
Damn God of War!

Arthur is no longer a cultural novice. He knows that once Ares appears, it will bring disaster. He even suspects that it is him who has caused the furry bear to go to war with the United States for no reason.

"Did you do all this?"

Ares showed a contemptuous expression

"You humans are like this, always like to blame your own sins on others."

Just when Arthur was still wondering if he had wronged him, Ares suddenly took out a double-sided ax from nowhere and struck Arthur in the face!

Fortunately, Arthur reacted. Quickly, he immediately raised his trident and blocked this sneak attack.

"Trident? ha! Are you the King of the Seven Seas?"

The matter of Atlantis is not a secret on Mount Olympus, so Ares naturally knows it.

He has now sensed that the aura of war is disappearing, although he does not understand who did it and how it was done. , but it didn't stop him from thinking about it again.

Did he hear that the Atlanteans almost started a fight with the surface world? Since those losers couldn't do it, why not make use of these undersea people?

So Ares Recharging his energy, he slashed out the ax again, slamming Arthur into the water.

He even chased him directly into the sea, but he forgot that the sea was the home of the Atlanteans.

Arthur controlled the currents in the sea to let the sea water It hit Ares.

At the same time, he swam quickly in the sea, attacking Ares severely with his trident from time to time.

Each of his attacks was assisted by the sea, so Ares could only be beaten passively.

But Ares The armor on Reese was made by Hephaestus, the god of fire, and is extremely strong....Of course, this was before Ares and Aphrodite's affair was discovered.

After that incident, Hephaestus never built any equipment for him.

The golden trident's blow had no effect on Ares' armor.

There is still a level difference between artifacts. After all, the golden trident is not a weapon prepared for gods. It is still beyond the power to break the armor of gods.

But in the underwater environment, Ares has nothing to do with Arthur. His strength and speed are greatly limited in the water.

Ares finally realized that he had to be outside to deal with this Atlantean, especially in this world where his power was greatly suppressed.

So he started to swim upstream.

But how could Arthur give up this kind of location that came to his door?

So he tried his best to prevent the other party from leaving, and used his extremely fast speed in the water to constantly harass Ares.

But Ares is a god of war with extremely rich combat experience. Although he could not keep up with Arthur's speed in the water, he still found an opportunity to hit him by surprise.

With just one decoy attack, he deceived Arthur into stepping into the trap.

Ares's ax struck the trident and pushed down hard. The ax blade cut Arthur's collarbone, hindering his movement.

Originally, Ares wanted to pursue the victory, but Arthur did not give him this chance. He controlled the water flow to hinder Ares' movements, and then knocked him away far away.

Ares simply took advantage of the situation and rose until he broke out of the water.

But he never expected that when he raised his head, the first thing he saw was not the blue sky, but Wonder Woman's Vulcan Sword.

"Ares, die!"

With a high war cry, Diana slashed down with her sword, directly hitting Ares's helmet, knocking him into the sea again.

Fortunately, his helmet was strong enough and did not let the Vulcan sword open.

After experiencing the last failure, Ares learned the hard way and decided not to be naked or pretend to fight when facing Diana in the future.

The last time he and Diana fought, he didn't take this demigod girl seriously at all, so he had He didn't bring any artifacts.

Of course, he was defeated by Zeus and fell into the world at that time, and the artifacts were not actually on him.

And what did Diana have on her?

Mantra cord, guardian silver bracelet, starlight flying diadem, champion armor, and winged shoes....

From head to toe, every part was covered with artifacts. If it weren't for the fact that her divine power hadn't been fully activated at that time, Ares wouldn't have been able to last two rounds.

But now, the divine power in Diana's body has made great progress, almost no less than a real god, and Ares is even more afraid to rely on it.

He put some distance between himself and Diana under the water, then left the water and flew towards Diana.

The battle ax and the Vulcan sword collided, emitting a strong shock wave, and Ares and Diana were immediately separated from each other.

But Diana is not fighting alone!

When Diana temporarily retreated, Clark immediately took over the fight and punched Ares.

