There is no suspense in the battle between Fiora and Dane.

Even if the Kryptonian ability is activated, Fiora's basic attributes cannot be compared with Dane, who has been superimposed with multiple layers of buffs.

Not to mention that she hasn't activated it yet, and the power armor on her body is no different from paper in Dane's eyes, and it was torn off by him in two or three times.

Then the whole person was packed up and thrown into the dream world by him, under the jurisdiction of Cortana.

Dane is sweeping across this side, while Clark is on the other side, having already met his father-killing enemy, Zod.

Zod stood in front of a glass window facing the sun, feeling the warmth brought by the sun. He heard the movement behind him.

Clark broke open the hatch and walked in

"I think you must be Joel's son, right? Kal-El?"

Zod turned around and showed Clark his resolute and cold face.

"Look at you, you look so much like your father...You may not know that your father and I...were once the closest comrades in arms."

"But you killed him! Clark looked angry.

Zod seemed to be in a trance:

"You see... You are right, I killed him, but it was because he betrayed our cause!

Krypton has been destroyed, but your father was clearly capable of saving it with me!"

"But this is not a reason for you to commit murder or launch a rebellion!

The expression on Zod's face darkened:"You seem to know a little too much." Clark put on a fighting stance:"I have been preparing to welcome you for the past few years. You will definitely be surprised by my abilities.""

But Zod sneered. He held the helmet with both hands and took it off.

At that moment, the sound of the entire cabin was sent to his ears, and every sound was amplified to the limit, causing him great pain..

And the scenes in front of you also became overlapping due to the effect of the clairvoyance, making it difficult to distinguish the front and rear directions, and unable to grasp the distance.

But in just a few seconds, Zod adapted to this change and learned how to filter. , filter, and organize the information he wants.

Zod opened his eyes again, and the world has become different in his eyes.

"Kal-El, do you think that I don’t know what the yellow sun means to us?"

The amplifying effect of the Yellow Sun on Kryptonians was not a secret in the long-lasting era of expansion. It was open to the public. It was also an important reason why Kryptonians were able to dominate the universe in the first place.

But since the Kryptonian Civil War and the subsequent establishment of Krypton After the Council, they blocked this information.

In the future, the descendants living on Krypton never saw that magical power again. Their star was red, and over time many people forgot the power of the yellow sun.

But Zod is different. He was once a family friend of Jor-El, so he also knows a lot of things Jor-El knows. There are not many yellow stars in the universe, but few have such an immediate impact on Kryptonians like the sun. The effect.

As for Zod, as a genetically tuned combat-specialized Kryptonian, he can adapt to his own power faster than any Kryptonian.

As he once said in the movie, he has been training himself all his life senses, always ready for battle

"Come on, let me see how capable Joel's son is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Clark rushed out instantly. He grabbed Zod's body with both hands, smashed the spacecraft, and pushed him out of the universe.

Although he was in space, Zod's actions were not affected at all, as if he had already As expected.

Zod grabbed Clark's hair, pulled his head up, and hit Clark in the face with a strong punch, sending him flying.

However, Clark just shook his head and flew towards Zod again. In the past.

Just like a turn-based game, Zod was knocked back by Clark's punch, and his back hit a passing asteroid. The kinetic energy brought by the super high speed made his body shatter the asteroid like a bullet.

So much so that the power armor on his body was damaged.

Zod tore off the armor on his body. Inside was a black tights, which could absorb sunlight more effectively.

He stood in the middle of the broken asteroid belt , grabbed the broken stones and threw them towards Clark.

Clark's eyes turned red, his heat vision exploded all the stones one by one, and he punched Zod again.

But this time, Zod had learned to fly, and he was retreating. The time suddenly panned, causing Clark's fist to miss, and then hit Clark on the back of the head with both hands, making him dizzy.

Zod's eyes also lit up with red beams, and his thick heat vision hit Clark, knocking him out. He pushed towards Jupiter.

At the same time, Zod also flew after him, locking Clark's neck with his hands.

