Hespera ignored the struggling Doctor Fate and walked straight to Tes Adam.

"Now, make your decision, do you want to come with me?"

"what is your purpose?"

Adam was not intimidated by her power. He had been a"god" after all, and his psychological quality was strong enough.

Hespera said bitterly:"Shazam!

When Adam heard that it was this person, he immediately said:"Add me!""

He has always wanted to take back his power of Shazam, but he knew clearly that he could not do it with his own strength.

Now that he finally had an opportunity, he must seize it.

Hess Pella nodded with satisfaction, but she was not satisfied with Adam's strength.

Without the power of Shazam, he was just a stronger warrior.

Don't doubt that in the movie, Tes Adam can defeat several people with a mortal body. A well-armed security guard escaped from a deep-water prison.

So there is no doubt about his combat ability, but it is not enough.

"Your Highness, let me do it, and I will let him devote his loyalty to you." 863"…"

""Greed" whispered in Hespera's ears, and she could not help but do as it asked.

"You need to be stronger to fight our enemies."

Hespera stretched out her fingers and pointed at Tes Adam's big bald head.

"The power of"greed" quickly spread from her fingertips to Adam, and the feeling of full energy in his body came to his mind again, making him feel a strange sense of satisfaction.

But this sense of satisfaction disappeared the next moment.

Not enough, this Not enough! I need more, more!

""Greed" was very satisfied with this body. It was strong enough, both physically and mentally, and had a strong enough desire.

Tes Adam stood up and glanced at Dr. Destiny on the ground, and the doctor also saw him.

"Adam, you can choose to be a good person!"

It was Kent who said this to him. He still tried to persuade Adam to be good.

But Adam showed an evil smile:"You are wrong, old guy. The most powerless people in this world are good people."

This truth was understood when his family was assassinated by King Acton, so he would not become a good person before and will not become a good person in the future.

The price of being a good person is too high.

Adam stepped forward, like the first time they He grabbed the helmet like that during the battle.

Kent and the Naboo gods separated again and returned to their mortal bodies.

"Your power comes entirely from this helmet. I think without this, you can no longer meddle in other people's business.

This is my last warning to you, old guy, next time, I won’t be merciful!"

Adam did not throw the Helmet of Destiny away this time, but withheld it.

God Naboo tried to resist Adam, but his thoughts were suppressed by"greed" as soon as they arose.

This is not possible.

""Greed" sent a message to Naboo with a sly smile.

It's you! The god Naboo sensed the power of original sin and seemed very shocked.

Naboo's duty is to fight against chaos, and the seven deadly sins are also one of the accomplices of chaos, and have been causing chaos since ancient times. Of course he knows it. Just watch, this world will fall into our hands sooner or later. No one can destroy us, because we live in symbiosis with humans.…

""Greedy" laughed loudly, and its magic power directly blocked the power of God Naboo.

God Naboo was indeed powerful when he was intact, but now that he is sealed in a helmet, he cannot exert even half of his power.

What do you say about original sin? They are also inner demons that have existed since ancient times. Banning an absent pagan god is not a problem at all.

What's more, in this human world, they have a steady stream of energy support. In modern society, the phenomenon of materialistic desires is stronger than in the ancient times when they caused chaos. Too many.

Tes Adam held the lifeless helmet in his arms, looked at Hespera and said:"Now, what should we do?"

"If you were to meet Shazam, could you take back your powers? Adam nodded affirmatively:"As long as I can touch the wizard's scepter, I can take back my power!""

"very good!"Hespera nodded with satisfaction.

"But we need more helpers, you and me, and we should seek help from the gods."

Hespera wanted to ask for help from the gods.

The new divine realm was established in the fourth dimension. Strictly speaking, these gods who are still stranded in the human world cannot see the gods in the divine realm.

Although they want to see the gods in the human realm It is not easy, but there is a way to convey your thoughts to the gods.

As long as you pray to the gods in the temple, the power of faith will send their thoughts to heaven.

In the Atlas Mountains Before the barrier was erected between the divine world and the human world, the three goddesses used this method many times to get in touch with the great god Atlas.

But after the wizard raised the barrier, this connection was broken. Until now, it has Thousands of years have passed.

However, during these thousands of years, temples have still been preserved in the human world.

There are still temple remains in Paradise Island, Atlantis and some places in Greece.

Of course, you have to be picky. Hespera and Adam immediately flew directly to Greece.

After they left, other members of the Sky Eye Society dared to come out to clean up the mess.

The medical team helped Kent Nelson up and he grabbed him

"quick! Tell this to Hawkman and the Justice League!"

Without the helmet, Kent no longer has the ability to predict the future, which makes him very insecure.

He suddenly feels a little ridiculous.

He has been looking for a way to escape his fate, but once this happens, it can give him a sense of peace of mind He still only has the Helmet of Destiny.

Perhaps as Nab said, wearing the helmet was an inevitable choice of fate.……


Kandak Justice Building.

Calypso woke up from a coma, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she immediately jumped up, holding the dagger in her palm....

"Are you serious about wanting to fight me in close combat?"

Ladon can't even beat me, how about you?

Calypso looked towards the source of the sound. Dane and Anthea were standing together.

"An..." Calypso looked ugly.

"Have you betrayed us?

Anthea shook her head quickly:"No, sister, I am also a prisoner.""

Calypso saw the shackles on her hands and believed her words.

Then she turned her eyes to Dane and sneered:"The daughter of Atlas will never admit defeat."

But when she tried to activate the power of chaos, she found that she couldn't do it at all, so she posed with Poss there for a long time, but nothing happened. The scene was very awkward for a time, Calypso maintained his posture, just like in a movie It was like a scene without special effects.

This made her look a little confused. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"what did you do to me?"

Dane pointed to the handcuffs on her hand, and Calypso followed his gaze. The handcuffs looked exactly like the ones on Anthea's wrist.

"These are magic-forbidden handcuffs, sister. We can’t use any magic when we put these on."

Anthea couldn't stand it anymore and explained to her.

"mean!"Calypso roared.

Dane just rolled his eyes and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with her. He said to Anthea beside him:

"I'll leave her to you. I have treated you with all my kindness, so don't cause any more trouble for me."

Anthea nodded hurriedly like a chicken pecking at rice.

After Dane finished speaking, he walked out of the room, leaving the two sisters here staring at each other.

"Anthea, can you explain what's going on?"

Calypso asked with a dark face. She had just felt it carefully and found that not only the power of chaos, but also the power of"jealousy" could no longer be sensed.

She didn't even know if 5.3 was still in her body.

Anthea just said:"It's over, sister, that's the truth."

She grabbed the dagger in Calypso's hand and slowly put it down.

"Also, Shazam has unlocked the barrier covering the divine world and resurrected the Tree of Life. There is no reason for us to continue fighting."

Calypso's expression changed, and she grabbed Anthea

"Is everything you said true? Did you see it with your own eyes?

Anthea nodded:"I have seen with my own eyes that the Tree of Life has been revived, and the God Realm is also recovering. In just a few hundred years, it will become a new holy land."…"

"But it can never return to its glory days, right?"Calypso sneered.

Anthea persuaded:"Our time has long passed. Human beings no longer need us. They themselves are very powerful and can do things that even we can't do."

Calypso shook off her hand and turned around.

"I never believe it, I have to see the God Realm with my own eyes!".

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