On this day, Dane came to Pioneer Technology's office for a rare occasion. It had been a long time since he had come to work at the company.

This time, at the request of the board of directors, I came to discuss the issue of groupization of the company.

Today, Pioneer Technology has become a technology leader in the United States, and its branches are involved in a wide range of businesses. It is long overdue for groupization.

In the middle of the meeting, Cortana's voice suddenly sounded in Dane's mind.

【Dane, the observatory discovered a Kryptonian spacecraft near Jupiter. It is replenishing supplies and is expected to arrive in low-Earth orbit in three Earth days. ]

Dane frowned upon hearing this and subconsciously glanced at the watch on his hand.

This time... is indeed almost here.

He patiently finished the meeting and then returned to the Justice Building in Kandak

"are you sure?"

Cortana stood in front of the screen and zoomed in on a supply ship located near Jupiter.

It was a dark ship that looked like a Beetle.

The taste of Kryptonians has not changed for tens of thousands of years.

"It has been determined that it is a new Kryptonian spacecraft. It is not in my files, but the internal systems are connected. I found that the spacecraft was originally supposed to be…"

"It's supposed to be a prison, right? Cortana was surprised for a moment, then nodded:"Yes, it was transformed from a prison spaceship. Logically speaking, such a spaceship will eventually be exiled to the Phantom Zone.""

Exile to the phantom area is the highest criminal law on Krypton. That 657 is an empty void area.

Dane can already confirm that the people on that ship are Zod and his party.

The explosion of Krypton was unintentional. Zod and his team were released from exile in the Phantom Zone, but Dane didn't find them when he went to the ruins of Krypton. Did he miss them?

"Dane, there are two more world engines on that ship, older models."

The spaceship of Zod and his team used a lot of spaceship parts from the old era, and many of them are recorded in Cortana's files. The

World Engine is a machine used in the colonial era of Krypton to transform the environment for Kryptonians to live in.".With a little debugging, this thing can also be used to transform it into an environment suitable for human life. What a good thing!

Dane immediately pulled Clark from Metropolis. He is now completely immersed in love.

Recently, because of General Lane's The incident caused Louise to be in poor condition, so he stayed with Louise to help her solve her problems.

"What's the matter in such a hurry? Clark was still thinking about his girlfriend, so he came a little reluctantly.

Dane immediately told him:"Do you remember what I said to you before?" Your family's enemy, General Zod, has arrived in the solar system!"

Clark's whole body tensed up instantly. After all these years, he had almost forgotten about it.

"Where are they now?"

Dane gestured to Cortana and redisplayed the scene on Jupiter. In fact, technology cannot illuminate this place, but magic can.

"They are replenishing supplies on Jupiter right now. When they finish replenishing supplies, they will enter the earth immediately."

"They are your people, what are you going to do?

Clark did not answer immediately, but asked:"How did Krypton deal with them."

Dane explained:"There is no death penalty on Krypton, so Zod and the others were previously imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, a place of nothingness. Their escape this time was an accident."

Clark couldn't help but said:"Can you... lock them in again?"…"

"You mean not to kill them but to spare their lives, right?"

Dane instantly understood his subtext, and Clark nodded sheepishly.

After all, they were the last of his tribe. If they were all killed, Clark would really become a lonely Kryptonian in the entire universe.

Dane could I understand his mood and am willing to help him

"Okay, for your sake, I can let them go, but the place of exile must be changed."

In the Phantom Zone, Zod and the others can escape once or twice. They are all exiled to another world anyway. Wouldn't it be better to lock them in their own dream world? And Cortana can help him see Live with these people

"Now that we've decided, let's set off now."As he said this, Dane had already put on his suit.

Clark was stunned for a moment:"We...No need to notify other members?"

Dane looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Just a few Kryptonians, but still need to use the power of the entire alliance?"

His own strength has grown to an extremely terrifying level. Not to mention a group of Kryptonians, even a group of Doomsdays can be pinched with his hands.

"Let's go quickly. This battle will be completed in the universe. Don't let them fall to the earth again."

"If humans find out their identities, your character will collapse!"

If Zod really causes huge damage to the earth, the trust of the earth's people in Kryptonians like Clark will rapidly decrease.

Shock! A Kryptonian would actually do such a thing......Something like (cgbf).

He has finally raised the reputation of the Justice League to this level. How could he let a few aliens destroy it?

So without notifying anyone, after Cortana's positioning, Dane teleported himself and Clark to the Kryptonian spacecraft near Jupiter.

As soon as Clark appeared inside the spacecraft, his feet gave way and he fell directly to the ground.

Dane actually forgot that in the Kryptonian spacecraft, Clark would feel the same atmospheric environment as Krypton, which would greatly weaken his abilities.

"Sorry, this was an oversight on my part."

After that, Dane punched the wall of the spaceship. A large hole as high as a person was instantly punched out of the alloy spaceship wall. Sunlight shone in from outside the hole and fell on Clark, making him feel much better.

"Who are you?"

At this moment, a small group of Kryptonian soldiers arrived here.

The gap in the bulkhead caused a loss of pressure in the cabin, and the gas in the spacecraft quickly drained outward. If it weren't for the magnetic boots under their feet, they would have been sucked in by now. They have gone into the universe.

The Kryptonians here are exposed to sunlight for the first time and have not yet developed considerable combat power, so they all come with guns. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They Seeing that Dane and Clark were not wearing any equipment and were directly exposed to the cosmic environment with their bodies, they were so shocked that their eyes almost fell out.

But the good quality of the soldiers made them quickly come to their senses and then pulled the trigger.

The energy beam came from Their guns were fired from the muzzle, and Dane did not dodge or dodge, letting them hit his chest, as calm as the breeze blowing on his face.

"This is impossible!"This made the Kryptonians even more frightened.

Dane rushed into the team at great speed, punched and kicked them three times, and beat them down.

Then he used his ability to pull those Kryptonians directly into his dream world.

"Split up, I go this way, you go there. Dane pointed to the left and right of the passage, and then walked away.

Clark couldn't see Dane's figure before he came back to his senses. Dane seemed to be strolling along the way, paying no attention to the alarm in the spacecraft.

Soon, in front of him, another heavily armed Kryptonian team came to intercept him.

"who are you?"

Dane raised his hand and fired two thunderbolts, instantly paralyzing everyone.

Then, like picking up carrots, he picked them one by one into his own world.

He swept all the way until finally, a familiar female Kryptonian entered his world. Line of sight.

The woman did not take out an energy gun like other Kryptonian soldiers, but instead pulled out a saber made of Kryptonian metal, which looked like a magic wand from a distance.

"To die gloriously is to die well!"

The power armor of Kryptonians can effectively improve their combat capabilities, but that is only relative to ordinary people. In terms of the abilities of normal Kryptonians (when living on Krypton), the largest increase is the"Halo" Spartan The level of a super soldier.

But this female Kryptonian still charged at Dane without fear.

It can be seen that her combat skills are very proficient, and every move is the result of hard work.

Dane respects her fighting spirit, He didn't use his ability to bully others.

He only blocked every move of the opponent with his invulnerable body and hands.

But this kind of battle was not really fair. The basic quality was so far behind that the opponent used Despite all his efforts, Dane remained calm and composed

"Soldier, what's your name?"

The female Kryptonian once again assumed a fighting posture and said in a low voice:"Faora.Hu-U1!"

Dane nodded. He really admitted that he was right.

"That's not fair to you, soldier, although I appreciate your courage."

"However, this battle should end here."

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