice suddenly exploded from the hell magma, and the parasitic demon jumped out of it. This jump was hundreds of meters high, and its target was Batman's fighter plane.

Batman saw this scene from the glass cover of the fighter plane, and felt a little nervous.

But the next moment, Superman flew from the other side and knocked the parasitic demon away.

In the sky, Dane witnessed the parasitic demon showing off its power, and turned to look at the First Fallen

"Is this your plan? Shape these aliens into a new demon king, for what purpose?"

The first fallen man smiled slightly, showing the elegance of a gentleman.

"Shazam, why do you think there are six demon lords in the Rock of Ends?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge amount of magic suddenly surged from his body, but it was not an isolated force.

Dane turned his attention to other battlefields and discovered that other demon lords also had profound magic bursting out.

He frowned slightly, and at this moment he suddenly realized that the magic ban he had set had been broken.

He looked at the First Fallen again, and the original demon king laughed and said:"See it, the power of the six-in-one!"

Throughout the city of Los Angeles, churches suddenly burst into flames, and the flames of hell will Everything sacred was burned to the ground.

Then the flames of hell began from the church and spread throughout the city.

The earth cracked, crimson magma gushes out from the ground, and countless demons wandering around stretched out their claws towards the world.

Dane sensed that the hell dimension was approaching the human world through the hell key bound to it.

The dream is now the last barrier of the earth. Once the dream is broken, hell and the world will merge into one.

Six demon lords formed the six-pointed star array.

Good guy, it’s actually a six-pointed star array. The First Fallen is mocking God in his face!

The hexagram is also called the Star of David or the six-pointed star. It is a very important symbol in Jewish culture. This sect is also one of the God-worshipping sects.

Therefore, the meaning of the hexagram is actually equivalent to that of the cross, both symbolizing the power of God.

And now the First Fallen uses the six-in-one demonic power to launch a hell ritual and synthesize the hell's six-pointed star array to open the door to hell. This is simply a direct attack on God.

Naked, naked, blasphemous!

Just as Dane was marveling at the First Fallen's thoughts, the First Fallen had quietly activated a long-hidden magic.

He cut off his own arm and threw it at Dane, then threw the Spear of Longinus.

The gun body caught up with the arm, pierced it, and then instantly transformed into a huge blood-red hand, grabbing Dane into the palm of his hand.

Dane's whole body instantly erupted with intense lightning, and the power of lightning leaked from the cracks in his fist, as if it was about to break through the seal at the next moment.

The First Fallen yelled:"It's now!"

The six-pointed star array reorganized with Dane as the center. The demonic power exploded, and a strong suction force sucked Dane into it. In an instant, he had lost track of him.

"I have to stay in hell and watch him. You must break through the dream he set as quickly as possible!"

After saying that, the figure of the First Fallen flashed and also entered hell.

In hell, Dane felt that his body was going down, all the way down.

He tried to fly up or regain his balance, but it was useless. The divine power was here. He didn't get any response.

He immediately understood where this place was.

Legend has it that after Lucifer failed to resist Heaven, he fell from Heaven for nine days before falling into a space called Chaoplasm, which is the predecessor of hell, a dark and empty space. The death world of objects.

Even Lucifer could not resist the force of falling, proving that this area of ​​the air should be a forbidden area where the use of flying magic is prohibited.

Dane tried again, and even the power of color and light could not be used here.

But he has a third way. Although he has never used it or mentioned it to others, the suit he wears is actually made of nanotechnology.

He also carries Cortana's child with him. body program

"Cortana, unfold the nanosuit."

Dane never thought that this plan would actually come into use one day. Cortana followed the instructions and"flowed" countless nanobots from the lightning symbol on his chest, and combined them all over his body to form a new nanosuit. Dane's own power of thunder and lightning was used as the power source.

The anti-gravity system used Krypton's ghost engine, and Dane miniaturized it. This way, he finally stopped his downward trend.

