The wizard finally left. He walked into the Tree of Life and followed the direction of the roots to another world.

From beginning to end, he never mentioned Black Adam, as if he acquiesced that Dane could handle this matter.

And Dane did not mention his treatment of Black Adam. The two parted naturally. This time they said goodbye, and they didn’t know when they would see each other again.

Dane admired the Atlas Mountains, which should be his new base.

It is not difficult to take over here. He has the endurance of Atlas, so he will not be rejected by the temple.

He waved his hand and the repair magic was activated.

The destroyed temples were restored, including the stone pillars and statues that were damaged by the erosion of time and were repaired under the influence of magic.

"Well, it looks better now."Dane nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, a group of"copper men" who looked like Homo erectus walked out of the temple.

They were living creatures, and because they relied less on magic power, they were captured by the three goddesses to serve as servants and gods. Coolies.

When Shazam was fighting the dragon Ladon, they were hiding under the temple and shivering. They didn't dare to come out until the dust settled. As soon as these copper orangutans walked up to Dane, they all made a"pop" sound. Kneeling on the ground, it was as if he regarded Dane as his new master.

This is not surprising. Although it is not highly dependent on magic power, this creature still has magic sensitivity and can feel the magic power of Dane. divine power

"Get up and take the woman behind you."After Dane finished speaking, he walked past them.

These copper orangutans could understand human speech, so soon two of them followed Dane's instructions and picked up Calypso and took him into the temple....

North Pole, deep water prison.

Hespera followed the guidance of the Original Sins and came here. This is the secret base where the Sky Eyes imprison super criminals above A.

As early as thousands of years ago, when Tes Adam was causing trouble in Khandak, the Seven Deadly Sins placed a magical mark on him.

They know they will need it one day.

Hespera floated on the black ocean:"Are you sure this is this place?"

She didn't see any man-made buildings. Apart from the black water here, there were white snow-capped mountains, and there was no human habitation in Renli.

"Make no mistake, Tes Adam is underwater."The tone of the original sinners was very determined.

"It'd better be so."Hespera's tone was unkind.

She recited an incomprehensible spell, and when she opened her hands, the seawater immediately separated to the left and right, like a book being unfolded. The water body was moved away, and the building was suddenly exposed underwater. huge man-made structures

"It’s incredible that mere humans can create such miracles! Hespera exclaimed

"There he is! We can feel it, very strongly!"

Hespera heard the words and immediately leaned over and flew into the underwater prison.

As early as when Hespera separated from the water body, the deep water prison had already received the alarm

"alarm! Paranormal activity occurred in area B13!"

"Show the picture!"

The surveillance footage from the outside world was played on the screen in the main control room.

"Holy. Shit!"

"What on earth did this do?"

Soon someone spotted a figure in the picture, and he shouted:"There! That's a person!"

From the enlarged picture, the manager quickly saw Hespera's figure and saw that she had invaded the prison. She could fly, could split the sea out of thin air, and was wearing an ancient Greek armor. The first thing that came to his mind was What comes to mind is Wonder Woman.

Could this person be the same as Wonder Woman? Then they can't beat her! But Wonder Woman doesn't seem to be able to divide the sea out of thin air.

"Quick, contact the Justice Society and ask Dr. Destiny to come!"

If it is really a god who comes, then only the power of god can defeat her!

Following the induction of the original sins, Hespera quickly walked to the water prison where Tes Adam was being held, and a tube was inserted into his mouth. , the body falls into a dormant state

"It's really sad that as an inheritor of divine power, he was imprisoned here by a group of humans."

Hespera pointed a finger, and the glass cage holding Tes Adam shattered, and the Adam inside leaked out together with the water surrounding him.

As soon as he came out, Adam's consciousness immediately returned to consciousness, and he opened his eyes suddenly , took out the thing in his mouth.

The thing was connected to a long tube, which almost prevented him from coughing out the lung fluid.


He raised his head and made sure he had never seen the woman in front of him before.

"Who are you?"

