"I thought you would run away."Dane looked at Anthea with a slight smile on his face.

But Anthea's attitude was not so comfortable. She tried to stay calm.

"Please believe us, we are not here for war"

"You are unconvincing. Dane pointed around and motioned for her to look at the damage around her.

Anthea knew she was in the wrong, so she didn’t defend herself, but just apologized.

"If there's anything I can do to make up for this, I'm willing to do it and forgive my sisters, they've just been... trapped for too long."

Then Anthea suddenly asked:"Mary, is she... okay?"

What's going on? Have they become friends?

"You want to meet her?"

"Can I?"Anthea said cautiously.

Dane activated the teleportation magic and brought her to Mary's location.

Mary was still sleeping soundly, and the power of"Sloth" seemed to have opened up the magic source in her body. Dane noticed the rapidly growing magic in her body. Power.

But Mary has not practiced spiritual magic. Her magic power is completely transformed from life force.

If she continues to ignore it, she will probably be sucked out of her life force by the rampant magic power and die.

Fortunately, there is a witchcraft master here. Witch, she temporarily stabilized the situation in Mary's body.

03 Dane tapped her finger on Mary's head, and the divine power soaked into it from her forehead, helping her to completely stabilize her life force and prevent it from continuing to drain.

Although Anthea is among the gods in age It was the mildest, but she was not ignorant and could see Mary's condition, so she felt guilty inside.

After a few seconds, Mary's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyelids slowly opened, showing a confused look.

"What is this place...Shazam!"

One second she was still confused, and the next second she saw Shazam standing next to her and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Poor Anthea was almost ignored.……

"Mary, I come as promised."Dane gave her a gentle smile.

Mary felt that she was so happy that she was about to bubble. She always felt that the agreement she made with Shazam was a dream, but she always had some unrealistic fantasies and hopes. That dream was true.

But now, the fact finally became true as she wished, but she felt like it was like a dream.

She suddenly became worried about gain and loss. How does she look? Will she be ugly? She is a few feet away from the two of them. Several years have passed since we last met, and Mary has changed a lot. Westerners do seem to develop much faster.

This is more than just a female transformation? I believe you if you say you want to reinvent the wheel!

At this time, Anthea had to take it easy. Cough slightly to show her presence, otherwise she seriously doubted that Mary might never see her in her lifetime.

"ah! It's Anthea!"

Hearing the sound, Mary realized that Anthea was standing aside. She was very embarrassed and quietly hid her face under the quilt.

Her impression of Anthea had not changed because of her two sisters. She was very grateful to be able to stand up for her and resist the pressure of the goddess at that time.

"Mary, I'm sorry, everything shouldn't have turned out like this. We just want to restore the divine world and don't want to hurt anyone. Mary made the same suggestion:"Shazam is here now. Why don't you ask for his help?""

Anthea's face became a little embarrassed. She couldn't say that Shazam had just beaten her two sisters, right?

"You said you want to restore the God Realm, what exactly do you plan to do? Dane asked at this time.

Anthea quickly said:"We plan to replant the golden apple into the divine world, and then use divine power to promote its growth."

Dane frowned and said,"But the tree of life that grows like this is deformed.""

French objects like the Tree of Life are best grown naturally. Artificial growth is most likely to produce malnourished things.

In the movie"Shazam 2," it grew into a malnourished look. Of course it looked like that. The bigger reason is that the human world is not suitable for its growth because it is not suitable for the soil and water, but over-ripening is also one of the reasons.

Anthea explained:"Sister Hespera has the power of nature. As long as she can get back her divine power , you can give birth to a healthy tree of life through your own power."

"Although this tree cannot compare with the one in the Golden Apple Orchard in the Age of the Old Gods, it is enough for our lives."

