Ismail's soul was made into a"soul annihilation bomb" by Dane's ability, which wiped out the souls of all"parasites" in one go.

But because of this, the parasitic demon has nothing left inside except a body containing infinite energy.

But this is precisely the most useful thing about it. Dane put this demon body into his library and planned to study its genes later.

After doing all this, Dane suddenly felt that the earth was sinking, and something was pushing Los Angeles to fall into the sea.

When he took a closer look, it turned out that their battle had completely broken off the land plate of Los Angeles. Now that the continental shelf had fallen off, Los Angeles was sinking toward the ocean at an accelerated rate.

In the distance, Clark, Martian Manhunter, Hal and others flew over

"Have you solved it yet?

Dane nodded:"Yes, it's dead.""

"But Los Angeles was doomed, and the United States was in total paralysis."Dr. Fate shook his head.

"This is hardly a victory."

Dane saw the dejected looks on the faces of the Justice Society members and looked at his teammates with doubts."927"

"how? They don't know yet?"

The people in Zhenglian looked at each other, and finally Clark said sheepishly:"I haven't had time to say it yet."

Eagle Man and Doctor Destiny didn't understand what they meant. Both of them were full of question marks.

"Next comes the real big project, and you must be prepared."Dane didn't tell them in detail, and instead reminded the members of the Zhenglian.

Dane didn't expect that those demons were so big and affected so much at once.

In this incident, the soldiers who died were The bosses are really dead, even if the reality is reversed.

Therefore, the military power of the United States will be in an extremely dangerous state for a long time to come.

Military bases isolated overseas may face no one to command and insufficient logistics supplies. , unable to contact the headquarters base and other problems.

There are countless tigers and wolves in the Middle East who will take this opportunity to bite those fatties.

And the domestic military command agencies may have to go through a protracted struggle for power, and all the top bosses are dead. But someone still needs to sit in that position.

Dane believes that countless people will be interested, and he took a look at Martian Manhunter. In fact, Swanwick is also capable of competing for the few vacant positions.

In short, the future of the United States will definitely Will be caught in the predicament of internal and external troubles, and the government will need superheroes more than ever.

When the military is completely paralyzed and it is difficult to reorganize forces in a short period of time, superheroes are their greatest external deterrent weapon.

Without the use of nuclear weapons Under the premise that superheroes are the only guarantee force that can prevent outside careerists from peeking into the United States.

This is also an important reason why the president agreed to Dane's conditions before. He has already anticipated the difficult situation that the United States is about to face.

"Without further ado, let’s get started!"

Exerting the power of dreams does not require any preparatory actions. Dane has already handed over the maintenance of dreams to Cortana.

When the First Fallen fought with him before, he always tried every means to find the artifact that maintained dreams in him, but Little did he know that the thing wasn't on him at all.

"Cortana, it's time to put the finishing touches on it."

"Okay, Dane."

The sky changed, and the atmospheric cavity created by Dane quickly disappeared.

A powerful magic power gradually approached from the distant horizon, like a wind, blowing everywhere it passed.

It sent out a gorgeous sound in the sky The brilliance looked like a brilliant aurora.

The broken continental shelf was reconnected and healed, the collapsed buildings were restored to their positions, and even the broken corpses were healed and resurrected.

It was as if someone had pressed the rewind button for the entire world and replayed everything. Recover.

Wherever the magic has passed, the earth is rejuvenated.

All over the city, countless dead souls fly out from the corners. They are like white stars, flying everywhere, looking for their bodies.

In the dream world, Dane asks These souls promised that this death would be futile.

So the restored corpses came to life again and rose from the ground.

"I'm alive!"

The ignorant people finally realized that they were resurrected from the dead. Some cried, some laughed, and some knelt on the ground to thank God for his gift...

And those Atlantis soldiers who came back to life said that I Familiar, familiar with experience.

The first thing they did after their resurrection was to train the team silently, and then looked at the"god" in the sky with admiration.

