Of the seven deadly sins, only four are left without a host, namely rage, sloth, greed, and gluttony.

Since Calypso's ability couldn't make this human girl speak, Hespera couldn't adapt. She finally chose"Sloth". At least this one would be less harmful.

"Anthea, get out of the way.

Anthea stood in front of Mary:"Sister, what are you going to do?" Hespera showed an unhappy expression:"Anthea, everything I do is for our cause!""

But Anthea glanced at Mary, held back her fear, and stood firmly in front of Hespera.

"For the sake of a human being, you actually want to disobey your sister?"If Hespera was just a little displeased just now, then she is angry now. From the time Anthea and Mary met to getting to know each other, it was a full two hours? Don't be too outrageous, okay?

Hespera immediately raised her head Hand, the power of nature was held in her hand, Anthea immediately felt that her body was immobilized, unable to move~

"Maybe I should let you think about it, who am I?"

Hespera, also known as"Hesperides" in the Greek theology, is the eldest daughter of the Titan god Atlas, so she also has Titan blood.

Her special ability is to control the power of nature. The so-called The power of nature also refers to the power of elements, that is, the power of natural elements such as wind, rain, thunder, fire, and water. It can be said to be the embodiment of material power, so she is also the strongest among the three sisters. Fighting against her is to fight against the great force. Naturally.

Now with the powerful magical support of"Pride", Hespera has regained some of her past strength.

After she fixed Anthea, she pointed her hand to the side, and Anthea's body was pulled by the invisible force field. Flying to the side.

After Anthea was removed, Mary was revealed hiding behind her. She looked at Hespera with some horror.

"Don't worry, kid. Hespera gently slid her fingers across Mary's flawless face,"This will be the best gift you can get.""

She crushed the small stone statue in her hand, and"Sloth" turned into a ball of shimmering gas and slowly crawled onto Mary.

The Seven Deadly Sins had just discovered that Mary was actually a person with magical talent!

If she was born into a family with a heritage, she might be able to become a witch.

Therefore, she is very suitable for being possessed by the Seven Deadly Sins

""Sloth" invaded Mary's body through the pores, and the magic washed through her body, causing her great pain.

The evil magic entered her subcutaneous tissue, like a syringe filled with air that was directly injected into her body. It was the same as before.

Mary's face instantly twisted, and her limbs moved abnormally.

But just when"Sloth" was about to attack Mary's brain, she suddenly opened her eyes, and blue magic light flashed in her eyes.

A memory buried deep in my heart was re-read.

If you are in danger, call my name.

Mary, who was almost at her limit, couldn't help but read:"Shazam! Dane

, who was thousands of miles away, suddenly felt the call. He could sense that the magic he had left for Mary in the dream was at work.

He immediately transformed into lightning and disappeared in a flash of lightning.

At the same time, Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky in Philadelphia. The three goddesses simultaneously noticed the coming power of heaven and quickly looked towards the sky.

""Boom!" There was a loud noise, and lightning fell from the sky, striking where Mary was.

""Sloth" screamed and detached from Mary's body.

It turned into a cloud of smoke and screamed as it fled:"It's him!" It's him! he came!"

""Sloth" was still invisible at this time, and could only pounce on the nearest Hespera.

Perhaps it was aware of Dane's threat, or it may have been a similar idea, Hespera did not reject it, but took the initiative to Hug in front of her, and finally merged with"Sloth".

The power of the double original sin made her strength expand again, and she felt confident that she could deal with the opponents who came.

After a moment, the smoke screen dissipated, and a man with a white hood appeared. A tall and proud man stood in front of the three goddesses, holding the unconscious Mary in his arms.

"Are you, Shazam?"

Dane glanced at Mary and did not answer Hespera's words, which made her very dissatisfied.

"I'm talking to you!"

Dane seemed to have noticed her just now, but he still didn't look at the person. Instead, he raised his hand and a thick bolt of lightning shot out.

Hespera reacted very quickly and immediately used the power of nature to defend.

However, she did not expect that this lightning would be so domineering and unstoppable!

The lightning penetrated the shield formed by the force of nature like a broken bamboo and directly hit Hespera. The sound of the lightning strike was like a huge explosion, blowing her up. Flying.

Hespera's body flew out like a rag sack, smashed through several buildings, and finally fell into the ruins. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The surrounding citizens issued Everyone screamed, shaking their heads and trying to find out the reason.

Calypso was shocked and immediately activated his ability. The power of chaos turned into a black mist and dispersed. All the humans around him who were contaminated by the black mist looked at him. For a flash, he lost his self-awareness.

Kill him!

Calypso pointed his finger at Dane and shouted.

However, how can a mortal hurt a god?

Dane didn't even make a move, and the arc of electricity from his body struck the surrounding area. The people who came up were staggering with electricity.

However, at this time, Calypso had merged with the surrounding black fog, and her voice began to echo clearly in Dane's ears.

Put down your hostility and surrender to me.

Calypso, masters the power of chaos.

Having said that, this power is more demonstrated in making others obey his will. It is not so much the power of chaos, but the power of charm, and Dane's room The little witch followed the same path.

Can this little trick control Dane?

Unless you are as obedient as a witch and are willing to do anything!

Dane grabbed the smoke with one hand and pinched it between his palms. With a slender neck, Calypso had no choice but to be grabbed out of the black mist. The electric arc on Dane's body also turned into an electric whip and hit Calypso, beating her until she screamed.

She She grabbed Dane's hand with force and tried to pry his fingers apart. She was the daughter of the Titans. It should be said that it was impossible to lose to humans in terms of strength.

However, Dane was Shazam with two superimposed gods, and her strength was normal. Even Superman didn't dare to say that he would definitely win. To him, Calypso's power was like a worm shaking a tree and was not worth mentioning.

Seeing that all his sisters were defeated, Anthea also activated the power of the Axis.

Dai En immediately noticed that the surrounding space began to rotate and translate. He stood still, but the building in the distance quickly hit him.

Yes, it was the building hitting him!

Because he was afraid of hurting Mary, Dane As soon as his hand was released, a beam of thunder knocked Calypso away. He closed his arms and completely blocked Mary's petite body. Her back was directly hit by the building.

Under the crushing force of steel and iron bones, the building was knocked out. There was a deep ravine, but Dane and Mary in his arms were unscathed.

He temporarily teleported Mary to the witch and handed her over to her care.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Anxi who had moved his position far away. Ya, suddenly stood up and flew up, approaching her quickly at supersonic speed.

Anthea was frightened and could only use her abilities to move the surrounding buildings in an attempt to use them to block Dane's movements.

But he seemed to be an indestructible The warhead goes directly through the middle of those buildings, which is not much more difficult than passing through a block of tofu.

Mercury's divine speed plus Horus's speed added a hyperspeed thruster to the already super high speed. In the blink of an eye, Dane landed in front of Anthea.

Seeing that Anthea wanted to do it again, he stamped his foot on the ground. Countless cracks spread rapidly around his foot, directly shattering the foundation under Anthea's feet, making her unstable.

Dane threw something away, and Anthea suddenly felt something extra in her hands. She raised her hands and saw that they were a pair of handcuffs shining with blue magic light.

These are the magic shackles.

Anthea could no longer feel her own magic power, and her"lust" suddenly discovered that Anthea's body had become its own new cage, and it could not get out, so it became anxious.

"This is a magic weapon that confines magic! Your Highness Anthea, we must escape from here quickly!"

Anthea laughed miserably, raised her head and looked at the man looking down at her with despair.

"We can't escape, we can't escape..."

After losing her strength, Anthea lost the will to resist..

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