He put the ring on his hand Pointing forward, the yellow-green light shines out, extending far away, but still can't see the end.

Although the light ring can no longer play its due role, there is still no problem in simply lighting up.

It's just that you can't see it now. It doesn't mean much, since there is no reference object that can provide direction.

Dane is still thinking about whether to use the Hell Key to leave here.

Obviously this place is also part of Hell. As long as he is still in Hell, he can instantly Move out.

But as soon as he had this idea, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed him.

It was the First Fallen!

Dane was surprised that he actually followed him in.

"You actually have a technological suit hidden away!"

Unexpectedly, the First Fallen was even more surprised. He thought Dane had already fallen to the bottom, but he didn't expect that he could use the power of technology to stay in that area.

Dane narrowed his eyes, and suddenly hit the First Fallen with a punch. face, hitting him farther away.

Sure enough, for the First Fallen, the forbidden magic field here is also effective.

Then why is Dane so polite?

He immediately used the nano-suit to fly over and hit the opponent directly. He used a set of combination punches, and each punch sent out a shock wave.

With the air superiority, he"bullied" this old man who didn't know how many years he had lived.

The First Fallen did not make any preparations and could only be depressed. He could withstand the blow from Dane, but that was all. Such a blow could not kill him.

After reaching the bottom, he would let Dane see what cruelty is! (For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Dane also knew what he was paying attention to, but he was not interested in waiting for nine days to fall, so he grabbed the First Fallen and used the maximum propulsion force to rush himself and the other party to the bottom of the abyss.

I don’t know what happened. How long, maybe a few hours, maybe a few days, when he saw the ground, he suddenly felt that his magic and divine power could be used.

He and the First Fallen looked at each other at the same time, and both sides chose to go first. Strike to gain strength!

But Dane was one step ahead of him. In the real world, the First Fallen had been preparing for a long time to bring him in, and Dane also had a move that he had been preparing for a long time. He was waiting for this moment.

He hit the First Fallen with one punch. chest, but the other party laughed and said:"You wasted this opportunity!"

Unexpectedly, the corners of Dane's mouth turned up:"That's not necessarily the case!"

The kiss of death is back!

It was hidden in the armor of the suit, and was unexpectedly not discovered by the First Fallen. When he really discovered it, the kiss of death had already stabbed his heart. The strong power of death instantly The explosion spread like poison to the First Fallen's body. He grabbed Dane's arm with a look of disbelief on his face.


Aren't you fucking Shazam? Where does the power of death come from?

Fuck! Lucifer tricked me!

He was not an idiot, and he instantly realized that Lucifer still had many things that he had not confessed to him.

Dane raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the sinister feeling unexpectedly made him feel happy.

He approached the First Fallen and said softly:"Shazam."

A huge thunder came out of the void, more spectacular than any thunder summoned by Dane in the past.

It hit Dane and the First Fallen directly, giving the First Fallen an even more fatal blow to the already seriously injured First Fallen!

Shazam's body disappears, and Dane reveals his death side.

Under the hood, his golden pupils stared at the First Fallen, causing him to feel chilled all over.

Two seconds later, the two fell to the ground, like a meteorite falling into hell, causing a violent earthquake.

However, these physical injuries to the First Fallen were far less harmful than the poisonous thorn in his chest. He tried his best to resist the invasion of the power of death, but he was still defeated by this power.

He didn't understand, he wasn't willing to accept it.

He has seen many Death Gods in the human world, and some Death Gods even appear in hell, but they are all just the playthings of the First Fallen.

What kind of death is Shazam? Can you actually have such ability? Even he couldn't resist it.

Dane spread his hands, and an ancient book written on papyrus instantly appeared in his palms. The First Fallen's pupils shrank.

He knew the book, it was the Book of the Dead!

Dane held the book in his left hand and stretched out his right hand. The gift of life appeared in his palm, and this hand grabbed the face of the First Fallen.

A scream echoed throughout the abyss and hell..

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