"Shazam——!"The parasite roared angrily, and tried to catch Dane with a big hand.

Dane flew away and hit the parasitic demon's chest with his fists continuously, making a loud noise like thunder.

The ground they were on was sinking little by little under Dane's continuous blows, and the already overwhelmed continental shelf began to break.

The inverted pentagram on the parasitic demon's chest lit up with fire and spewed out the flames of hell.

Dane retaliated, and the lightning symbol on his chest flashed with explosive lightning, hitting the flames of hell.

The parasitic demon has absorbed the magic power of many superheroes and Scylla, and is extremely energetic.

Dane possesses the infinite energy of the Dream Stone, and with the superposition of his own double power of the Six Gods, his power is endless.

The energy impact from both sides spread outwards, and the huge heat energy burned the earth like the sun falling.

The ground for thousands of miles around was ablated by the heat energy escaping from the energy conflict between the two sides, and the reinforced concrete was burned into a red sticky substance.

Martian Manhunter would never dare to stay in a place like this.

The parasitic demon was surprised by the opponent's energy intensity. He was worthy of being the leader of Zhenglian. This kind of power was indeed not on the same level as others. but!

The parasitic demon's mouth cracked into a big smile. Dane's energy can be absorbed!

Although the progress is slow, and although it is very difficult to absorb this power, every battle between the two sides makes the parasitic demon stronger, which is no different from other heroes.

The parasitic demon finally relaxed and used magic to connect the remaining"parasites" on the earth.

Yes, there are still a small number of"parasites" scattered around the world. They have been on the earth for such a long time, of course they understand the principle of"three cunning rabbits".

Until now, the parasitic demon who was sure that he could defeat Shazam finally decided to completely replenish his soul.

This will add the last piece of the power puzzle to it, completely overpowering Shazam!

Under its magical power, hidden"parasites" around the world responded one after another.

Their souls were summoned and absorbed by the parasitic demon through the connection of the same origin, and finally made it truly complete.

At the moment when his soul was complete, the parasitic demon felt that the power in his body was growing again. The impact caused by the magic riot exploded, and even Dane was blown away.

The parasitic demon roared, its eyes emitting heat vision condensed from the flames of hell.

Dane's eyes also lit up with blue arcs of electricity.

There are many ways to release energy, but in order to better free up your hands, it is really most convenient to release energy from your eyes.

Two blue rays shot out from his eyes, intertwined with the red rays of the parasitic demon, forming a sharp contrast.

The collision of the two energies, and the energy aftermath made it completely impossible for other superheroes to get close.

Only Martian Manhunter's incorporeal form, Clark's body of steel, and Diana's divine shield can allow them to approach that battlefield.

"If they continue fighting like this, this city will be destroyed!"Dr. Destiny said seriously.

Albert stood next to him, glanced around, scratched his head and whispered:"Actually, this city is hopeless..." Destroyed by the demon army, ravaged by the abyssal aliens, and... The aftermath of the battle spread, and it would be a blessing if only one tenth of the entire city's population could survive!

Eagle Man glared at him fiercely:"Shut up!"

Albert shrank his head and didn't dare to speak.

Maxine patted him on the shoulder to express comfort.

Dane and the parasitic demon were at odds with each other, and soon the two stopped doing this. It was a futile act.

The Parasitic Demon flew over and kicked Dane away with a knee.

Dane's body penetrated several buildings before finally stopping.

Compared to his weight and size, the Parasitic Demon was still at a disadvantage. When he When he stood up from the ruins, he found that the parasitic demon was missing.

He immediately used magic to search for the other party, and soon found that the parasitic demon was located deep underground, and there was also a very violent energy reaction. What did it want to do?

Not only He was guessing, and so were all the superheroes.

Then the next moment, the surface of Los Angeles began to shake violently. The magnitude of this earthquake was estimated to have far exceeded level ten! The heroes showed off their magical powers and flew to In the sky.

Dane could see with his eyes that the parasitic demon had destroyed the continental shelf. The surface of the earth was completely destroyed and sunk downwards, revealing a huge pit with flowing magma in the center. The parasitic demon was bathing in the magma, absorbing The energy of geothermal energy.

