Clark watched the two people disappear and quickly opened the bracelet. Fortunately, even in such a fierce battle, the bracelet remained intact.

"Cortana, take me to Dane and his friends!"

The light flashed after being teleported, and when he opened his eyes again, Clark had come to a red desert.

This is Mars


A huge sound sounded not far away from Clark. He quickly looked over and found that Dane and Zod were fighting.

"Who are you!"

Returning to the place where the sun shines, Zod's whole body is once again full of strength.

He smoothly used military fighting skills, fully expecting to be able to defeat this opponent in a few strokes.

However, he did not expect that the opponent was much more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Just focus on the fight."

Dane did not answer his question, but took the opportunity to punch him in the abdomen and knocked him into the sky.

But Zod had already learned to fly. He floated in the air and fired heat vision at Dane.

Dain En also emits thunder and lightning rays from his eyes, which collide with Zod's red ray"Zero Five Zero".

His magic lightning is very aggressive. Clark is already used to magic attacks, which is okay, but this is the first time for Zod to face it.

So in the blink of an eye, his heat vision was pushed back by the blue lightning rays and forced back into his eyes. The blue energy continued to advance, paralyzing Zod the moment it hit him, and he tasted the pain of being shocked.

This This kind of pain was something Clark couldn't bring him.

"what did you do to me!"

Zod only had time to say these words before he was knocked away by the lightning ray and thrown far away.

"Dane! Dane heard the sound and looked over, realizing that Clark was here.

"Clark, you stay here."

After saying that, Dane rushed out, and before Zod landed, he punched him again and hit him.

After several consecutive punches, Zod adapted to his attack and began to try to fight back.

He tried to balance his body , hit Dane with maximum force and punched him in the face

"Is this your best effort?"

Unexpectedly, Dane didn't feel any pain at all. He turned his head against Zod's fist.


Dane danced with electric arcs with both hands, using the power of thunder and lightning in his palms. He grabbed Zod's fist left and right. Even with all his strength, Dane couldn't stop Dane from breaking it open.

Dane kicked it open with one leg. Kick, kick Zod to the ground, smashing out a sand waterfall several feet high.

Kryptonians are indeed tough enough. As long as it is not a magic attack or a real injury attack like kryptonite, there will be almost no wounds left on the body, and there will be no Any pain.

Zod stood up from the sand pit and looked at Dane in the sky solemnly, with curling clouds hovering above his head.

"You should know that this cannot kill me. Dane nodded,"Yes, I know, but I have another move. If you can block it, then try it.""

As soon as he finished speaking, lightning suddenly erupted from the curling clouds. Dane raised his right hand, and a thick bolt of lightning formed a line between the sky and him.

He pointed at Zod with his left hand, and the power of thunder and lightning burst out in the blink of an eye. Then he hit Zod on the ground.

Zod does not have the speed to dodge lightning. Maybe if you give him a little more time, he can do it, but not now.


The pain Zod endured was simply unspeakable. Thunder and lightning may not be anything, but the lightning blessed by Dane's divine power caused tons of damage to him, which hit his soul directly.

The severe pain caused his body to develop a self-defense mechanism, and after a few seconds, he fainted.

Dane withdrew the lightning, and the lightning from the sky still hit him from time to time, and was absorbed by him completely, turning it into part of his own power.

He flew to the ground, picked up Zod with one hand, and stuffed it into the dream world.

Nowadays, such opponents can no longer arouse his interest, and he no longer relies on physical attacks.

Only magic or stronger energy attacks can work against him.

After finishing his work, he walked slowly to Clark's side

"Do you think you are embarrassed? You've fought a demon lord, but you can't beat a Kryptonian who hasn't been out in the sun for a few days?"

"Don't you respect the old and love the young?"

Clark was also a little embarrassed. He might have subconsciously withdrawn some of his strength, otherwise he wouldn't have fought like this.

Of course, it was also related to Zod's tactics. He deliberately led both of them to an unfavorable battlefield from the beginning. Trying to use his rich experience to defeat Clark.

But this simple guy was almost fooled. Zod's use of geographical advantages was much better than Clark.

Dane thought silently in his heart: [Cortana, you can control that ship near Jupiter. A Kryptonian spaceship?】


【Okay, then drive it back to Earth and drive it to Khandak.】

【OK 】

There are still some good things on that ship. Let alone the fighter jets. The two world engines may be able to be used immediately.

"It's over, go back."

Dane and Clark teleported directly from Mars back to Earth. A disaster that was related to a world crisis in the movie was snuffed out in its cradle.

Dane harvested more than a dozen Kryptonian captives and more than a dozen Kryptonian prisoners. The functional Kryptonian spacecraft can be considered a fruitful one.

As soon as he returned to Earth, Dane immersed himself in the laboratory. He had many ideas about the world engine.

I wonder if this thing can be used in hell... ( To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The Rock of Eternity.

The seven deadly sins"Sloth" trapped in the stone statue opened a gap.

A trace of undetectable power emerged from the cracks in the stone, affecting Jon Muen who was studying ancient documents.

"Well, I seem a little tired."

Then take a rest........

Inside, the witch's voice sounded.

Joan smiled slightly, she no longer had to be afraid of the witch.

Qiong hesitated for a while, couldn't help but turn on the computer, and sent Dane a message as if he had a guilty conscience.

【Do you have any plans tonight? ]

After two seconds, Dane received a reply: [No. 】

Then another two seconds passed. Before Qiong could re-weave the message, another message came from the other side.

【Where do you want to go tonight? 】

Qiong couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart, and she quickly typed on the keyboard:"I can do it." 】

Then an address was sent over there.

Joan immediately returned to the room and lingered there for two hours before coming out dressed up.

The magic bracelet on her hand flashed, and she disappeared into the Rock of Eternity.

A few minutes later, among the stone statues of the Seven Deadly Sins, pride, jealousy, rage, greed, lust, and gluttony opened the gaps one after another, sending out their power.

They did not choose to open the seal immediately, which would cause the Rock of Eternity to call the police and also attract Shazam's attention.

So they very carefully passed by the cordon of the Rock of Eternity.

Under Dane's modification, the Rock of Eternity no longer calls the police for any evil spirit as it did before.

After all, the existence of the witch itself is not a purely benevolent force, and it is easy to cause accidental injuries.

So he set a threshold, and this value was discovered by the Seven Deadly Sins.

Originally, the power of the Seven Deadly Sins was not enough to break the seal, but recently, disasters have occurred frequently in the world, and resentment is rampant in the world.

The outbreak of the demonic incident some time ago encouraged the growth of evil energy and allowed the Seven Deadly Sins to gain some strength.

The seven stone statues exchange information secretly

【Our strength has become stronger, maybe we can try to leave this ghost place】

【No, it’s not enough. Shazam’s power has increased faster than we imagined in 3.3. Our power is far from enough.】

【But staying here, we can never accumulate enough strength. I need more, more anger!】

【Yes, if it drags on any longer, God knows when Shazam will find out. We can't just wait like this.】

【So what do you say?】

【We need help from other forces】


【Do you guys still remember? There is a door to the divine world in the Rock of Eternity】

【Ah, I remembered, it's the small world where the three goddesses are imprisoned, right?】

【Yes, maybe we can find a way to let them out】

【They are no match for Shazam, not even with the dragon.】

【What if we are added to the mix?】

【Are they gods? Will they cooperate with us?】

【They have no choice, just like we have no choice……】

【So let’s do this, find those three goddesses, combine our powers, and deal with Shazam together! 】.

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