But when the dream changed the reality, a hero discovered the city There are still little surviving little demons among them, and they are still eyeing the resurrected humans.

"I almost forgot about you."

Dane took out the Hell Key and marked all the souls of the remaining demons in this land. After thinking about it, he kicked one of the demons off the list. The demon Etrigan, he can also be considered a hero.

Then she threw the key to the witch of the Rock of Eternity.

The witch immediately set up an altar, using the Hell Key as a guide, to cast spells and sacrifice all the demons whose souls were marked.

At the same time, the N attributes, eternal metals and Atlantis steel was thrown into the furnace and enchanted with the souls of demons.

In reality, all demons howled in the fire, and the flames grew from within, burning away their souls inch by inch.

As the dead The number of demons is increasing, and the smell of artifacts in the witch's furnace is getting heavier and heavier. The lords of hell have opened too many doors in the United States, and the number of invading demons, large and small, is close to one million. With such a massive amount of souls, they are refined The artifact must be extremely powerful.

It just happens to be the artifact of Dane, the new king of hell.

The dream's restoration of reality seems to have been a long time ago, but in reality it is only a snap of a finger. When the last breath of hell dissipates, Ke Tana completely gathered the power of the Dream Stone in the Justice League.

The superheroes seemed to wake up from a long nightmare. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves standing on the streets of Los Angeles, surrounded by equally confused people........

Both heroes and ordinary people have woken up from their dreams

"What.The.He11…" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone in the Suicide Squad was confused, especially Captain Boomerang. He had actually stopped eating. He didn’t expect to be able to return from come alive in hell

"I think it has something to do with the person above."Deadshot said in a low voice.

Everyone looked up at the sky, where Dane's body was floating.

The sky that had already fallen into the night has now turned into broad daylight, and the sun shines through the clouds and shines on Clark. body, allowing him to quickly recover

"This feels so good!"

Doctor Fate and Eagle Man were stunned. Everything in front of them was like an illusory dream. In the blink of an eye, the world returned to its original appearance.

"No wonder, no wonder you were not in a hurry to deal with those alien lifeforms before. You have already guessed this scene, right? Doctor Fate said in a rare and humble tone.

This made Hawkman look sideways.

Dane did not answer directly, but just said:"You can always trust the Justice League, because my team members are all excellent."

"But I feel like I haven't accomplished anything..."Hal said depressedly.

He should be considered the top echelon of the Zhenglian League, right? But I feel like my contribution isn’t even as good as Batman’s.

Dane comforted him:"It's already good without making the situation worse."

When he said this, he looked at the people of the Justice Society meaningfully.

If they hadn't fallen into the"parasite's" trap and released Black Adam, perhaps these next things wouldn't have happened.

But he didn't blame anyone. He believed that Dr. Destiny did this out of good intentions.

This person is a stubborn person, even sacrificing himself in order to complete the mission of the God of Order 4.0. Dane cannot be so selfless, so he should be more tolerant to people like him.

It would be better if he could change his condescending attitude.

They descended from the sky to the ground and joined the other heroes. Even the Suicide Squad was a bit eye-catching in it, but anti-heroes can also be considered heroes, right?

Of course, this is Dane's idea. People in the Justice Association are more immoral, especially Hawkman. He looks down on Amanda's team.

Everyone looked at Dane, as if there was an invisible tacit understanding

"Although the demons have been eliminated, other troubles will come soon. Everyone, whether you were a hero in the past or not, I hope you can be prepared."

The intensity of the dream this time was beyond his expectation, so it is likely to inspire the"evil" side in many people's hearts. It is very dangerous to face hell directly. With the human mind, even if it has only been experienced in a dream like this once , and it is very likely that he will be infected with the chaotic atmosphere in hell.

The heroes will be very busy in the next period of time.

Hey, I didn’t expect that Martian Manhunter would actually tell it!

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