"Recruit me?"Fiora said in surprise.

Dane nodded.

Fiora still has potential, and she should be considered one of the stronger types of warrior genes.

Not only is her physical fitness better than average, but her mental fitness is also Much more stable than the average Kryptonian.

At least other Kryptonians don't dare to challenge him again and again like her.

"And there are enemies that you can't defeat even with your abilities? Besides, isn’t Kal-El your subordinate? Isn't he enough?"

Dane wanted to explain that Clark was not his subordinate, but after thinking about it, it seemed to make no difference, just that he couldn't be allowed to do the dirty work.

Besides, even with Clark's stubbornness, he couldn't do the dirty work either. , or Red Hood is better

"Clark...also known as Kal-El as you call him, he is too upright. I need a colder soldier."

"You need an executioner."Fiora heard the implication behind his words.

"It's a little hard to hear what you said, but I understand it well. Dane criticized her statement and then agreed with her interpretation.

Fiora did not object immediately, but thought for a moment before saying,"Is General Zod also included in your invitation?""

"In fact he was the first person I invited."

And he is also the only Kryptonian who dares to challenge Dane, and he is more resilient than Fiora.

After every failure, he will still be energetic and rush forward the next time.

As a sparring partner, Zod is undoubtedly very qualified. But he is not like the kind of person who can be subdued. He has a strong spirit in his heart.

Even if he is temporarily inferior to others, he will definitely look for opportunities to backstab him in the future, so Dane has basically given up on him.

On the contrary, Feo La, seems to be the type who is easier to obey and has high loyalty.

Not to mention that taking refuge in Dane is tantamount to betrayal. In addition to being loyal to Zod out of inertia, more importantly, she believes in Zod. Fiora's true inner wish is that Germany can rebuild Kryptonian civilization.

Dane did not just come to play with her during this period, he was also subtly exploring her true thoughts.

"Your goal is to restore Kryptonian civilization, right?"

Fiora looked at him in surprise. Although this was not a secret, she had never disclosed her inner thoughts to outsiders.

Unlike other Kryptonians, they followed Zod or were impressed by his powerful abilities. Or they hope to follow Zod to seize the huge power of the Kryptonian Parliament.

Although they are genetically modified Kryptonians, they also have desires and want to pursue power that does not match their current status.

And Zod He did promise them to share his power. Although they failed on Krypton, if they could recover the"Secret Code", they could re-establish a new Kryptonian civilization, one that would submit to Zod's regime. civilization.

But Fiora truly believes in her heart (adbf) that only Zod can lead Krypton to glory again, and the root of her loyalty to Zod also comes from this.

So as long as she grasps this root, she does not necessarily It had to be Zod, anyone who could grant her wish would do.

So Dane said to her:"If you just want to rebuild Kryptonian civilization, I can do that too.

And I will not restrict your freedom, nor will I ask you to surrender. You and your civilization can be completely free.

Fiora hesitated for a moment before continuing to ask:"How are you going to fulfill your promise?""

Dane waved his arm to his side, and the dream changed instantly. The origin room of the ancient Kryptonian spaceship on Earth appeared in front of them.

This scene was all too familiar to Fiora, especially the series of An artificial womb that looks like a grape, that is where Kryptonians have been born for thousands of years.

"I also know the location of the secret code, so you don’t have to worry that I can’t do it."

Dane once again gave her reassurance. The secret code is hidden in Clark's genes, and it is too easy to get it.

He has so much kryptonite that it is almost unsaleable, and he has even developed other colors. version, there is no use worrying about it.

Fiora saw Dane's sincerity and no longer doubted it in her heart.

She is not a shy person. The other party's strength is higher than hers, and she is willing to invite her politely, plus watching When it came to the hope of restoring Krypton's civilization, she had no reason not to accept it.

So she agreed to Dane's invitation:"I promise you, I can become your knife."

I just like your straightforwardness!

But the procedures that need to be followed still have to be followed, so Dane skillfully took out a roll of parchment, with dense Kryptonian characters written in cursive script on it. Of course, there are also margins. Patterns on the corners.

He thought Fiora would look at it more or less carefully, but who knew that she just glanced at it and planned to sign it.

But the magic contract must be signed in blood. Fiora worked hard for a long time, and her fingers I couldn't get any wounds at all.

This was embarrassing.

Fortunately, Dane was prepared. He took out a strange-looking pen from his inventory, opened the cover, and found that the tip of the pen was dark green!

This was made of krypton. A pen made of kryptonite. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the illumination of the green pen tip, Fiora suddenly showed a painful expression. The radiation of kryptonite was rapidly weakening her abilities and giving her... come to pain

"What's this?"Fiora instinctively wanted to leave the Kryptonite.

Dane explained:"This is Kryptonite, a product of your Kryptonian planet. It can weaken your superpowers. However, for Kryptonians without superpowers, it it is invalid"

"You should be able to sign using this."

Fiora glanced at him. Did the other party know this much about their Kryptonians?

They didn't lose unjustly.

She endured the discomfort, took the kryptonite pen, and pricked her finger with the tip of the pen. Once, it fully absorbed the blood, and then quickly signed his name on the parchment.

But the moment Fiora signed his name, Dane's expression suddenly changed.

After signing, Fiora's eyelids suddenly flickered. Turning her eyes, her eyes were all white, and an inexplicable energy came out of her body. The properties of this energy made Dane feel very familiar, because it smelled of death.

Moreover, the level of this energy was very high, belonging to the" At the level of"divine power", Dane can still smell the smell of faith.

The person who invested this energy in Fiora must be a certain god!

As for which god it is, Dane also has some guesses.

Zeus and Wave in his body The divine power of Poseidon has changed. The last time this happened was when he caught the golden trident in the hidden sea in the center of the earth. At that time, the divine power of Poseidon and the divine power of Zeus had the same source of resonance. This is Because they come from the same father's bloodline.

And now, the same phenomenon appears again.

With the power of death, the divine power comes from the same lineage as Zeus and Poseidon, who else can it be?

It's you Hades!

Good guy , co-author Zod and these people were released by you!

Dane's brain turned quickly, and he thought of many things at once.

There is only one belief in Krypton, and that is the sun god"Rao" of Krypton. It can be called"Rao", so it should be impossible for Hades to do anything to the souls of Zod and others under his eyes, which could easily cause"surprise to friends".

Then there is only one placeWhat Rao couldn't see and couldn't interfere with was the Phantom Zone.

Since Hades can get involved with the Kryptonians in the Phantom Realm, that void world is likely to be connected to Hades' underworld and be in the same dimensional framework.

This is normal, the human world is connected to many other dimensions.

For example, the other-dimensional world where the witch lives, the old world of gods, hell, and heaven, the world of nothingness where the city spirit and the Rock of Eternity live, the sea hidden in the center of the earth, etc.

Therefore, it is possible that the Phantom Realm and the Netherworld are connected.

If Dane's guess is true, then wouldn't all the Kryptonians who have been exiled to the Phantom Zone on Krypton for tens of thousands of years become Hades's private collection?

What does he want to do with so many Kryptonians?

Dane looked at Fiora, who had lost consciousness, and seriously suspected that Hades, like him, was attracted by the Kryptonian's talent.

But the question is, who is the goal of organizing his army to deal with?

It can't be me, right?

Although Hades released Zod and others, they could not pose a threat to Shazam with their abilities.

If Hades was really coming for him, he shouldn't be unable to see this.

Even though the gods have moved away from the human world, Dane believes that they must have a way to peek into this world. After all, the foundation of their faith lies here.

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!.

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