"I am Hespera, the daughter of the Titan Atlas, Tes Adam. I saved you. You should be loyal to me. Come with me."

"You can't go anywhere!"

At this time, the heavily armed special team finally arrived.

"Madam, this is a confidential place. Please raise your hands and lie down with your head in your hands.

Hespera laughed angrily:"Human, I appreciate your courage, but I don't really like your rudeness.""

She hooked her fingers, and the invisible force field pulled the special soldier who just spoke to her.

"You humans may have forgotten the proper attitude towards God, but it doesn’t matter, I will teach you again."

As she said, the special soldier's legs suddenly softened and he knelt down in front of her.

"This is the etiquette you humans should have when meeting gods."

"Everyone! Fire freely!"

When the other special agents saw this, they immediately pulled the trigger. The light of fire and the sound of bullets coming out of the barrel merged together. The bullets hit Hespera's armor, face, hands, and limbs.

But there was nothing except sparks. Little effect

"Fun little toy."

With the power of the five original sins, Hespera is now completely unafraid of human thermal weapons.

She opened her palms towards those who fired, and in an instant, everyone's bodies rose involuntarily, and as Hespera Hespera smiled cruelly, closed her palms, and the bodies of the six special team members were instantly compressed into a mixture of flesh and blood by a powerful force field.

0 Asking for Flowers

The human limbs in front of her were as fragile as the palms of their hands. The insect inside.

But as soon as she killed the group of special forces, a golden light lit up around her, and Doctor Fate stepped out of the golden light.

He saw through Hespera's identity at a glance

"Hespera, daughter of Atlas, you should not remain in the human world! Hespera glanced at him and said in surprise:"I can't tell which god you are, but you smell like a pagan god.""

She was referring to the Egyptian gods.

Dr. Destiny's abilities are related to certain Egyptian gods. A considerable part of his artifacts are made of N metal, so he has a deep connection with the Egyptian god system.

This is also the relationship between him and Hawkman. One of the reasons why relationships are so good

"However, this is not your business." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you destroy the order that this world should have, then that's my business"

"Ah~ So you are that type of god."

Hespera nodded, and then the power of nature suddenly activated, compressing the atmosphere and detonating, blowing Dr. Destiny away.

But he stood up quickly, and this attack could not do anything to him.

"Since you choose to fight, let's do it."

Dr. Fate's body flashed with golden light and disappeared.

Hespera immediately became alert. She knew that the other party would never leave like this.


The reminder of original sin took a step later. In the void, a golden magic beam hit Hespera and threw her body high.

As soon as Hespera stopped in the air, another beam of golden light came from her sight. The blind spot flew towards her and hit her again.

After being hit several times in a row, Hespera couldn't even touch the opponent's shadow.

She was angry at this despicable tactic, and used the power of nature with both hands to strike. She set up a blue barrier around herself, intercepting all the flying golden light.

She accumulated some magic power, then reversed the barrier, and then suddenly spread it out.

This wide-area attack immediately revealed the fate hidden in the dark. The doctor created a phantom state

"Got you!"

Hespera stared at him with sharp eyes. In ancient times, she was also a Valkyrie who followed her father Atlas on the battlefield. She has quite a lot of combat experience.

She saw Doctor Fate freeze temporarily and raised her hand instantly. , the ground instantly sprouted countless thorns that stabbed Dr. Destiny.

Although they could not hurt him, they successfully put Dr. Destiny into a dilemma of caring about one thing and losing the other.

And Hespera took the opportunity to pull out a golden dagger from her arms, He stabbed at a position where Dr. Destiny couldn't see.

But Dr. Destiny's danger prediction came into effect in time. He ducked sideways and avoided the direct attack, but a small wound was opened on his waist by the golden dagger..This wound is not serious, but the poison attached to the blade is what gives Dr. Destiny the biggest headache.

"This poison is made from the filthiest things in the world.Famous God, I hope you survive this poison."

Hespera sneered and knocked Doctor Destiny away.

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