Fortunately, this is a dream world, a world completely controlled by Dane. The energy in Fiora's body is like a rootless tree here, and Dane can easily pull it out.


Cortana appeared in the dream:"I am here. Dane handed her the energy in his hand:"

Please help me see if other Kryptonians also have this energy in their bodies.""

"OK"Cortana disappeared after taking it.

After the power from the netherworld was removed, Fiora woke up from her coma.

"I...what's wrong with me?"

"Your soul has been tampered with, so don't do anything yet."

Dane said, and his palms emitted magic light to shine on her body to check if there were any traces of other magic~.

Fiora felt a little uncomfortable, as if she was naked and being looked at, and subconsciously turned her gaze to aside.

But Dane didn't have any evil intentions. He took it back after checking it carefully - the magic.

Fortunately, what Hades put on Fiora was not a contract but a brand.

Contract magic requires both parties to sign it under the conditions of free will. It counts.

Of course you can set a trap, but on the surface, it must be fair. This thing is infinitely close to a contract in the real world and a manifestation of the power of rules.

So if it is contract magic, then it means Fiora’s soul It already belongs to Hades, so the contract between Dane and her can only be invalidated, because Fiora cannot sell her soul to two people.

She is not in the lending industry like Constantine Wizard...

But fortunately it is just brand magic. This kind of magic only needs to remove the brand.

But the only problem is that once the brand is removed, the owner who applied the brand will be able to sense it immediately. In other words, Hades It's possible that this has been discovered by now


Hades had indeed discovered it, even faster than Dane expected.

The moment Fiora signed his name, the conflict between the two divine powers made him clearly sense an abnormality.

"Is it Shazam? It seems he has discovered it."

Hades never thought that he would hide this kind of thing from the other party for a lifetime, so he acted relatively calmly.

If he was the only one to deal with Shazam, maybe Hades wouldn't dare to be so confident, because Shazam even killed Chu The Fallen, this news once made Hades feel very afraid.

Especially since he did not find the souls of the First Fallen in the underworld, this is incredible.

For immortal beings like them, life and death are just existence. Different methods do not mean the end of life.

Zeus has"died" several times, but now he is not the king of the gods in the new God's Domain?

So Hades's fear of Shazam comes more from The lack of understanding of his unknown methods was what made him most dangerous.

But it was different now. He had a very powerful ally.

"When do you plan to start?"

Behind Hades, a tall man wearing strong armor walked out. He is Ares, the God of War of Olympus! It is not surprising at all that he would choose to cooperate with Hades.

Ares His goal is the human world, not only to get everything in the human world, but also to rekindle the war in the human world, which is where his power comes from.

And Hades's goal is hell. He hopes to incorporate hell into the underworld and expand his territory. The authority of the underworld.

Although the two have different goals, they have a common enemy on the road to achieving their goals, and that is Shazam!

Therefore, cooperation is normal.

"Be patient, Ares, and Hespera is already on the move, and soon you'll see the battle you've always dreamed of."

Hades dares to say this because the war in the human world is indeed imminent.

The reason is that the serious imbalance of the military power of the United States has given other countries in the world the hope of taking advantage.

The boss seems to be in trouble. Now, will the second, third, and fourth sit idly by and ignore it?

If it weren’t for the fact that there are so many superheroes in the United States, some people might have been unable to bear it.

Even if no national force has taken action against the United States itself, on the battlefield in the Middle East, the United States It can be said that the military power of the United States has been defeated steadily.

The United States' proxy war can be declared a complete failure, which has further damaged its reputation in the world.

The president was almost bald with worry about this, and he even asked Through Shazam, he hoped that the Justice League could expand its"business" to other countries...

In fact, he hoped that the Justice League could promote force to the outside world!

However, this proposal was sternly rejected by Shazam. Just kidding, he finally managed to destroy the United States. In this situation, how could he turn around and do dirty work for the United States?

Not even the Martian Manhunter would do this!

Not only would the Zhenglian not do it, but the Justice Society would not help the United States because of this, so in the end this task could only be handed over to Amanda, this also made her official status begin to rise.

It was even enough for the president to ignore her many dereliction of duties.

But the United States has too many enemies in the world, even if Amanda's suicide squad is busy every day , still can't stop the surrounding countries from looking at them with eager eyes.

Now there is only one spark left to ignite the war.

Hespera doesn't understand the key to this. She knows too little about the human world and too little about politics. , so she plunged into this whirlpool.

As Hades and Ares expected, she became the first spark to ignite the war.

From"Sloth", she learned that the second person in the Justice League The strong man, the demigod named"Superman" lives in Metropolis.

She is going to be the first to attack him!

Not only because doing so can give mankind the greatest shock, but also because she already knows that this demigod is incapable of magic.

0 Request for flowers.

The Kryptonian soldiers, who had been basking in the sun for several days, attacked Metropolis under the order of Hespera.

Without any announcement of war, the underworld Kryptonians led by Hespera directly attacked Metropolis. They flew In the sky, use heat vision to cut apart buildings wantonly, allowing those buildings to collapse and crush those mortals on the ground.

"Human beings, think back again, your god is back!"

Hespera is suspended high in the sky, looking down at the ravaged people below. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the subtle guidance of the original sins, the"evil" side of her heart Completely aroused, seeing the tragic situation of the innocent people at this time, there was no mercy in his heart.

Clark woke up from his tenderness and suddenly turned his eyes to the sky. His eyes penetrated the ceiling and saw Krypton in the sky. people

"How can this be?"

Haven't the Kryptonians been eliminated by him and Dane?

But Clark didn't have time to think about it. He immediately stood up and hurriedly ran out.

"Clark, you're not dressed yet!"

Behind him, Louise's voice came from under the quilt.

"Louise, I have something very important to do now, so I will leave first."

Clark grabbed a handful of clothes and trousers at random, turned around and ran out, like a scumbag who doesn't recognize anyone but his pants.

But fortunately, this is not the first time he has done this. Louise is more or less used to it.

But in her heart I have some doubts, because every time Clark disappears, Superman will appear in Metropolis. Is it possible...

But the two of them look nothing alike?

Out of Lois' sight, Clark threw away the clothes in his hands. Super Speed ​​quickly put on his blue suit, kicked off his feet, and flew into the sky at supersonic speed.

Not long after, he saw several strong men wearing armor and emitting heat vision in the sky. He counted them , there were no less than ten!

And the ten Kryptonians also noticed him, and rushed forward without any hesitation.

When the first Kryptonian soldier flew over, he raised his fist as if he wanted to punch Clark, but he nimbly dodged it..

He knocked his elbow down and hit the Kryptonian on the back of the head.

The Kryptonian was stunned, and his body fell straight down, hitting the ground and creating a huge crater.

But at the same time, other Kryptonians also rushed up, because There were so many of them and they were too close to the ground. In order to prevent accidental injury to ordinary people, Clark had no choice but to be captured by their hands and feet.

After his body was fixed, one of them slammed into him along with the inertia of flight. The impact on Clark made a dull sound that could be heard almost throughout the city.

Clark was knocked out. He tried hard to adjust his flight direction to avoid high-rise buildings and crowded places, and finally fell into the underground tunnel.

He was not injured, but there were many people on the opposite side and he needed help.

So Clark sent an emergency signal to all Zhenglian members.

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