Ladon and Calypso were shocked, as if they didn't expect that the other could be completely unaffected.

Dane flew up again, and this time he hit Radon's body directly, pushing it towards the ground.

Ladon tried his best to flap his wings, trying to regain the initiative, but to no avail.

Dane is as hard as a rock, unmoved no matter how hard it grabs and knocks.

He pushed the dragon from the top of Astra Mountain, all the way down, and fell directly to the ground at the foot of the mountain. The trinity was instantly broken.

Radon's huge body fell to the ground, causing cracks in the foundation at the foot of the mountain.

The huge earthquake spread all the way to the top of the mountain. The wizard who was climbing in the labyrinth inside the temple was shaken by the sudden earthquake and almost fell to pieces.

He cursed secretly, and then walked towards the outside of the maze.

He hasn't been here for a long time, so his memory is a little fuzzy, but fortunately, the general direction should be correct.

As the wizard walked, he cursed in his heart: Dane, that brat, I already told him that he has lost all his power, and yet he is still guarding against the power of Shazam. Why even temporarily lend him the scepter?

But there was no other way. He could only use his old arms and legs to continue walking forward.

At the foot of the mountain.

Dane stood up from Ladon's body. The dragon was now smashed to pieces and it was difficult to move.

It looks big, but I can't help but hit it.

Beside Radon, Calypso fell to the ground.

She is a descendant of the Titans, so it is impossible to die, but the concussion will probably make her comatose for a while.

As Dane moved towards Calypso, Radon roared loudly and tried to grab Dane with his front paws.

But Dane just raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck it.

This move had an immediate effect, and Ladon suddenly stopped making trouble.

Dane took out another pair of handcuffs from the storage and cuffed Calypso's hands, suppressing"jealousy" within her body.

The three goddesses have already fallen into the second trap, and he wonders what surprises Hespera can bring him.

Dane took out the light ring and pointed it at Radon, absorbing it into the world of the light ring and letting it keep company with the Parallax Monster.

Then he picked up Calypso and flew up the Atlas Mountains again.

Under the steps of the temple, there is a giant tree. It is so dry that it seems dead. The wizard Shazam is standing next to the giant tree.

Dane landed in front of the giant tree and tossed Calypso aside.

The wizard just glanced at the goddess on the ground and ignored her.

Although Calypso has always used different tricks to torture him in recent years, this experienced old wizard actually didn't take it to heart.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Dane felt a little funny when he heard the wizard's question.

"Otherwise, forget it?"

The expression on the wizard's face was almost tense. Well, he still needed to bring the Tree of Life back to life, so he simply stopped talking.

Dane stretched out his hand to grab it, and the scepter suddenly appeared in his hand.

He reached for With a finger in the sky, a beam of light was emitted from the crystal into the sky, and an invisible barrier that separated the human world and the divine world was immediately lifted. The rich vitality from the human world was blown into this long-open divine realm, and the spiritual world in the divine realm was blown away. Other creatures immediately noticed the changes in the God Realm.

However, after thousands of years of changes, there are not many species still surviving in the God Realm. Many have lost their magical abilities and have degenerated into ordinary creatures.

After all, in a place without magic , still retaining magical abilities is not conducive to survival.

But now, they are likely to usher in a new opportunity for transformation.

Like Paradise Island, if the divine world can continue to maintain its mystery, then under the nourishment of the new tree of life It is still possible for it to become a magical holy place.

Although it is impossible to recreate the glory of the Age of Gods, it can still continue to exist in accordance with the changes of the times.

And Dane increasingly feels that rather than simply developing magic, turning magic into Combining technology with technology will be the future direction of the mysterious world.

In fact, the Atlantis people’s thinking is right, but they are on a dead end.

People on the surface think about how to go to heaven and see the vast universe, but people living deep inside The Atlanteans at the bottom of the sea live in the depths of the ocean all year round.

Not to mention the universe, they have very little interest in the surface.

Dane said that their structure is too small. The universe is so big, maybe it still exists A liquid planet, wouldn't it be the second home of the Atlanteans?

