Hades is worthy of being the sane person in the Olympus pantheon. Although he may not necessarily know the nature and origin of the Speed ​​Force, he instinctively judges that this energy is unusual and intends to get it first..

Now in the entire universe, only Barry Allen is currently using the Speed ​​Force, and the other speedsters are basically scattered in different time and space.

Barry had just obtained the Speed ​​Force at this time, and was far from mature in using this power. It was the easiest time to take advantage of it.

While Dane was thinking, Hespera suddenly broke free from his control. She reached out and pushed, and the force of nature formed a huge repulsive force and pushed him out.

Behind Dane, a Kryptonian was waiting there, seemingly wanting to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

But Dane twisted his hand back and grabbed the Kryptonian's head.

Then he twisted hard, the air flow swirled around the Kryptonian's head, and his neck was broken by Dane.

From the beginning, he discovered that the souls of these Kryptonians had already signed a contract with Hades, so Dane could not receive it and could only watch their souls float away.

He didn't know what method Hades used, but he knew that the other party must have a way to clone the bodies of these Kryptonians in batches, so they seemed to be invincible.

Each time a group of people died, they would go around in the underworld of Hades and immediately reappear in the human world.

This is really a rogue act. Strictly speaking, Hades's approach is against the rules.

Those who were previously exiled to the Phantom Zone are fine, but is it too much to release those who have died once?

So he started not to talk about martial arts and took out the kiss of death.

When facing Zod, this weapon has no use because the gap between them is too big.

But now, facing the ant possession tactics of this group of Kryptonians, Dane decided to use this artifact again.

These Kryptonians have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. They thought the black thorn in Dane's hand was just a conventional weapon.

But no one else thought that way after the first victim was stabbed to death.

Too fast, the killing effect of this weapon is too fast and too amazing.

Even if what was stabbed was not a vital part, the Kryptonians still fell to the ground like dumplings, turning into corpses.

Hespera seemed to see something and quickly ordered all the Kryptonian soldiers to retreat.

"That weapon has the aura of death attached to it, everyone needs to retreat!"

She was given part of the power of the underworld by Hades, so she still has some discerning abilities.

Although the Kryptonians followed her command and retreated, Dane still followed them.

In Krypton, which is not very resistant to magic, In front of the stars, the kiss of death is simply a tool for cutting grass.

Dane felt that even kryptonite was not as effective as this thing.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the Kryptonian soldiers who could have fought with Dane for a while were behind him. His hands were completely dead.

He flicked the kiss of death, which was still stained with blood, and pointed it at Hespera

"Should you do it yourself, or should I do it?"

Of course Hespera chose to resist. Even if she chose to give in, the original sins possessing her body would never allow her to do so.

Hespera raised her hands, the power of nature was activated, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly She quickly extracted it and compressed it in the middle.

Dane instantly felt the pressure of air from all directions. The surrounding atmosphere quickly gathered around him and became his cage, trying to trap him inside.

Dane's limbs stretched outward with force. Unfolded, lightning surged out of his body, instantly piercing the air.

He broke away from the pressure of the atmosphere and flew towards Hespera.

A third eye suddenly opened on Hespera's forehead. It was the Evil Eye of Original Sin. It emitted evil magic towards Dane, but he sidestepped to avoid it.

But at the same time, Hespera suddenly opened her mouth and spit out a stream of blue-colored flames. Hellfire.

She thought that Dane would at least hide for a while, but Dane had no intention of dodging at all. He opened his mouth and sucked the flame into his body. As a god of death, why should he be afraid of Hellfire?

Dane had already approached Hespera and was about to treat her like her other sisters and imprison her with the original sins in her body.

But before his hand could touch Hespera, She was slapped away by the sharp claws that suddenly appeared in her body.

The"wrath" of original sin"grew" out of her body, as ugly as the stone statue that originally imprisoned it.

"I thought you would be more stylish."

Dane looked at Hespera and said with a smile.

But Hespera ignored it, and more monsters continued to appear on her body,"Arrogance"、"lazy"、""Gluttony" appeared one after another, roaring at Dane

"Dane Davis!"

