As soon as Dane received Clark's request for help, he asked Cortana to open the dream realm to Metropolis and pull the city into the dream world.

This has become the standard for Zhenglian's work. When encountering enemies who are capable of destroying cities and above, unfolding the dream can control losses to a minimum.

The teleportation light flashed, and the other Zhenglian members arrived one after another.

"Holy. Shit!"Ye Yi looked at the guys flying around in the sky and couldn't help but curse.

"Don't tell me those are supermen!"

Dane stood in the middle of the crowd, nodding in Nightwing's desperate eyes.

"As you can see, these enemies are all Kryptonians, from the same planet as Clark."

Batman took a look at the weather. It's broad daylight now, and the sky is clear and cloudless. It's the most suitable time period for Kryptonians to perform.

"If they were as capable as, even half as powerful as him, then they wouldn't be something we could deal with."

The"us" he refers to generally refers to all heroes who do not have superpowers.

Even if they wear Eternal-N-type suits, they can only guarantee that they will not be killed instantly by the opponent, but if they want to fight with those"supermen""Fighting, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch him.

Batman is very clear. Superheroes like them never win with head-on combat.

And he has long suspected that Dane may have hidden weapons that can deal with Kryptonians. This is just an intuition, the old Yinbi's intuition.

Batman could see it as early as when Pioneer Technology did those tricks. Dane is definitely an old Yinbi.

As expected, Dane learned from his own A circle-shaped energy ring was taken out from the inventory. In the center of the energy ring is a green nano-mechanical insect.

These mechanical insects contain the molecular structure of kryptonite and can emit the same radiation as kryptonite.

"Come on, one person at a time."

Dane attached the energy ring to Nightwing's chest, and the ring penetrated into his suit like a liquid, fused with the original nanorobots, and reconstructed.

Finally, the blue magic of eternal metal on his body The light goes out and the green kryptonite lights up

"The radiation of Kryptonite is harmless to ordinary people, but it is a natural enemy to Kryptonians with super powers!

Take this with you, let alone those Kryptonians, you can kill even Clark!"

Red Hood's eyes lit up when he heard this, and with a swish of his arm, he got one of the green energy rings and attached it to his suit.

Batman also reached out and took it with a thoughtful expression..

He was right. Since Shazam already knew the weaknesses of Kryptonians, of course he would prepare in advance.

He attached the energy ring to his body, and the blue breathing light turned green.

Dane looked at Zatanna , but the other party shook his head

"i have magic"

"Then you'd better stay away from them." Dane reminded.

He looked at Constantine again, and the other man took the things away without politeness.

"I feel like I should need this."

He doesn't have his own suit, so it would be safer to hold a piece of kryptonite in his hand.


Just when Dane was distributing kryptonite weapons to the members of the Zhenglian, a huge sound came from the sky.

They I looked up and saw a bald man flying down!


The voice of the visitor was full of hatred, he was none other than Tes Adam!

Dane smelled a familiar scent on him, a feeling he had just experienced not long ago.

"So, you are also a pawn of Hades?"

As soon as Dane finished saying this, he rushed forward, blasting a huge crater on the ground at super fast speed, and his speed instantly reached supersonic speed.

Tes Adam stretched out his fist, and Dai En En Ye stretched out his fist, and the two fists connected. Adam flew upside down instantly, and his body brushed a building, knocking it into pieces.

"His power is greater than yours, don't fight with him!"

""Greed" was hidden in Adam's body and made suggestions for him.

Adam adopted his suggestion and no longer stepped forward himself, but directed the surrounding Kryptonian soldiers to attack Dane.

One of the soldiers fired heat vision towards Dane, who was En responded with a thunder ray.

But soon another Kryptonian flew towards him and tried to hit him with his body of steel, but he punched him away.

Seeing how brave he was, more Kryptonian soldiers began to surround him.

Dane Without kryptonite weapons, he couldn't use those things.

He used the power of lightning with both hands, and whichever one he hit would twitch and fall. The effect was no worse than that of kryptonite weapons.

And other members of the Zhenglian Not idle, Batman fired the hook in the direction of the Kryptonians. The green claw hook caught one of them, instantly making it powerless. Then Batman tightened the hook and captured the Kryptonian.