They flew towards Jupiter at the same time, and under Jupiter's huge gravity, their speed became faster and faster.

Jupiter's radiation The blow hit their skin, causing even the Kryptonians to feel a stinging sensation.

Clark tried hard to pry Zod's hand off, but failed several times.

Jupiter's huge red spot was like a giant eye, staring at These two tiny ants fell into her atmosphere.

After entering the atmosphere, they fell rapidly at a speed of 180,000 kilometers per hour. The atmosphere rubbed against them with violent fire, and a strong storm with wind speeds of 480 kilometers per hour was blowing on them. They were surrounded.

Clark elbowed back with all his strength, and Zod suddenly let go of his hand in pain.

But the two still did not let go of each other, and they continued to attack each other with punches and kicks while they were falling.

Every time The fists seemed to tear apart the storm, and thunder and lightning flashed around them, seeming to be an encouragement.

But they did not realize that they were getting further and further away from the sun, and the temperature emitted by the sun was almost unfeelable.

Intense... The low temperature was eroding their bodies, and when they discovered this, they were already surrounded by a world of clouds and thunderstorms.

Jupiter is a gaseous planet, and before they actually came into contact with Jupiter's core, they were likely to die because they did not have enough He died from the sunlight.

Clark immediately flew upwards, trying to rush out of the planet, but Zod grabbed his ankle and threw him to the side.

At this moment, a thunder more powerful than all the lightning on the earth combined The electricity hit him, causing him to fall into a brief freeze.

Zod immediately grabbed his head, aimed his eyes at his, and fired heat vision.

Clark woke up in time and quickly fired heat vision to fight against him. The two fell into a stalemate. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! ) and their bodies are still falling deeper into Jupiter.

In the spaceship, Dane had successfully captured all the Kryptonians. He was just about to see how Clark was progressing when he heard Cortana say in his ear:

"Dane, Clark and Zod fell into Jupiter, too far into Jupiter where the sun didn't shine."

As we all know, Kryptonians don't have sunlight. It's like a storage battery that leaves the power supply. Once the power is exhausted, it will be dead.

If it were on other planets, there might not be a problem. The energy stored by the Kryptonians is enough for them to leave that planet.

But Jupiter Different, not only because of her huge gravity and dangerous natural environment.

It also lies in her powerful magnetic field, which also emits radioactive radiation everywhere in Jupiter that can kill all living things.

So Clark is consuming power every moment in it. , to fight against dangers everywhere.

Zod must have known this, but he still chose to do so.

Then he should have felt that he might not be Clark's opponent in a normal duel.

In recent years, Clark has also He has indeed grown a lot, and Zod may not be able to defeat him in a fair fight.

But if two people are forced into a desperate situation, Zod, who is more experienced, will probably be more likely to survive.

This man is cruel to others, Be cruel to yourself too

"Can you locate their real-time location?"

Cortana gave him an affirmative answer:"Yes."

"Then let's go help him!"

In Jupiter, Clark and Zod have fallen into an area where hail and ammonia snow are falling. There are frozen clouds everywhere.

Their bodies are fighting together and smashing countless frozen clouds.

Zod laughed wildly:"Today, You and I can only live once, Carl!"

Clark stood up from the freezing cloud with difficulty. Jupiter's huge gravity pressed on them like a mountain.

"I will never die here! But

Zod suddenly negotiated with him at this time:"Actually, there is a way for us all to survive, Karl. As long as you hand over the secret code to me, I can promise you not to get involved in the stars of modern life.""

"What secret book?"

"That is the Kryptonian gene pool. With it, we can rebuild Krypton and build a great nation again.bright.

Clark said solemnly:"Then they will inherit your will and make it their mission to conquer other worlds?"

Zod said calmly:"This is the law of survival of the universe, Clark, I thought you knew it.""

"Then let me see if you have this ability!"

A strange voice sounded from behind Zod, and he turned around sharply.

A big hand magnified in his field of vision, and then grabbed his head. The teleportation light flashed, and the two disappeared.

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