Central City.

Barry Allen was running naked through the city. Behind him, a group of Kryptonians in armor were chasing him at a slightly slower speed.

"What's going on!"

At this time, Barry's heart collapsed.

What happened was that he was working hard in class at school. Just as he was listening intoxicated, a group of big men fell from the sky and wanted to take him away on the spot.

Of course, Barry couldn't be captured without hesitation. He was now a superpower, so he wanted to use his super speed to deal with these people.

At that time, he was still fantasizing. Could it be like in superhero comics, once the protagonist obtains With super powers, they will inevitably face their first opponent?

Then he, Barry Allen, is also the protagonist!

This makes Barry Allen, who still has the soul of Chuuni in his body, very excited.

However, Barry is soon taught by reality to be a human being.

He originally wanted to push them gently to push them down, but the weight that he could push with a slight push in the past did not move at all this time.

Barry was surprised for a long time, and could only use more"two-one-zero" force, but when he really started to use force When he was walking, he found that one of the guys was actually looking at him with his head tilted!

This shocked Barry, because in his speed field, he had never encountered anyone whose thinking could capture him!

From the time he got the ability to this day , Barry has occasionally used his abilities in front of outsiders, but those people have never seen his appearance, or even his shadow.

He is a very smart student, so they can feel his The essence of his ability is not just as simple as being fast.

To be more precise, he will enter a realm of speed when he accelerates. He is not a researcher in this professional field, so he can't tell.

But he feels that when using super powers , he seemed to have entered a space between reality and time.

In this space, although he could interact with people or objects in the outside world, the essential flow rate of time and the laws of physics were different.

With Barry's knowledge , he can only understand so much.

After possessing this super power, the biggest difficulty he encountered was his uniform.

When he was running at top speed, the clothes on his body would rub against the air at high speed and accumulate a lot of heat. Electric charge.

Within fifty meters, all the fabrics on his body will burn to ashes due to the ultra-high temperature.

But strangely enough, although the clothes will burn, Barry himself is fine and running. There was no scratch on his feet because his shoes were burned during the process.

But even so, he can't be naked every time!

So he is currently thinking of ways to make a uniform that can withstand high-speed wear and release excess charges. , but before he could do it, these strange guys came to him.

Once his speed caught up, Barry was just a very ordinary student.

He had neither Batman's fighting skills nor Superman's. Strong power, not to mention the magical power of Shazam...Wait, could he release lightning by building up an electrical charge?

It seems worth trying, but not now.

When the Kryptonians discovered that Barry was trying to attack them, they immediately launched a counterattack.

Fortunately, their speed was still not as fast as Barry's, which made him sigh in relief.

But even so, these people were very fast. Facing their attacks, Barry could only try his best to escape and run with all his strength.

Then he ran away and lost all his clothes, pants and shoes.

If he was running again because he was afraid of being caught by those Kryptonians, then he was running now because he didn't dare to stop. Once he stopped, he would die on the spot.

But soon Barry no longer had to worry about this problem, because Hespera had already been waiting in front of him for a long time.

"Very strange power."

Hespera is very sensitive to the power of nature, so she can sense the existence of a very special energy in Barry, which she has never seen before.

"No wonder Hades asked me to come here specially."

Hespera quietly watched Barry Allen running towards her direction. She stretched out her hand and stopped Barry directly.

Currently, Barry doesn't know how to use the Speed ​​Force to perform many tricks, and he can even run away from him. He was far from running to his limit, so he was easily caught by Hespera.

However, as soon as Barry stopped, his whole body was clearly visible. Hespera's eyelids twitched, but then It has become natural again.

She is the"old" goddess of Mount Olympus. What kind of weapons have she not seen? Barry's model is really nothing in her eyes.

But she has been trapped in the God Realm for too long. , Hespera has indeed not tasted the taste of a man for a long time, so she doesn’t even know that she has looked at Barry’s lower body too many times.

Barry’s face turned red, he is still a chicken, where is it? He could withstand Hespera's fiery eyes.

If he hadn't been unable to move, he would have wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Moreover, at this time, Hespera was already much younger in appearance due to taking golden apples. Now she looks like a mature woman in her thirties, and she has a natural suppression of young meat like Barry.

Gods in the Greek pantheon are generally more bold, so Hespera is really considering it. Why don't you make Barry happy before handing her over to Hades?

Although she is a goddess, she still has needs!

But before she could take action, she suddenly heard the sound of a sonic boom in the distance. Hespera's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

She quickly looked in the direction of the sound, and sure enough, as she thought, it was Shazam coming to kill him!

Barry also followed her line of sight and looked over. He was overjoyed at the sight and couldn't help it. He shouted loudly:"Shazam——!" help me! Dane looked around and almost blinded his lightning eyes. This white flesh was so irritating to the eyes!

He quickly shifted his gaze and focused on Hespera, then he increased his speed and rushed towards her. Past 0...

Dark fire ignited around Hespera, and another group of Kryptonian soldiers emerged from the fire and flew towards Dane.

They formed a formation in the air and worked together to grab Dane's limbs.

Surrounded by them, Dane threw people out one by one, and from time to time he used his lightning vision to attack those people.

His lightning sight contains the power of thunder, so those who hit it all retreated backwards. However, this group of Kryptonians had strong resilience, and it was daytime again, so the sunlight gave them enough strength.

So a group of Kryptonians stopped Dane temporarily.

Hespera did not dare to delay any longer and quickly used magic to teleport Barry to the underworld.

But before Barry disappeared, Dane threw an object, stuck it to Barry, and watched him disappear.

At this time, the group of Kryptonians were about to surround him into a ball. He was now surrounded by men, with men on top of men, and there were Kryptonians all over his body.

He concentrated the divine power in his body on his chest and exploded instantly. The huge explosion formed a strong impact of divine power, blasting away all the Kryptonians.

Then he teleported to Hespera and grabbed Hespera's neck.

"What do you want to do with Barry Allen?"

"Do you know this little boy?"Hespera was a little surprised. Although her neck was grabbed, she still took her time calmly.

"He is the target named by Hades.

Dane frowned:"Why?""

But then his thoughts started to change, as if asking and answering himself:"Is it for his power?"

"You are smart, indeed."

Hespera nodded, sighing at the wisdom of contemporary Shazam, but this does not change the fact that they are enemies.

"Hades discovered that a new 5.8-year-old force was being born in the universe, and the source of that force was the boy."

Dane suddenly understood that Hades was indeed going for the Speed ​​Force.

In the DC universe, the basis of the world's existence is not the four basic forces. Since this is a world based on creationism, so Its basis is even more bizarre.

The operation basis of the multiverse relies on something called anti-crisis energy, and this energy is divided into seven parts in the universe.

They are the speed force, the emotional spectrum, the power of life, and the power of God. world, collective unconsciousness, dimensional structure, and loyalty.

These seven cosmic forces are the foundation of the multiverse. These energies shape the multiverse and infuse the multiverse with concepts such as emotion, magic, knowledge, and wisdom.

Dane's Power - Divine Power And magic, the source of which is the realm of God. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Barry Allen is different. He is both a user of the Speed ​​Force and the creator of the Speed ​​Force.

When that When a bolt of lightning hits Barry Allen, the Speed ​​Force begins to generate and connects the multiverse together.

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