Dane took back the light ring at the right time, and Parallax Monster felt that he still had something to say, and actually yelled at him in dissatisfaction.

Did I give you face?

Dane fired a bolt of lightning into it, causing the Parallax monster to twitch and roll in the light ring space.

At the same time, Dane extracted the energy it had just eaten and stored it in another lamp furnace battery.

This is equivalent to making it work in vain.

When raising this thing, you can't be too spoiled, and you have to let it know its status at all times.

Sure enough, after this training, Parallax Monster became much more honest.

Calypso and Radon took advantage of this time to quickly hide in the God Realm.

Dane repaired the boundary gate again and then stepped in.

The first thing that comes into view is a maze. The location of this boundary crossing door is not very good. It is actually a toilet door.

Yes, can you believe that the goddess also wants to excrete here?

However, due to Radon's destruction, most of the maze here has been crushed and broken by the dragon.

Dane did not rush to find Calypso, but sealed the boundary gate before setting off.

But the target he is looking for is the wizard Shazam.

With the help of the tracking spell, he quickly discovered the wizard's location and found him in a feudal-era prison.

He held the iron door with one hand and tore it off. It was an ordinary iron door that could only close ordinary people without magic power.

The wizard Shazam was awakened by a loud noise. He opened his eyes and was stunned.

Then he wiped his eyes hard and confirmed that the person standing in front of him was really Dane.

"Why are you here? Dane asked with a smile:"This is also the question I want to ask you. Even if you want to come to the God Realm, you really don't have any magic power, right?""

But the wizard's expression suddenly became a little strange when he heard this, and the look he looked at Dane also became strange:

"I originally made some preparations, until I found out that the word Shazam was under a protective spell, so I couldn't use my power..."


Could it be that Dane locked the word, which caused the wizard to Don’t have the strength to fight against the three goddesses?

Maybe this is really his fault.

Realizing this, Dane quietly changed the subject

"What do you want to do here?"

The wizard said depressedly:"I originally wanted to see the condition of the Tree of Life to see if it was possible to travel to the New God's Realm through it."

Dane looked at him in surprise. Good guy, you are really brave. I don't know there are many enemies of yours out there.

Are you afraid of being beaten to death by a group of gods?

Oh, he almost forgot, the wizard is already dead. It happened once.

Now that he can exist in a physical form, it means that he may have become undead in some way.

Dane thought for a moment. He remembered that in the movie, the tree of life here should have withered, right?

"You guessed it right, the tree of life here has withered, and the world is gradually dying because of this~."

Having said this, the wizard is still a little embarrassed

"In fact, I sealed this place back then because I thought the three daughters of Atlas would soon follow in the footsteps of the gods and head to the New God's Realm."

"But he didn't expect them to stay."

Hespera and Calypso stayed because they were unwilling to fail, and they were not willing to give up the world to humans.

Because this would make them feel that they were expelled.

As for Anthea, They chose to stay entirely because they wanted to accompany their sisters.

But they did not expect that as the tree of life withered, the energy of the God Realm also declined rapidly.

By the time they began to regret it, they could no longer They left for the New God Realm under their own power.

Aging and loneliness tortured them at the same time, causing them to now extremely hate humans.

"But it's actually very simple to rejuvenate the Tree of Life..." The wizard Shazam looked like he wanted to teach Dane a lesson.

But Dane announced the answer before he could say it.

"Open the barrier between the human world and the divine world, let the vitality of the human world enter the divine world, and then supplement it with the power of the scepter and the spark of God, and the tree of life can regain its vitality.

The wizard nodded happily:"It seems that you are serious about learning magic."

No wonder he was able to lock Shazam's spell right away..."

The wizard was still full of resentment when he said this.

He has been imprisoned here for almost ten years!

He is transformed by that crazy woman Calypso almost every now and then. All kinds of torture.

Dane reminded him:"You are tortured because you owe them."

The implication has nothing to do with him.

The wizard glanced at him sideways. This shameless look had a bit of his demeanor back then.