As long as there are enough extraterrestrial colonies, there is no need to compete with surface people for the resources on the earth.

But Dane thought about it again, this may be different from Atlantis. It is related to the beliefs of the Landis people.

The beliefs of the Olympus pantheon are basically on the earth. Perhaps the foundation of all the old gods is on the earth. This is a world they cannot let go of.

After being distracted for a while, the vitality of the human world is The spread in the divine world is very fast.

This is similar to the siphon principle. Once the lack of vitality of the divine world encounters the energetic human world, it will desperately absorb the vitality of the human world like a dragon absorbing water.

Fortunately, these thousands of years of human development The prosperity and development have resulted in a large population, which can withstand such absorption by the divine world.

However, this change in vitality has still attracted the attention of the magic world.

Constantine, Zatanna, Doctor Fate and other magicians are proficient in magic. Everyone felt the loss of life in the human world.

Even Diana, who barely used magic, noticed this change.

"what happened?"Diana felt a little strange.

Zatanna was by her side. After her birthday, their relationship had eased to a certain extent.

Zatanna sat in meditation for a while, and her spiritual vision discovered that it was the anger of the human world. While transmitting to another small world, she sensed Dane's aura in that small world.

Everything was normal here.

Dane also noticed her thoughts and sent her this message.

Zatanna opened her eyes and saw Diana said:"It's Dane, he's dealing with a magical incident."

When Diana heard that Dane was handling it, she immediately put it down.

In London, Constantine was doing divination in his old mansion. After a few minutes, he threw the divination away. (Read the novel"Bao Shuang". Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He didn’t dare to interfere with the boss’s affairs.

Dr. Destiny sensed the changes in the human world and immediately began to peek into destiny. In less than three minutes, he understood the cause and effect.

Things between the human world and the divine world are a mess. , since Shazam is already dealing with it, Dr. Fate doesn't care about it.

As a result, an incident that may cause shock to the magical world was directly eliminated because of Dane's personal participation.

After the anger between the two worlds has reached a balance, , Dane raised the scepter. Above him, the clouds began to rotate around him, and countless thunder snakes were swimming in the clouds. The last step in reviving the tree of life, the spark of God, is the thunder of Zeus.

As mentioned earlier However, in the DCEU world view, it was Zeus who created mankind, so Zeus’s divine power is the power of creation and the power that contains vitality.

This also represents the two sides of Zeus’s divine power, one is creation and the other is destruction.

Dane will The scepter slammed to the ground. The moment the scepter hit the ground, the thunder snake in the clouds also fell downwards and struck the crystal stone of the scepter. The destructiveness of the thunder and lightning was absorbed by the crystal on the top of the scepter, and the power was generated. It was released to the ground by the rod body under the crystal.

The rod body of this scepter is actually made from the trunk of the Tree of Life and comes from the same lineage.

After a while, the clouds in the sky dispersed.

Starting from around the scepter , flowers and grass began to grow rapidly, the power of vitality spread out, and the withered tree of life began to regain its vitality. The dead leaves turned green, the branches stood up again, and the pink flowers reopened on the tree of life.

Of course, I want It is unlikely that it will grow golden apples again.

Although golden apples are not as exaggerated as flat peaches, the growing conditions are also very harsh.

At least now, and in the next few years, it is unlikely that new golden apples will grow.

"Success!"The wizard was a little excited.

"Yes, it worked."

Dane glanced at Calypso on the ground. Around the Tree of Life, her own divine power also began to slowly recover.

This change will gradually spread to other goddesses, especially Hespera. As the holder of the power of nature, she should feel it the most

"So, you've decided to leave?"Dane asked the wizard

"That's right."The wizard nodded,"This is no longer a world I should stay in for a long time. Besides, you did a good job."

This meeting was as short and rushed as the first time, and Dane could only send him his best wishes.

"correct. Dane suddenly thought of something,"At the beginning, you seemed to have identified me as Shazam's heir. Why?" The wizard just smiled when he heard this:"This is all an arrangement of fate, Dane.""

"From the moment you were born, the power of Shazam has decided its destination. I didn’t choose you, but they chose you."

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