After making a promise to Hespera, Hades's raven ignited the flames of the netherworld, and the flames danced and wrapped directly around Hespera.

Tesadam took a step back calmly. The flame gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Of course it is dangerous. This is fire from the underworld, and it is the most feared flame by all living beings.

It should be noted here that Hades has a very special status in the Olympian pantheon.

Although he is generally considered a member of the Olympian pantheon, he does not actually reside in the world of light, nor on Mount Olympus.

When the gods held banquets on Mount Olympus, he would not appear at the banquet unless he was invited.

The relationship between the three brothers of Zeus's generation is extremely delicate. Although Poseidon, the god of the sea, is nominally the god who rules the sea, the sea is also an extension of the authority of the continent.

Because the land and the sea are under the same sky, and everything covered by the sky is the territory ruled by Zeus.

Therefore, Poseidon and Zeus are not equal in status. To be honest, he is just a vassal of Zeus.

When Poseidon coveted 70% of the earth's surface area, the ocean territory was actually cheated by Zeus. At that time, there were no people in the ocean. Without people, there would be no faith, just a vast territory.

If it weren't for a group of fishermen and people from the ocean-going merchant fleet who believed in him, he would have had sex with Zeus on the spot.

But because of this, the relationship between Poseidon and Zeus was very tense for a long time.

In order to improve the relationship between them, Zeus finally agreed with Poseidon to send him a group of devout believers.

I believe everyone can guess that the Atlantis Empire is the group of believers they agreed on.

Before the King of Atlan made technological inventions and the empire sank, Poseidon had countless opportunities to remind him, but he didn't.

He sat by and watched the sinking of Atlantis, and soon after the sinking of Atlantis gave them the ability to survive underwater.

It was all as if it had been arranged in advance.

But even so, Poseidon was still not strong enough to compete with Zeus in terms of faith, because the Atlanteans had low fertility.

You can tell with your toenails that it must have something to do with Zeus.

His wife, Queen Hera, is in charge of marriage and fertility. Isn't it easy to adjust the fertility rate of the people of Atlantis?

But all Zeus's plans went wrong when it came to Hades.

Because the Netherworld is not within the human and divine realms, it is another dimension completely independent of the divine realm and the human realm.

When Zeus thought he was sending him to an uninhabited world, he discovered that his power could not control Hades' underworld at all.

His authority in the sky cannot include the underworld as well.

So this actually makes Hades the only god in the underworld, and his power in the underworld is almost equal to the supreme god in monotheism.

Since Hades became the master of the underworld, Zeus no longer dared to step into that land because he could not be Hades's opponent there.

Of course, in the divine realm or the human realm, this situation has to be reversed.

Hades' power would be greatly suppressed in this world.

It can be said that Zeus, the divine power, took great pains to separate Hades.

He first let Cupid accidentally shoot Hades with a golden arrow, making him desire love.

Then he acquiesced to Gaia's gift of Persephone to Hades, thus making her the queen of the underworld and successfully taking away the power of the underworld.

However, Persephone did not live up to expectations. She did not like the underworld, so she rarely took the initiative to compete with Hades for the power of the underworld.

This allowed Hades, who had awakened from the love trap, to quickly regain power, but the relationship between him and Zeus also forged.

Although he promised Zeus at the meeting of the gods that he would never participate in anything related to Shazam, he immediately regretted it as soon as he returned to the underworld.

Anyway, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Zeus in the new divine realm can't control him in the netherworld at all. Even if he wants to cause trouble, what can Zeus do to him?

In fact, Dane guessed something wrong before. Zod and others did not escape because of the explosion of Krypton, but Hades deliberately released them.

Neither Dane nor the Kryptonians thought that the so-called Phantom Realm was actually the Netherworld, but the portal opened by the Kryptonians was not within the jurisdiction of the civilized world and belonged to the no-man's land in the underworld.

And Hades discovered the secret.

For tens of thousands of years, the Kryptonians have been exiling prisoners in the Phantom Zone, but they don't know that many of those criminals have been accepted by Hades.

Over time, there was already a large Kryptonian army in the underworld ruled by Hades.

It's just that there is no sun in the underworld, so they can't display the strength that Kryptonians should have.

Zod and others are experimental subjects thrown out by Hardest. He wants to know whether existence like Superman is a special case or a universal phenomenon.

Even in the heyday of Kryptonian civilization, there were few individuals as powerful as Superman.

But Zod's performance surprised him, which showed that for all Kryptonians, the sun can give them equal superpowers.

Hades controls an entire army of Kryptonians, and after tens of thousands of years of brainwashing, they have become loyal followers of Hades.

And now, he has given Hespera some of the command and summoning authority of the Kryptonians. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shazam may be able to easily defeat one Kryptonian, or two or three, but how many can he defeat?

Hespera soon learned the news from the power Hades gave her, and she was overjoyed.

"I will definitely be able to defeat Shazam this time..!"

"He is not alone."Tes Adam reminded.

Hespera just smiled and said:"It doesn't matter how many helpers he has, Hades gave me an invincible army!"

Tes Adam raised his eyebrows without saying anything. Those demon lords thought the same way at the beginning.

"Then we are now..."

Hespera used the divine power given to her by Hades, and blue flames ignited from around her. When the fire dissipated, ten warriors covered in black armor appeared. In the temple.

They didn't speak, they just looked at Hespera and saluted. Although they couldn't see their eyes at all, Hespera knew that they were looking at her.

But she didn't care about these things.

"`I need you to help me deal with someone, but before that, I want to see your abilities!"


Dream world.

In the sunlight, Dane was fighting a Kryptonian.

Fiora can stir up countless sandstorms with every strike, and every attack can cause huge shocks.

The fist she wields can create huge wind pressure, and those with weaker constitutions may even be blown away by the aftermath.

This small fist contains huge power that can shatter mountains and rivers with one blow.

However, her opponent was Dane, and even though she tried to be perfect with every attack, she still couldn't get him to move a step.

Fiora's attack left only the small space under his feet around him, but the place where these two feet stood seemed to be more indestructible than anything in the world.

Fiora's eyes emitted a bright red light, and huge heat flew toward Dane.

Dane stretched out his hand and caught the heat vision emitted from her eyes in his palm. It was warm and felt quite good.

Fiora flew forward, trying to take the opportunity to attack Dane.

But he just pushed his palm forward and grabbed Fiora's head with his heat vision.

His big hands made Fiora's face smaller than a slap, and then Dane pushed hard, and Fiora flew head-first into the distance.

"With a"boom" sound, a hill in the distance was smashed.

A few seconds later, Ofila flew out from the rubble of the mountain, but did not continue the attack.

"do not fight? Dane tilted his head with a smile on his face.

"I'm no match for you."Fiora gave up easily.

"So what do you mean, you don’t kill me or let me go, you just play with me every day?"

This is not the first time that Dane has come here to fight with her, but every time he left Ming after she was exhausted.

After waiting for a while, when Fiora felt that she could win When, he came to give her a heavy blow again, as if he was deliberately coming to have fun with her.

"I want to recruit you to be my legion commander."Dane finally stated his purpose.

He believed that Fiora's strength was enough.

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