Suddenly, the wizard seemed to have remembered something.

"Wait, you appear here, could it be that..."

Dane nodded:"The daughters of Atlas escaped from the God Realm and came to the Human Realm."

"How can this be? Unless the scepter is damaged"

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with the scepter, it's just that the Seven Deadly Sins escaped and joined forces with them."


How the hell can I rest assured? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But he felt something was wrong:"With your ability, you can't possibly ignore the seven deadly sins, right?

Dane nodded again:"I need to do an experiment with them.""

He didn't say what specific experiment it was, and the wizard didn't continue to ask. He just reminded:

"You have to be careful, the longer the seven deadly sins stay in the human world, the stronger their power will be."

"It is best to deal with the seven sins separately, so that they cannot form a unity and their respective power will be much weakened."

As expected of Lao Yinbi, this divide and conquer idea is exactly the same as Dane's.

"I have done this, lust is now in Anthea, who is captured by me, jealousy is in Calypso, who has fled here."

This was not beyond the wizard's expectation. He just said:"That's good."

"Do you still want to go to New God Realm? Dane asked suddenly.

The wizard seemed to know what he was going to do and nodded silently.

"Then we must first solve Calypso's problem."

As he spoke, Dane's body suddenly rose up, directly penetrating the ceiling of the prison, and also penetrated dozens of floors, until it penetrated the dome of the temple and reached the sky.

Atlas Mountain is a solitary peak. , there is a temple dedicated to Atlas on the top of the mountain.

Down from the temple is a long stone staircase. Halfway up the mountain, two giant humanoid stone statues stand holding swords.

On the stone pillars around them, there are also There are a large number of goddess statues, they face the temple and make gestures of praise.

One thing to say, this artistic style is still very good.

Above the temple, Ladon is suspended there, both it and Calypso have wary faces. looking at Dane

"'Shazam, do you have to kill them all?"

Radon roared towards Dane, but compared with just now in the Rock of Eternity, it seemed to lack a little momentum.

"Calypso, link my power to Radon, with the power of the Trinity!"

"Jealousy" suggests in Calypso's Heart

""Trinity" is a very powerful magic, even used in hell. The God of Olympus is more willing to get the number"three" when opening the vest, because it can significantly enhance the power of magic.

Calypso said it He did as he was told, and soon formed a trinity magic circle with the help of"Jealousy". Radon instantly felt that his power had risen to a higher level.

"Come on, show meUnder the power of the ancient gods."

Dane waved at Radon and Calypso.

Radon roared and rushed over, opened his bloody mouth and spit out blue dragon flames. This flame has the ability to burn the soul.

Dane waved his hand and slapped He directly fanned out the storm and extinguished the dragon flames.

Ladon's huge dragon claws moved towards Dane's head. Although it was huge, its movements were not slow at all.

However, compared to Dain, who has great speed , Enlai said, it was still too slow.

Dane ducked sideways to avoid the claw, and then he flew around behind Radon and grabbed its tail directly.

Once his divine power was activated, he immediately pulled the claw Winter's huge body was pulled into a spin, and the speed was very fast!

Calypso tried hard to grasp the horns on Radon's body to prevent herself from being thrown away, but the wind blowing in her face and the strong feeling of weightlessness always tortured her.

Dai En suddenly let go of his hand, and Radon's huge body flew out directly, hitting the temple of Atlas and destroying it.

Radon poked his dragon head out of the ruins, and rolled up the surrounding stones with his tail. Dane attacked, and at the same time, it did not forget to spit out dragon flames to enchant those stones.

It still believed that as long as its flames could hit Dane, it would definitely cause damage to him.

"Seriously, I'm starting to think you're kind of cute."

Dane smashed the oncoming rocks with his fists, letting the blue dragon flames burn on his body.

Maybe Shazam in the movie will be injured by the dragon flames, but it is absolutely impossible for Dane now.

The God of Death His godhead makes his soul impregnable.

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