There are only three goddesses in the entire Atlas Mountains, and the others are all servants of the gods. They do not consume much divine energy at all. The reason why the three goddesses have high hopes for the Tree of Life is that it can use photosynthesis and breathing. It functions to synthesize the divine aura suitable for the survival of gods, which can extend the life of gods and enhance the magic power of gods.

Of course, the growth of this power cannot be compared with the heyday of ancient beliefs, but it is already the best among the three goddesses. Choice.

To say that the wizard Shazam did this back then was a bit evil. He wiped out almost all the gods on Mount Atlas, but left them with nothing useful. No wonder it got stuck. Lypso and Hespera hate humans so much.

This hatred is caused by the wizard Shazam.

Speaking of this, Dane suddenly remembered that the old wizard seems to be locked up in the God Realm now, right?

So he asked Anthea:"Is the wizard imprisoned in your God Realm now?"

Anthea didn't understand how he knew, but she didn't hide it. She nodded and admitted.

At this time, the witch's expression suddenly changed, and Dane's expression also changed slightly.

Mary noticed this expression, and she asked quietly:" What's wrong? Dane just looked at Anthea with a subtle smile:"Your sister is such a courageous woman~"

Although Dane intended to let Calypso cause trouble, it did not mean that he could let her go. Doing things in your own home

"I'll leave it to you here."He gave an order to the witch and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Anthea's heart froze, and she suddenly thought of something, but her magic power was blocked now, and even if she wanted to do something, there was nothing she could do.

Mary looked confused, but she didn't She said nothing, just a pair of eyes looking up and down at the strange-looking witch.

This was a person who had never appeared in public, and Mary was keenly aware that the relationship between her and Shazam was not simple.

This made her feel nervous. , feeling a little uncomfortable for no reason

…………(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the Rock of Eternity, Calypso sat on top of Radon's head and broke into the Rock of Eternity through the world-traveling door.

Radon's huge head completely cracked the door open, and it was still pushing out hard, but it didn't wait for its efforts to bear fruit.

Dane landed in front of it with lightning, which instantly attracted Radon's attention.

The overall appearance of Ladon is like a dragon formed by tangled branches, and every inch of muscle on the body is like a twist of dead branches.

Only the blue light coming from the facial features made it look like a living creature.

Dane looked at the messed up place around him, feeling a little speechless.

Is it because I didn’t exert enough force just now that you had some unrealistic fantasies?

Just one more dragon can make you float like this?

"Shazam? You came just in time!"

Ka110 Lypso patted Radon's big head, and Radon roared to the sky. Its eyes, ears, mouth and nose emitted intense blue light.

Neither the master nor the servant looked very smart.

At this time, from A force of fear came from Radon and tried to invade Dane's mind.

Look, is there something wrong with Dane?

Dane flashed his right middle finger, and a yellow-green ring appeared on it.

The Parallax monster was connected to Dane's mind. He also noticed the power of fear radiated by Radon, and became angry instantly!

The power of fear can only be controlled by one person!

While Radon was still showing off his power, the light ring in Dane's hand emitted a strong composite light. It shines on Radon's big face.

You would never know that a dragon can actually have an expression of"fear" on its face.

And Calypso is also within the scope of the light of fear. She and her The"jealousy" in her body was aroused at the same time the fear in her heart.

What Calypso was afraid of was aging. In front of her eyes, she had already seen an aging face that was no different from the current Hespera.

Her eyes were cloudy, her skin was red, and her hair was dull. You can see the age spots on her face.

She screamed, and her voice echoed throughout the Rock of Eternity.


The"jealousy" in her body saw another fantasy, but coincidentally, what it feared was simply the shadow of reality.

What it fears is Shazam himself! At this moment, the man opposite with thunder on his body.

Ladon whimpered and retreated, his huge body instantly retreating into the divine world in order to avoid the light of the lamp ring.

Parallax, on the other hand, was feasting on fear, and this time Dane didn't restrain it, so it drank very hard!

It almost sucked out the life force of the two"gods"!.

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