Old God Realm, inside the Temple of Atlas.

Since the gods of Olympus left the world and went to the new realm, only three goddesses remained in the old realm. They were the daughters of Atlas.

They are the eldest daughter Hespera, the second daughter Calypso and the youngest daughter Anthea.

Because the Old God Realm was isolated from the power of magic, the elder two of the three goddesses were already showing signs of aging.

"If this continues, sooner or later we will die of aging."

Calypso looked at himself getting older day by day in the mirror and couldn't help but complain.

"Shut up! Do you think I don’t know about this kind of thing?"

When it comes to aging, the eldest daughter Hespera has the most say. She has aged to the point where her hair is gray, and even her physical functions have declined.

Now she can only rely on the last bit of power from the Tree of Life and her natural talent. Barely surviving.

Only the last goddess Anthea is still as young as before, and she still has a long life.

However, once her sisters all grow old and pass away, who else can accompany her in this lonely old divine realm? What about the rest of life?

Anthea shuddered at the thought of that lonely scene.

But there is a thick barrier between this world and the human world, and they cannot leave now without the strength.

Calypso rolled his eyes , showing an evil smile as if thinking of something

"Why don't we ask that damn wizard again? Since he can come in, he must also know how to get out."

How could Hespera not know her little thoughts? She just wanted to find a reason to torture the wizard. If they could have asked, they would have succeeded.

She just waved her hand irritably and told her to get out of here. Lypso didn't care and went out happily.

Anthea watched her second sister leave and couldn't help but said:"She clearly knew that the wizard didn't come in through normal means."

Strictly speaking, the wizard's way of entering the divine realm is somewhat similar to that of Shabak. He has already experienced death once and entered the divine realm through a rare magic ritual.

Then he was caught by the three goddesses. In fact, he She didn't know that there were still three gods left here. It can be said that her luck has declined to the extreme.

Anthea wanted to say something else, but Hespera suddenly stopped her with her hand and pretended to listen.

"Shh! Do not talk!"

Anthea didn't know why, but after a while, a voice became clearer and clearer, and even Anthea heard it.

【Poor, poor woman…】

"Who are you!"

Hespera stood up suddenly, alert to her surroundings, but she couldn't see any enemies. The sound seemed to come from all directions.

【I am the pride of the Seven Deadly Sins. 】

Seven deadly sins!

Hespera's face changed and her expression became very fearful.

The Seven Deadly Sins, as the incarnation of original sin, have existed in the world since the beginning of mankind.

Zeus once captured them personally and locked them in a box.

Yes, that is the famous"Pandora's Box", and everyone should know the story behind it.

After Pandora's Box was released, the Seven Deadly Sins once again wreaked havoc on the world.

The Wizards Council, which had seized the power of the gods at that time, assumed the responsibility of guardians and has been fighting the seven deadly sins.

Until they were re-sealed, but now, is it possible that the seal has been opened again?

Hespera, who had malicious suspicions about humans, mocked fiercely.

But she didn't notice that this was actually the power of"arrogance" at work.

As one of the old gods, Anthea naturally knew this allusion. Although she had not seen it with her own eyes, she could understand the horror of the seven deadly sins from the passages in the literature.

Suddenly there was a feeling of worry in her heart

"Seven deadly sins...what do you want from me? Why don't you dare to show up?"

Hespera, who knew the details of the other party, sat back down in her seat and assumed a fearless posture.

Although she lost her power, she never lost her spirit, so her demeanor as a goddess was still full of aura.

""Arrogance" laughed softly, and its voice continued to ring in the hall.

【Dear Your Highness Hespera, we have no ill intentions, we just want to offer a little bit of strength to you who have been treated unfairly. ]

Hespera frowned, she was not a fool, and knew that no good thing in this world came to her for free, so she asked:"What do you want?"

【We want Shazam dead! 】

Speaking of this,"arrogance" truly reveals the emotion of hatred.

Hespera and Anthea are curious about why it hates Shazam so much

"Shazam...he is currently imprisoned in God's Domain. Hespera thought it was talking about the wizard Shazam.

But Pride quickly corrected her

【No, No, No, the Shazam I am talking about is not the old wizard, but the new Guardian. He is also named Shazam.】

""Arrogant" deliberately strengthened his tone in order to emphasize Dane's threatening nature:

【This generation of Shazam is very strong, very strong, and can even subdue hell lord-level demons. My brothers and sisters and I have been able to break through the seal a long time ago, but we are still not sure of defeating him. ]

Hespera thoughtfully said:"Is that why you need us?"

【Yes. ]

When Anthea saw that her eldest sister was really considering this matter, she couldn't help but admonish:"Sister, they are not worthy of belief, they are the seven deadly sins!"

【But our goals are the same, dear Your Highness】

"The voice of"arrogance" sounded again

【Moreover, it seems that you have no choice but us. Your Highness Hespera, how long can you live? 】

Hespera's hands on the armrests tightened suddenly, and these words touched her pain point.

"I need to think about it"

"elder sister!"Anthea couldn't believe it.

But her eyes couldn't shake Hespera's will. If this was really the only way to extend their lives, and even get back everything they had taken away from the wizards, even if they made a deal with the devil, How about it?

This world is just about winners and losers.

When they seize the power and become the last gods in the world, then they will achieve an achievement that even Zeus, the god of gods, has never achieved.

They may become the main gods of the new era!

Anxi Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, Ya could only retreat sadly.

""Arrogant" voice sounded again: [We will wait for your final decision...]

Calm returned again in the temple.

But Hespera didn't know that at the same time, Calypso was also talking to"Jealousy".

And Calypso was more decisive than Hespera. She immediately accepted the proposal of"Jealousy" and obtained part of its power.

This power may not be eye-catching, but in this world of decline without demons, it is as powerful as A ray of sweet spring poured on Calypso's heart. 580"Magic, this is the power of magic."

Calypso almost cried with joy. How long has it been since she had such power? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She wants more!

No need for"greedy" stimulation, Calypso Quickly fall into the trap of the seven deadly sins

"I want to leave this hellish place, what can you do?"

【We can open a door to the Rock of Eternity, but this door can only allow one person with pure power to pass through. 】

Due to the magic warning set by Dane, evil power above a certain threshold will trigger an alarm, so they came up with a way to use"good" attribute power to bypass this magic.

But this condition cuts off Calypso's path. Her own power attribute is chaos, and now she has accepted the power of"jealousy", which is completely incompatible with"purity".

She said displeased:"What do you mean? I can't get through that door at all.""

【Be patient, Your Highness Calypso, have you forgotten? You also have a sister who meets the general requirements. ]

Calypso was thoughtful.

Anthea? She's definitely the right person, and...she's obedient, so maybe you can use her.

She continued to ask:"What about after letting Anthea pass?"

"Jealousy" continued:

【We will pick her up on the other side, guide her, and open the door between the two worlds on this side of the Rock of Eternity. At that time, Your Highness Calypso, you can come out! 】

Calypso nodded with satisfaction. This method is not bad. The only difficulty is to convince Anthea...and Hespera!

Calypso smiled, though.

Compared to her and Anthea, Hespera was the one who should be worried the most..

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