However, as the eldest sister, Hespera did not give in so easily. She took out the three remaining stone statues.

Rage, greed and gluttony

"Accept our power, this is your only way to fight him!"

Under the dual influence of"arrogance" and"lazy", or perhaps under the blow of Dane, Hespera ignored the danger of original sin and threw the last three stone statues to the ground.

Three thick fogs instantly Hespera was wrapped in it, and their power also entered her body.

Since then, the Seven Deadly Sins have finally found their host in the human world, which gives them the ability to use a summoning magic.

Summoning belongs to their Seven Deadly Sins artifact!

"Come on, come on, come on, use our eyes to witness the evil in this world!"

The witch suddenly realized that another important artifact in the Rock of Eternity had disappeared, and she quickly informed Dane through telepathy.

Dane, the evil eye of the Seven Deadly Sins disappeared.

In the ruins, Hespera opened Eyes, at the same time, a blue"173" eye also opened on her forehead

"Yes, yes, I can see how sinful and wonderful you poor bastards are~"

After being possessed by the five original sins, Hespera's character also changed dramatically, and she took a deep breath , the sins of the entire city were sucked into every pore of her body.

But because there are only five original sins, she can only absorb the original sins of the five attributes of arrogance, rage, sloth, greed and gluttony.

Despite this, giving The increase she brought was also huge. The magic power in her body expanded rapidly. It didn't take long before it reached an incredible level, almost comparable to a complete demon lord!

But the price she paid was that her ego began to become more and more... Weak, her personality was also very different from before.

She tore the surrounding buildings apart as if they were torn apart by invisible hands, giving her a view. The surrounding crowd screamed and ran away, but Hespera did not attack them. In her eyes, these humans in front of her are her wealth and her magic pool.

Dane wanted to capture Calypso too, but before he could finish it, Hespera had already Out of the ruins

"You have to pay for what you do!"

Hespera's arms were like batons. With just a slight wave, the earth was shaped according to her will.

Giant hands made of granite rose up around Dane, and then closed in an instant, trapping him in her palms..

Hespera stretched out her hand, and the lava from the center of the earth was summoned by her, incorporating the granite into the flames.

She also summoned underground water, turning the water into a sharp blade, cutting the granite into countless pieces.

However , Dane pushed with both hands, and the gravel fell from his body, but he was unscathed.

Not even a mark.

Hespera felt incredible. Using magic to deal with magic is an eternal truth in the mysterious world. Shazam Why could he be unscathed?

She didn't want to admit that answer.

Dane's ability may be far stronger than she imagined, and he may even be truly comparable to the ancient gods.

"how? Are you done?"

Dane said expressionlessly, and then disappeared in front of Hespera's eyes in the blink of an eye.

This was because his speed was so fast that it caused the effect of sudden disappearance.

Hespera noticed it in advance through the induction of magic power. He reached Dane's position, but he still punched him in the jaw and flew high into the sky.

Strong lightning flashed in his eyes, the weather in the sky changed accordingly, and countless lightning struck Hess in the air from all directions. Pella.

She and the original sins in her body withstood the violent impact, and their bodies began to be damaged. In the damaged cracks, the magic power of the original sins surged within them.

"Hespera, we are no match for him, we must retreat as soon as possible!"

"You want me to run away? Hespera said angrily.

"No, this is just a temporary retreat, we need stronger power and more helpers!"

Hespera's expression changed uncertainly. Although they didn't have many fights, she could feel the gap between the two.

"But Anthea and Calypso..."

"Calypso has escaped with the help of jealousy, and as for Anthea...Maybe keeping her with Shazam isn't such a bad thing."

Anyway, this goddess was not obedient. The original sins did not speak out, but they believed that Hespera could understand the meaning.

Hespera finally made up her mind:"Okay! Where should we go?"

"We can find someone."

When"Sloth" possessed Mary just now, although the time was short, it still saw her memory.

Tes Adam was the first super criminal captured after the appearance of the Justice Association, and his appearance was also captured through quick shaking It spread to thousands of households.

Although there is no specific information about him on Kuaishou, the Seven Deadly Sins know him.

The defender of Khandak and the criminal of the Rock of Eternity.

It was because of his battle with the Wizards Council that year. Only then did the Seven Deadly Sins escape the seal for a short time.

It was precisely because of this rebellion of the Seven Deadly Sins that the wizard Shazam's already short lifespan was exhausted.

"What are you discussing?"

Hespera suddenly turned her head and found Dane looking at her in the storm of clouds, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Dane grabbed the clouds with both hands, as if it was a huge curtain, and when he pulled hard, the clouds looked like The fabric was pulled out of folds.

The folds were like storms, in which lightning violently attacked Hespera, constantly destroying her divine body.

Even the Titan bloodline cannot withstand such destruction!

What's more, this place is tens of thousands of meters away from the crowd. It would be difficult for her to recover by absorbing the original sin.........

In desperation, Hespera could only come up with a despicable method.

She used her natural powers to deflect the thunderstorm, directing it to the ground and landing in the direction of Philadelphia.

She actually wants to divert trouble to the east!

As a god, this was too immodest, but considering that her mind had been infected by original sin, it was not surprising that she would do such a thing.

But Dane couldn't ignore it, he was a decent person after all. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And he actually had the idea of ​​letting Hespera and Calypso continue to cause trouble in order to attract other gods.

So he followed Hespera's thoughts, abandoned her, and flew towards Philadelphia.

And Hespera took advantage of this opportunity to leave here quickly and fly to the sky.

She did not go to join her sister Calypso, but followed the direction indicated by the original sins and flew towards the direction where Tes Adam was imprisoned.

Calypso made a similar choice to her. She was not in a hurry to join Hespera. Instead, she returned to the Rock of Eternity through the passage she used to sneak into the human world, and then returned to the God Realm from the Rock of Eternity.

She thought her actions were very secretive, but little did she know that the witch had already targeted her.

Now that it is known that these three goddesses are causing trouble, how could Dane not be on guard?

The reason why he didn't arrest her at this time was just because he had told the witch in advance and asked her to let Calypso go for the time being.

As long as this goddess doesn't move her other collections, she can come and go from the God Realm at will.

After Calypso returned to the God Realm, he immediately came to the location of the temple. Under the statue of Atlas, there was a pattern of the Tree of Life carved on the ground, with an evil dragon - Ladon sealed inside.

Radon was once a 3.5-hundred-headed dragon guarding the Golden Apple Garden. Even Hercules had to find a chance to kill him while he was sleeping.

And when Hercules was promoted to god due to his merits, Radon was also resurrected as a blessing in disguise and became an immortal dragon, but only one head remained from a hundred.

But as compensation, Radon gained an ability. Anyone who looks directly at it will feel intense fear and be unable to stand, and will eventually be swallowed by it.

No one knows, not even Calypso's two sisters, that Radon actually has a very good relationship with her and almost obeys her every word.

Of course, this may also be related to her ability. She can control Radon, control it, and bring fear to all those who dare to oppose her.

"Look, Radon and I together will become the real ruler of this world!"

""Jealousy" was deeply rooted in Calypso's heart, silently amplifying her emotions.

In Philadelphia, Dane easily eliminated the thunderstorm clouds he had released, and Hespera was already far away from here.

But he was surprised to find that, Anthea still stayed there stupidly.

She didn't take the opportunity to escape!.

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