After the demon incident, the Suicide Squad reported what they saw and heard during the battle to the Sky Eye Society.

Tianyan will quickly sort out the information and report the matter to Washington.

The states then began to quickly follow up on the matter, although the damage to property and lives had already been eliminated by Justice League's Shazam.

But state governments still try to find some work for themselves, trying to make the official look less useless.

At this time, the official media began to pretend to be dead collectively. No media with official background reported this incident, as if the whole thing was really just a dream.

Dane heard from Clark that his girlfriend Louise had a big fight with the editor-in-chief of the"Daily Planet" because of this.

She insists on reporting the incident truthfully. Not only that, she also wants to question why the government has done nothing.

She had even thought about it, she was going to have her father operated on first!

Dane called him a good guy. He killed his father to prove his truth, and he really brought up a filial daughter.

It is said that Perry White, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet at the time, was so angry that he had high blood pressure and had to take an antihypertensive pill to suppress his anger.

Then he asked Louise to take a leave of absence without pay and go home to rest.

Now Clark is accompanying her to relax on the farm in her hometown.

Louise also thought about posting her news on Kuaishou, but unfortunately after she was suspended, her reporter status of 25 was temporarily unavailable and she was unable to conduct regular interviews.

But the good thing is that now there are no more slanderous remarks about superheroes and the Justice League on the Internet. This is a carnival for superhero supporters!

They cheered that their favorite superheroes had once again defeated their opponents. The subsidiary of Pioneer Technology, which is responsible for selling superhero peripherals, even saw a surge in sales as a result!

Factory equipment and raw materials are running out!

Even Constantine, this guy, has sold good results on his peripherals, so he has some extra money in his hands. Recently, he has started hanging out in various clubs and applied for numerous VIP Supreme Membership Cards.

Rachel, his ex-girlfriend who got back together, was so angry that she ran away from home and once again stole all the valuables in his house, not even a single steel penny was left.

The popularity around superheroes has directly made the female superheroes in Zhenglian become rich women.

Harley even dumped a card on Dane one night, saying it was a tip for him...

Then she"screamed" the whole night and didn't even leave the door during the day.

However, due to the wide scope of the demon incident, despite the official ban on major media outlets, the crusade against the government and military's inaction on the Internet began to ferment over time and expanded rapidly.

Until one day, Dane felt that the heat was not enough, so he released another fierce material.

It was a video file that Dane asked Cortana to post on Kuaishou under the name"Fu N".

There were two people in the video, two men with gray hair.

Louise recognized one of them instantly as her father, Sam Lane.

As for the other one, although netizens did not know him, they could tell from his clothes and the conversation between the two that he was a powerful figure in the navy.

Some netizens with uncanny abilities discovered that this admiral was the same military admiral who caused a heated discussion on the Internet because he was assassinated by a superhuman some time ago.

"As you know, under the naval department I am responsible for, there is a military laboratory that specializes in producing some very valuable weapons for us."


"You are right. When we were researching this weapon, the target was actually the superhumans of the Justice League."

When the admiral in the video said these words majestically, the anger and shock of netizens could no longer be described in words.





"Why didn't the assassination kill you, bastard? Netizens were furious, forming a wave of anti-government movement across the United States. Countless people took to the streets every day to march.

Ladies were topless, with"Murderer" written on their chests!" with"Fuck" written on the back..U.S.A"

U here.S.A.It does not refer to the United States, but the United.States.Army, the army of the United States.

Someone else made two human-shaped puppets, whose general appearance is very similar to the Admiral and General Lane in the video.

Then they lit a fire to burn it and hung it high on a bamboo pole, as if they were really burning the two people.

Officials responded quickly, sending a document from Washington requiring Pioneer Technology to remove the relevant videos.

Dane, as the boss of Pioneer, tore up the document. Not only did he not restrain himself, but he added fuel to the fire again.

He also posted the video of Katana's assassination of the admiral on the Internet, which once again caused an earthquake in public opinion.

It turns out that the Pentagon has long been invaded by unknown creatures. The superhuman did not go to assassinate the general, she went to eliminate the aliens!

As a result, the public's opposition became louder and louder.

"If it weren't for your official delay, all these problems would have been solved by the superheroes long ago. It's so shameless to blame all the problems on the superheroes afterwards!"

The matter is already clear. The entire subsequent assassination was caused by the alien disguised as the military. The purpose was to stir up public sentiment against the Super British in order to achieve their ulterior motives.

Among them, the official It also played a role in fueling the flames. Its sinister intentions made the people furious.

Washington was instantly confused by Pioneer Technology's combination of blows.

Internally, they were still working hard because they were not sure whether the spies had been completely eliminated. After self-examination, there was no way to deal with this series of troubles.

However, the official propaganda soon changed its tone to the outside world, claiming that they were also victims, and were also deceived by alien species, which resulted in accidental injuries to the heroes.

However , How could netizens let them off so easily? They would lash out at the official account and even sneeze at the official public relations staff until they were autistic.

Dane hid behind the scenes and watched with joy, once again completing a blow to Washington's reputation. daily work

"What laughing? So happy?"

Dane looked back and saw Diana walking over with long legs.

"What's wrong?"

He saw that Diana was wearing a red evening gown, revealing a large expanse of snow-white skin on her back.

The high heels made her taller and straighter, giving her an indescribable noble temperament. (Read Baoshuan novels. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Diana walked up and tucked his collar

"Have you forgotten what day it is?"

Dane's brain started to work at high speed in an instant. First meeting? First kiss? First time... Well, I can't say that, it won't pass the trial.

But he thought about it over and over, and he didn't realize that today is a special day..

In the end, he could only give up and looked at her with some curiosity.

Diana said helplessly:"Today is your birthday!"

Dane was in a daze. Yes, today is his birthday as Dane Davis. He has forgotten

"My birthday...I 760 even forgot about it. Dane sighed with emotion.

Diana said gently:"It doesn't matter, I will always remember it for you.""

Dane smiled at her and held her hand.

"Yes, luckily you are here"

"I've booked a restaurant, let's go now. Dane nodded. His girlfriend still remembered his birthday and arranged activities. Of course he followed the arrangements. So he changed into a fitted suit and followed Diana out of the room.

With magic, they never Worried about the traffic jam, he opened the door to the opposite side of the restaurant.

Dane followed Diana to the door of the private room she booked. A waiter was already waiting at the door.

"Hello, this is your room key. I wish you a pleasant stay."

The waiter walked out with a smile that made Dane confused.

"What are you looking at? Come in."Diana opened the door of the box and walked in first.

This aroused Dane's curiosity, and he walked in. He was stunned as soon as he entered.

There were all familiar people inside!

Poison Ivy, ha. Lee, Zatanna, Jon Munn, Mera, Hawkgirl, and even a shy-looking Gabriel were all inside.

Gabriel said with some embarrassment:"Why should I come here? Harley hugged her carelessly:"It's fun when there are many people!" Dane didn't know if it was fun or not, but it should be lively.

His eyelids twitched, almost thinking that Diana wanted to have a three-day trial or something.

But it didn't seem to be the case. Diana pulled him in and closed the door.

From this, there are two worlds inside and outside the door.

The waiter who just left could not help but shake his head in the background.

"What a lucky guy"

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