Hespera and Tesadam moved quickly and flew to the Parthenon in Greece, a temple dedicated to Athena.

It's the off-season for tourism, but even so, there are still a lot of tourists here.

It is said that since the identities of Shazam and Wonder Woman were revealed, the whole world has believed that"gods" are real and has begun to re-examine mythology.

There are also some signs of restoring faith in various places. Among them, the Greek government should be the one who has made the greatest efforts.

In recent years, Greek officials have organized many plans to rebuild the temple, almost all of which have gained unanimous approval from the people.

In Dane's original world, the Parthenon was already a dilapidated ruin, with only one shell still intact.

However, in this world, Greece has renovated the temple of Athena, and it has restored some of the atmosphere of ancient times.

This also attracts tourists and devotees from all over the world

"It's not quite what I imagined."Hespera was a little emotional.

She originally thought that humans had completely forgotten these old gods.

"You wouldn't think so if you knew they also built a temple to Shazam"

""Sloth" stabbed secretly. This is what it saw from Mary's memory. She was really concerned about Shazam 03.

And it also knew how angry Hespera would be when she heard such words..

Sure enough, Hespera became angry on the spot when she heard this:"That shameless thief, how dare he!"

Dane really doesn't dare. He's not thick-skinned enough to openly build a temple for himself, but he can't stand the people of Greece. The people are really enthusiastic!

He can't build a temple that they spend their own money on." Just fly over and demolish it, right?

Hespera suppressed her anger for the time being, and waited until she found a helper to calculate the total account.

So she and Adam landed at the Parthenon in broad daylight, in full view of everyone.

Around them. The tourists were surprised when they saw their unusual arrival. Instead of leaving, they got closer.

It was as if they thought they were superheroes, with a kind of innocence that had not been hit by the cruel reality.

Change. The experienced citizens of the United States have already become frustrated at this time. Only those who are crazy and want to stay here will continue to live broadcast.

But Hespera will not tolerate them. She waved her hand, invisible The force field instantly ejected all the ordinary people in the temple.

Those who were lucky might only have their hands and feet broken off, but those who were not lucky were killed on the spot. Now all the tourists knew who they were and fled for their lives.

Hess Pella ignored the fleeing ants. She cast a divine fire in the middle of the temple. The flames burned, and its smoke rose vertically until it was invisible.

"Great and holy Athena, please listen to my voice."

Hespera's voice was transformed into flying smoke after the ritual, and flew to the divine realm along the divine fire.

After all, she is the eldest daughter of the great god Atlas, There was still some dignity in Mount Olympus, so she didn't have to wait for long. An owl landed from the sky on the stone pillar in front of the divine fire.

"Hespera."The owl speaks human words, a clear and sweet female voice.

"Athena."Hespera hurriedly saluted the owl.

Athena is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, and her status is especially above Atlas, the god of heaven. Naturally, Hespera does not dare to neglect

"Hespera, I thought you had entered the New God Realm a long time ago, but are you still stranded in the human world? The owl made a very humane gesture of looking up and down:"You have aged to such an extent, why are you still unwilling to give up?""

"Because this is our world! I will never be willing to leave it in the hands of humans!

The owl sighed:"Ares once thought so too, but he eventually lost to Diana." Hespera frowned:"

Diana...Is this a new goddess?"

"It's normal if you don't know. She is a very young girl, the child of Zeus and the Amazon Queen, a demigod."

Hespera's expression became serious. Don't underestimate the demigods of the Olympus pantheon. Many of them are more powerful than real gods.

《Most of the magnificent epic stories described in Homer's Epic were created by demigod heroes.

These include the most famous demigod heroes, Hercules and Achilles, etc., who were later promoted to become one of the Olympian gods.

"Great Athena, please give me a helping hand. In order to win this war, my two sisters have fallen into the hands of the enemy."

The owl shook its wings, tilted her head and thought for a moment.

After all, there was some incense, and she couldn't bear to refuse it directly.

"Who are your enemies? Hespera said in a hateful voice:"It's Shazam, the successor of those despicable people in the Eternal Council!""

These words made Tes Adam a little unhappy. Strictly speaking, he was one of the heirs, but he was not recognized by the parliament.

But he did not say anything. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Athena suddenly fell silent, and after a while she said:"Hespera, I advise you to stop."

Hespera almost thought she heard wrong. She looked at the owl in front of her in disbelief. In her impression, Athena was by no means a timid person. Why did she flinch just after hearing a name?

The owl seemed to see that. Overcoming her doubts, she explained:"This is an order from Zeus, he told us not to interfere with the guardian's affairs."

Athena didn't say more. In fact, Mount Olympus had already received the message from Lucifer and knew that the Lord of Hell had already been replaced, and that person was the contemporary Shazam.

But God Gaia had predicted that Shazam's Destiny is unpredictable. If the Olympian gods participate, it will lead to unpredictable consequences.

So Zeus ordered that no god is allowed to have ideas about hell. Although

Hades, the god of Hades, and Ares, the god of war, both have an interest in hell. They were ready to make a move, but under the pressure of Zeus, they still did not dare to violate it openly. But if they knew what Hespera wanted, there was no guarantee that these two would not have some other thoughts.

Athena believed in Gaia's prophecy Yes, not to mention that most of the prophecies she made have come true, but it is strange that for such a big event like Hell changing hands, other pantheons are as immovable as Mount Olympus. I’m afraid they are also worried for other reasons. You should have some scruples.

Having said that, Hespera felt that Athena probably didn't want to help, so she looked ugly.

But before she could continue to plead, the owl suddenly screamed, and an owl came from nowhere. The flying raven pecked it.

The owl made an angry voice:"Hades!"

"Hahaha, my dear niece, what are you doing here?"The raven's dark eyes looked at Hespera in the temple.

The divine fire suddenly turned into a blue ghost fire. This flame came from the underworld and was of the same series as Radon's dragon flame, but it was of a higher level. Higher.

103 Athena's divine power was forcibly cut off by Hades, and the owl was burned up in mourning.

In ancient times, Hades was not popular with humans. Of course, this is normal, no one likes death.

So His faith is far inferior to the other gods of Olympus, and he can't even squeeze into the twelve main gods!

But honestly speaking, Hades should be the most powerful among all the brothers, but when it comes to drawing lots He was tricked and was drawn into the underworld.

If he left for Egypt, he would probably have more followers.

After all, the Egyptians pay attention to living toward death. Instead of hating death, they would support it.

But as the belief in the gods declined, Today, Hades turned over.

Although no living person believes in him, people must die. Even if they are not willing, they must fall under the rule of Hades.

To this day, his underworld The power has long surpassed Mount Olympus and become a new force.

Hades finally felt the joy of ruling the world of death.

But he was not satisfied yet. He longed for more. He hoped that his underworld would become more Big, there can be more dead people.

And he soon set his sights on a new target, hell. This world that is closely integrated with the human world is the new territory that is most suitable for him.

He must get it!

"Hespera, pray to me and I will answer your wish."

Hespera didn't hesitate at all. She didn't care who the god was who helped her. She just needed to be able to defeat Shazam.

"I, Hespera, the daughter of Atlas, hereby pray to Hades, the great Lord of the Underworld, and ask you to give me the power to kill Shazam!"

"as you wish!".

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