Nightwing was Waiting there, when the Kryptonian fell to the ground, he used nano-robots to combine a pair of short sticks with green light. He used the same fighting skills as the criminals he had dealt with before, and he actually beat the Kryptonian to the point where he could hold his head and run away. , helpless to parry.

The Red Hood did not participate in their actions. He found a high place by himself, used nanomaterials to combine a large sniper, and fired a kryptonite bullet at one of the targets. The bullet came from one of the Kryptonians. Go through the back and shoot him down.

Diana is even more ferocious. Every time she throws the mantra, she can catch a Kryptonian, and then use the sword of Vulcan to decapitate him.

No matter how hard the steel body is, it can't stop it. Stop her sword!

Seeing this situation in the sky, Hespera couldn't help but frown.

She stretched out her hand and a magic bullet flew out, aiming at Ye who was beating the Kryptonian below. Wing.

But Zatanna was hiding in the dark. She said an irony, and the magic bullet disintegrated in the air.

"wizard!"Hespera changed her target and focused on Zatanna.

However, at this time, Hal had already come to her side, and the green light energy manifested as a tennis racket in his hand, hitting Hespera in the sweet spot. ball area

"nice shot!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hal watched Hespera fly away in the distance and couldn't help but said playfully.

In the distance, Dane held two Kryptonians, one in each hand. Starman's neck smashed them together.

Their armors were directly scrapped and deformed under his huge force, revealing their faces as pale as paper.

"Is this your plan? Just ten Kryptonians won't change anything0..."

"our plan? Tes

Adam laughed:"We are just chess pieces. The real plan started before you came here.""

Dane raised his eyebrows and called Cortana in his heart.

"Cortana, check to see if anything unusual is happening elsewhere in the world right now."

"That's too broad a statement, but I understand what you mean."Cortana said.

It's different when you have a soul. You can now complain.

After a moment, Cortana's voice sounded in his heart.

"There is another group of Kryptonian soldiers attacking other areas.

Dane thought for a moment:"Let me guess, is it the bear in the north?""

"Yes."Cortana confirmed his guess and continued:"And I also discovered one thing. The upper management of the other party has approved a military action plan, and their fleet is approaching the territorial waters of the United States."

A very old-fashioned method, let the Kryptonians attack the Bear's base, and then blame the United States for the incident.

After all, the Kryptonian species can only be found in the United States.

Doesn't anyone in the Bear see the fishiness in it? Of course. Yes, but they chose to take advantage of it.

Isn't this a ready-made excuse? Even if the superheroes come, they can't say anything is wrong.

And even if they can find the mastermind behind the scenes, what should happen will still continue. Once the war breaks out, right or wrong will no longer matter.

"How is Washington preparing to respond?"

"They are considering using nuclear weapons."

This is also a helpless choice. The United States' current military strength has not yet been restored, and it is by no means a match for the Mao Xiong in conventional warfare. It can only take the wrong approach, but once a nuclear bomb is launched, it will cause a global nuclear chain reaction, which will not take two years The Earth will become a dead star shrouded in a nuclear atmosphere

"This is not okay. If you can't defeat them, you want to drag all mankind to hell. This kind of thinking is unacceptable. Cortana, ban their nuclear weapons launch authority!"

Originally, Krypton's technology has surpassed Earth's technology by an entire era. Now coupled with the power of magic, human technology is useless in front of Cortana.

Soon Washington discovered that their nuclear bombs could not be launched.

"Our nuclear weapons cannot be used!"

At the meeting, Swanwick looked serious, but felt relieved inside.

"It must be him!"The president slammed his fist down on the table of determination.

The first person he suspected was Shazam, but he had no evidence and no one believed him, because Shazam was never known for his technological power. He was a magic god.

But the president's intuition was so strong that he determined that he could not break away from that man at this time.

But a few minutes later he sat down slumped. Even if he knew, what could he do?

"Since some people disagree with our use of nuclear weapons, let's discuss it and think about how to deal with the upcoming enemy."

But what can the gentlemen at the scene of such a thing do?

They can't even control their own troops smoothly.

However, just when they were helpless, one of the officers suddenly stood up.

"Mr. President, gentlemen, I thought there might be someone who could help us."

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