Good guy, Kryptonians obtain energy by absorbing sunlight, and you obtain energy by absorbing geothermal heat. You are quite flexible!

At this time, the sunlight has long disappeared, and the parasitic demon has come up with this method to improve his energy. Level, very smart, and very effective.

The hands of the parasitic demon lit up with red magic light, and the gravity of the ground suddenly increased a lot. Dane accidentally fell into the magma.

But this level of high temperature could not hurt him at all, Dain En stood up from the lava, and the hot melt rolled down from his body.

"This is the burial place I chose for you, I hope you like it."The Parasite laughed. His power has been improved again, and now he doesn't take Shazam seriously anymore.

The Parasite jumped high and stepped down. The power penetrated the earth's crust, and Los Angeles tilted. The magma entered the sea and evaporated a large amount of water vapor.

Dane quickly grabbed the horns on the head of the parasitic demon, and with the help of inertia, he pushed his feet on the back of its head.

However, the defense was not broken at all!

The parasitic demon was extremely fast, and he wrapped his hands around the back of its head. , directly grabbed Dane and held him in front of his eyes

"It’s useless, I’m invincible now!"The parasitic demon laughed wildly, and then sucked the divine power from Dane.

A black thorn suddenly appeared on Dane's hand, and he stabbed it into the parasitic demon's hand. It was just a small wound.

But the parasitic demon's expression changed drastically. It feels that its soul has been damaged!

But the soul of the parasitic demon is one and whole. It can be combined into one, and it can also be freely dispersed into thousands of"parasites".

So the kiss of death is just Killed an insignificant"parasite" scapegoat

"It turns out you are still hiding this trick!"

The parasitic demon couldn't help but feel a little scared. The soul's attack was the weirdest. It almost got hit! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Dane sensed what he wanted from the attack just now. information.

He couldn't help but lament that he had to use that dishonorable method in the end.

The power of the parasitic demon had almost reached the limit that the dream could hold, and Cortana was almost unable to trap it.

If stronger power was used Attacking it would probably cause harm to the real world, which was against his original intention.

So Dane's divine power changed, his strength attributes changed dramatically, and death energy flowed through him.

The parasitic demon noticed it, and was secretly vigilant. Get up.

Dane opened his eyes, revealing black sclera and golden irises.

He took the initiative to get close to the parasitic demon and connected his power with it. This doubled the efficiency of the parasitic demon in absorbing energy, and a steady stream of power flowed from Dane to Inside the body of the parasitic demon.

Although the parasitic demon didn't understand why, it knew that the other party must have bad intentions, and hurriedly tried to distance itself. But Dane had already found what he wanted to find.

【Ismail, wake up! 】

In the body of the parasitic demon, Ismail's consciousness suddenly woke up.

He was so hidden by Dane that the Parasite Demon didn't even notice.

Dane telepathically transmitted to him everything that had happened, which left Ismail with deep injustice and deep greed.

【This is my body! 】

The parasitic demon suddenly noticed that the body's operation was beginning to become uncoordinated. It was shocked to find that Ismail's soul actually appeared in the body!

"This is impossible! You, it's you!"The parasitic demon stared hard at Shazam.

Does Shazam still have this kind of ability? I have never heard of this information at all!

But do you think this will be useful?

The magic power in the parasitic demon bursts out, and the soul differentiates into thousands of , besieging Ismail together.

Although he is the real owner of this body, it does not mean that he will definitely have the upper hand in this battle about the soul.

In fact, Ismail is on the battlefield of the soul. He was retreating steadily, even with the help of Dane's magic power.

But did Dane put his soul in just to help him regain this demon body and create a new enemy?

Of course not!

It feels almost the same. Dane suddenly pulled his hand away from the parasitic demon.

The energy connection between the two was suddenly disconnected, and the parasitic demon was stunned for a while.

Then he suddenly felt a strange energy explode in his body.

It was Ismail's Soul!

Surrounded by the soul of the"parasite", Ismail suddenly self-destructed, and the impact of the soul instantly wiped out all the"parasites" that besieged him.

In the real world, the eyes of the parasite flashed for a while, and then disappeared With great energy, he suddenly fell to the ground with...

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