We don’t know what happened in the room that night. We only know that when Dane came out, he felt like he was in another world.

He quickly calmed down and focused on business.

After resolving the demonic crisis, Cortana's construction of the dream world has progressed to 99.99, just shy of the last point.

Dane decided to accomplish this in another way.

Gods are all born from dreams, so Cortana's soul either doesn't want to do anything, or she wants to be the best one, and let her become a god directly.

In order to realize this possibility, Dane thought of a magic. No, it was not even a magic, but a strange natural force.

That was the power that Sandman Morpheus once used to restart the universe - the Dream of a Thousand Cats.

As long as there are a thousand people...it doesn't even have to be people, it can be cats, dogs, lions, anything.

As long as a thousand lives dream together, then this dream will become reality in the dream world.

This method is very simple and does not even have any technical difficulty.

The only thing Dane has to do is tell a story so that a thousand people will believe it is true from the bottom of their hearts.

After determining the method, Dane started to get busy.

Every night, he would randomly select a few beings with strong inspiration, pull them into his inspiration dream, and tell them a story about a dream god named"Cortana".

It's a different person every time, and he tries his best to weave this story into something moving, interesting, and impressive, but it's a work in progress and can't be rushed.

After a while, he discovered that some people had begun to have dreams related to it.

There were only a few at first, but as Dane's story-telling skills deepened, there were gradually more than a dozen, then dozens.

Dane found that this story is more acceptable on other planets, especially primitive planets, and people on earth still believe in local myths more.

So in his dreams, he began to receive dreams of alien races from other worlds, and as expected, the number of people who believed in this story began to double.

About a month later, there is still no sign of the people's crusade against the authorities being stopped, and Washington is also urgently contacting the missing troops.

With Swanwick's help, most of the army troops had successfully contacted the headquarters and eliminated a possible mutiny.

Martian Manhunter has thus been promoted to one of the most powerful men in the Pentagon, and he is still very young.

Well...youth in the human sense.

Dane also discovered that the Justice Society and the Eyes of Heaven began to have more frequent contacts, and Hawkman and Doctor Destiny had helped the authorities deal with troublesome incidents many times.

It seems that Amanda has not given up on the idea of ​​forming a superhero organization belonging to the United States.

She even introduced Jason Blood, the human form of the demon Etrigan, into the Justice Society.

After the demon incident, Etrigan has been initially recognized by the Justice Society.

Although Dr. Fate does not believe in the devil's character, he is willing to believe in Jason Blood, who is a devout believer and a noble knight.

Within a month, the reputation of the Justice League not only returned to its peak, but even transcended national borders. Their fame began to spread around the world.

At this time, Dane also accumulated the faith of a thousand people and began to build the Dream of a Thousand Cats.


In the dream world, a thousand identical dreams merged under Dane's gaze.

In the center of a thousand dreams, a graceful figure appeared there.

She is pure white, chaste, and perfect, with no imperfection on her body, just like the mythical Aphrodite stepping out of the waves.

Cortana's body is naked, but it doesn't make people think of any blasphemy at all, just like you wouldn't think too much about the mythical Nuwa.

The divine light on Cortana gradually faded away, and her smile looked more real and warm.

"Hello Dane. Dane heard this and replied with a smile:"Hello, Cortana.""

The new world constructed with the Dream Stone as its core has finally welcomed its first goddess.

This is also the first god shaped by Dane.

From now on, affairs in the dream world can be completely handed over to Kota Cortana manages it on her behalf, and she no longer needs the huge"brain" of the Justice Building.

Of course, the most important thing for Cortana is that she can accompany Dane wherever he goes with his real body.


Central City Crime Laboratory, night.

In this silent night, Barry was still burning the midnight oil in the laboratory.

He had an experiment to complete and had to brace himself.

But the deep sleep still pulled him into sleep inadvertently.

Recently, he always has a strange dream about the dream god, which feels very strange.


Barry was awakened instantly. He followed the sound and found that it was thunder starting in the sky.

It didn't rain?

Barry stretched his neck hard and looked out the window, trying to find out if there was a strong man wearing a hood flying in the sky.

"It's not like Shazam..."

Barry is also a superhero fan. In the Justice League, his favorites are the giants.

Shazam, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.

He knows that Shazam is always accompanied by There was thunder without rain, and he was lucky enough to have seen it once on the ground.

But today he was just unlucky. Within a few seconds, a heavy rain suddenly poured down on him, covering his face with rain.


Barry quickly retracted his head. It seemed that he had thought too much. This was just an ordinary heavy rainstorm.

He fumbled back to the laboratory and took out a towel on the table to wipe his wet hair.

But he He didn't notice that he didn't close the window, and outside the window, there was a flagpole with the flag of the United States.

It was made of metal and was not easy to attract lightning. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The sky once again There was a loud"boom", and a beam of lightning was attracted by the flagpole outside the laboratory and was introduced into the laboratory.

Before Barry could even react, the lightning penetrated the many chemicals placed in front of the experimental table and hit He.

In a fit of convulsions, Barry collapsed to the ground.

It was not until the next day that he was sent to the hospital for treatment after being discovered by his colleagues.

However, Barry recovered quickly, and even the doctor who treated him felt incredible.

After resting in the hospital for a few days, it was confirmed that Barry Allen had no injuries, and he was finally allowed to go through the discharge procedures and return home.

But only Barry knew that everything was different.

He closed the door carefully and only quickened his pace a little , but the body slid out with a"swish" and fell into a piece of shit on the ground.

But instead of being upset, Barry stood up with excitement.

It's a super power! He has gained a super power!

Barry is eager to find out what his ability is. What, but he doesn’t dare to be known by others.

As we all know, a person with superpowers cannot let others know his true identity, so he must carefully hide himself until he completely masters his abilities and has his own suit..

He has even begun to fantasize about what his superhero name will be?

Is it possible to join the Justice League?

He seems to have heard that there is a pirated version called the Justice Society?

Which one should he choose~


Meanwhile, far away in space, the last remnants of Krypton take off from an abandoned outpost

"Found anything useful?"

"The same old thing, some replaceable equipment, but nothing else, no living tribesmen or living embryos."

Zod punched the table with an angry expression on his face.

After a moment, he calmed down.

"Among the available equipment, is there anything (by Wang Zhao) that we need."

The technical officer under his command answered honestly:"Yes, but very few. What can be found in these outposts are very ancient things. Some are even antiques left over thousands of years ago. Our people even found one. an ancient star map…"

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Zod suddenly had a thought in his mind, as if he had grasped something.

"I said our people found an old star map..."

Zod remembered that a long time ago, the El family was the Kryptonian family most enthusiastic about exploring the new world.

So he immediately ordered:"Bring over that star map!"

The technical officer immediately brought the things and put them on the projector. The internal star map was immediately projected around Zod in a holographic manner. The star map of this period did not use the new star map currently used by Krypton. Some old naming rules were still retained.

Zod searched carefully on the star map, and soon his eyes were attracted by a star.

It was a galaxy with a yellow sun. Zod remembered clearly that when Joe Al said it when he sent his son away.

He sent him to a world with a yellow sun.

"Order everyone to set off towards this galaxy!".

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