They directly called out Shazam's real name.

Dane stretched out his hand to fire thunder, and at the same time, he also fired thunder rays from his eyes, which penetrated the bodies of several original sins.

But their bodies are completely made of magic power, and this kind of damage is harmful to them. It's not harmful at all.

But when attacked, the four original sins did not fight back immediately. Instead, they flew in four different directions. They were ready to absorb a wave of human sins first and then make up for it. No matter how powerful Shazam is, He can use his clones to deal with them!

Of course Dane will not choose clone magic. Although he can, clone magic will split his divine power into four, which is not worth it at all.

"Cortana, has Canterlot's dream been decorated?"

"Already laid out."

It's really easy to use dream magic through the mobile phone receiver. With Cortana's computing speed, the dream world can be covered throughout the city almost instantly.

"Then separate the world we live in from the real world!"

A city without people, let me see how you absorb the sins.

When the four original sins entered the central city, they suddenly found that there was no one in the whole city.

"Oops! This city has been blocked by him!"

The four original sins discovered this situation and quickly flew back.

They could not leave the host for too long, otherwise their power would decline rapidly in this deserted city.

And high in the sky, Dane and Hespera were already together again Fighting each other.

Due to the temporary separation from the four original sins, she regained a bit of herself. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I would actually be distracted by that kind of thing..."

To be honest, Hespera doesn't look down on things like the Seven Deadly Sins, but she is not as strong-minded as she thought, and she can't resist it like ordinary humans. Original sin invaded his heart.

Dane smiled when he heard this

"I don’t know where you get your confidence. In the entire history of Western mythology, you Olympus gods are the ones with the most selfish desires."

Forget it with your brothers and sisters, most gods come here like this, but if you mess around with your children, or even your grandchildren... some guys don't even choose species. That's outrageous.

Dai En shook his head. These gods were like beasts. As long as they were pretty, they didn't care about each other's identity, kinship, or species isolation.

Although Dane didn't say it explicitly, Hespera could understand his subtext. She Her face immediately darkened. In the final analysis, Zeus was not responsible for this trend. But there is no point in talking about it now. Hespera still wants to continue struggling, but Grace is no longer prepared to give her this chance.

Can He was already quite satisfied with bringing out two main god-level gods. Now it was time to harvest the spoils.

Once Dane chose not to hold back, Hespera's current power would be impossible to resist, even with the addition of Original Sin. The same goes for strength.

She was constantly shot down from the air by Dane, and she was receiving his heavy blows every moment.

Dane didn't understand what it meant to be compassionate, and every punch seemed to be aimed at the opponent's vitals. Same.

The sound of boxing sounded throughout Central City. Under Dane's continuous punches, Hespera's armor had been damaged.

Seeing Hespera's miserable condition, the four original sins stepped forward to help. Together they used magic to besiege Dane.

All the evil magic was poured out on Dane for a while.

But despite this, they were still pressed and beaten by Dane.

Their bodies were as light as nothing in Dane's hands, and every time they were thrown out, they could Easily destroy a building.

Original sin is rooted in human hearts, so they cannot be completely killed.

Therefore, Dane did not use the kiss of death, but used the positive energy of Zeus and the sun god to torture They consume their magic power.

The weather in the sky stirred up storms and clouds due to the instigation of divine power, and the thunder snakes were ready to go, full of a sense of danger as black clouds overwhelmed the city. The original sins finally retreated because they could not bear it. Returning to Hespera.

Seeing that the time was right, Dane hit Hespera with the biggest thunderbolt he had unleashed since becoming Shazam.

The power of thunder invaded her body in an instant, destroying her wantonly. The four original sins inside.

But this time, due to the lack of intake of sinful energy, they had no power to resist.

Hespera temporarily lost consciousness under the lightning strike.

Dane also put magic handcuffs on her , In this way, the seven deadly sins were gathered.

But at this time, Dane heard a bad news

"Dane, Wonder Woman, Superman and Green Lantern are missing!"

Dane suddenly frowned. He asked Cortana to show the scene at that time. When he saw the big mouth in the void, he narrowed his eyes.

PS: Happy National Day everyone!.

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