Ares relied on his excellent tactical skills to raise his tomahawk to block, but was driven by Clark's fist and tomahawk into his chest, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Is this guy from Krypton?

This power is much stronger than those under Hades!

Ares floated away on the sea. On the other side, Green Lantern had been waiting for a long time.

He held a forty-meter-long baseball bat in his hand and watched Ares flying over expectantly.

As he approached, he suddenly swung the green bat, sending Ares flying into the sky.

"I think this is a home run, what do you guys think?"

Batman was flying a fighter plane in the sky, pressed the sonic launcher, and the sonic cannon exploded on Ares, causing him to lose control of his body again. The loud noise also gave him a splitting headache.

Nightwing also He wanted to follow suit, but Ares had had enough. He threw the tomahawk violently on the way down, and the tomahawk circled and sliced ​​open the wings of Nightwing's fighter plane.

Nightwing had no choice but to eject out of the cabin.

Aris Si took the opportunity to fly over and grabbed Yeyi with his big hand.

But before he could touch Yeyi's body, a golden rope tied his arms.

"Mantra! Ares yelled.

Diana was suspended on the sea and pulled the rope with force. Ares could only be forced to fall into the sea. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Red Hood took the opportunity to secretly He fired an Eternal Gold missile at Ares. Although it didn't really hurt him, it successfully made Ares' brain temporarily fall into a coma.

Right below Ares, the sea water quickly rolled up a whirlpool. , Arthur, dressed in fish scale armor, roared out of the whirlpool.

He held the trident with both hands, and pointed the tip of the trident at


, it penetrated Ares' armor, causing him paralyzing pain.

At the same time, Diana also jumped over from a distance, and the Vulcan sword pierced the gap where the armor connected, stabbed Ares.

The injured Ares roared, and his divine power shook the air, knocking Arthur and Diana away together.

Superman flew over to help at this time, his eyes activated heat vision, and shot at Ares. push him far away

"he got hurt! Keep attacking and don't stop!"

Batman said, flying the fighter plane to attack Ares again.

Although the hot weapon can't damage his divine body, and can't even break the opponent's armor, it can interfere with him and create conditions for his teammates to attack.

Ares just If you want to attack those annoying fighter planes, others will join forces to stop them. Superman and Wonder Womanand Green Lantern are difficult enemies to deal with.

Usually one of these enemies would be enough for him, but now there are actually three of them.

Although Arthur's strength is a little weaker, it is very detrimental to Ares's performance in this sea environment, and he has already decided to give up.

But at the moment, the safety did not give him a chance to retreat.

Ares couldn't help calling Hades in his heart.

Hades, get me out of here!

And Hades's voice sounded very surprised: Didn't you say that the human world will be left to you? Failed so quickly?

When he said this, Hades couldn't help but look at the hourglass. How long had it been?

Is Ares acting like this now?

Ares looked ugly when he heard this, but he had to admit that he underestimated these so-called superheroes.

They might even have the power to kill him!

There is still too little war energy. If there is a world war, his power can even surpass Zeus, instead of being beaten like now.

Stop talking and help me quickly!

Ares once again withstood Clark's punch, unable to parry. His combat skills were not worth mentioning in front of Clark's absolute strength and speed, and they were completely unable to exert their due effect.

Are they all with you now?

However, Hades asked thoughtfully.

I'm not sure, but the strongest ones should be here.

Okay, let me tell you, you can do this...

After hearing Hades' plan, Ares's eyes lit up and he immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he actually jumped towards Clark and the others. He held the ax in both hands and struck Clark with all his strength.

Clark ducked sideways, the battle ax flew out, and the target became Green Lantern.

Hal condensed a green light protective shield, and the battle ax shattered the shield and got stuck on it.

He reached out and picked up the battle ax and flew towards Ares. Diana also charged towards Ares at this time, and Clark followed at the same time.

For a time, the three strongest players in the alliance were very close to Ares. If this blow hits, everything will be settled.

But just when the three of them were about to hit Ares, a large black mouth suddenly opened in the void and swallowed them all in..

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