
With a flash of magical light, Barry Allen emerged from a void and fell directly to the ground.

Barry climbed up carefully, crossing his arms and feeling a little chilly.

Suddenly, he noticed that his back was itchy and couldn't help but reach out and scratch it.

With this grasp, he touched a metallic object, and he brought it to his eyes.

What is this?

Barry looked at a round piece of metal in his hand, somewhat confused.

But the next moment, the metal disk in his hand suddenly grew six insect-like legs, and the entire disk also expanded and deformed.

A scanning light was emitted from the eye-like part and swept across Barry Allen's body.

Then Barry heard this metal bug making a mechanical sound

"Intelligent life has been locked, the target of the mission: Barry Allen; code name: The Flash (The.Flash), the gene lock has been confirmed"

"flash?"Barry stared blankly at the metal bug and felt silly for a moment.

"Are you talking about me?"Then he seemed to be savoring it:"The.Flash is a really cool name. Who named it?"

The metal bug's breathing light turned on and he replied:"The target object's code name is given to the main control unit Shazam."

"Shazam!!!"Barry let out a long exclamation.

"He already knows me?"

"Yes."Metal Worm said with a serious look.

"Then what are you?"

"I am your intelligent control system and also your battle suit"

"Battle clothes?"Barry was even more surprised when he heard this.

The metal bug jumped from Barry's palm to his chest. He was still naked.

After it came into contact with Barry's chest, it quickly spread out like other nanoparticles..

Starting from the chest, it quickly spreads throughout the body, and finally forms an angular red suit.

On the chest of this suit, there is a yellow lightning symbol.

This suit is Dane's reference to the movie"Justice League" The look he designed in"

The Flash" was an initial version, and he had some new ideas later. As for the tight-fitting suit in the independent movie"The Flash", well... the art director of this movie Who is it? He should get out!

Barry Allen raised his hands in front of his eyes. He carefully touched the red suit. The metal texture was cold, but it could not hide the heat in his heart.

Barry opened his mouth to an extremely It’s so exaggerated that I can’t help but sigh in admiration:"It’s so beautiful~"

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

The mechanical sound of the metal bug rang in his ears, drawing Barry's attention back.

"I mean seriously, this suit is awesome~!"

"It's even better when you're running!"The metal bug said rather arrogantly.

After hearing this, Barry couldn't help but want to give it a try.

"Can I run for a while?"


So Barry laughed excitedly. He bent down slightly, made a running posture, and then ejected within a microsecond, running out like flying.

"You can go faster."

When he started running, Barry didn't dare to run too fast, but the metal bug persuaded him to let go of the restrictions.

So Barry ran faster for the first time. In the past, when he ran at this speed, his clothes would have been burned. It’s gone, but this suit is still intact and as bright as ever


Barry shouted happily as he ran, his figure becoming blurred in the air, and only arcs of electricity remained where he passed.

Those arcs are the charge breakdown phenomenon caused by the charge accumulated on his body being discharged into the air by the suit.

His running posture is different from that of ordinary people. His body leans completely forward and each step takes a huge step. It is more like"gliding" than running.

But before he could run for long, he felt a wave of dizziness coming over him, which caused his feet to become unsteady and he fell headfirst to the ground, plowing a ditch on the ground with his face.

Barry's mask is semi-closed like Batman's, so he gnawed a mouthful of mud


Barry spat out the mud in his mouth, and the expression on his face twisted into a ball.

"Warning, your blood sugar level has dropped to an extremely dangerous level, it is recommended to replenish sugar immediately"

"Where can I get sugar supplements in a place like this?"

Barry glanced around helplessly. Except for the dim sky and the cold and dark land, there was nothing else.

But after hearing Barry's words, the metal bug automatically determined that he needed a glucose injection. So Barry suddenly felt a slight sting somewhere in his body under the suit, and then something was driven into his body.

He felt that he had regained some strength and stood up with an incredible expression.

"How can you still do such a thing?"

The metal bug explained to him:"This machine does not carry much glucose, please use it with caution."

"By the way, what is your name? How should I call you in the future?"

"This machine has no name"

"Didn't Shazam pick one up for you?"

"He wants you to pick one"

"What do you think of Flash?"Barry was in high spirits.

"It doesn't feel very sincere."Xiao Shan complained. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then you will be called Xiao Shan from now on!"

Xiao Shan controlled the suit to lower the eyepiece. In the blue and transparent eyepiece, several red light spots appeared underground.

"Barry, there's an abnormal energy reaction underground!"

Barry suddenly became nervous.

"Can you tell what it is?"

The little flash in the suit quickly analyzed it. It has a very rich database, and its intelligence has been personally trained by Cortana, so it is very smart.

"Through data comparison, the opponent is likely to be a magical creature. It is recommended to retreat immediately!"

As soon as it finished speaking, a green dead branch grew out of the ground.

But Barry took a closer look and saw that it was a dead branch. It was clearly a dead hand!

He suddenly trembled with fright, and a small flash appeared in his eyes. The suit system seems to be speechless as well.

"Barry, I detected urea leaking from you.…"

"do not talk!"Barry's face turned red and he quickly shut up.

In just a moment, the dead man from the ground had crawled out. Most of his face was still intact, but the skin was close to the bones, giving people a skinny feeling..

The eye sockets were sunken and there were no eyeballs at all. His dry throat seemed to be making sounds. Barry was sure he heard some sounds.

"`A living person is a living person!"

Under the guidance of his voice, more dead people crawled out of the ground, as if the undead were resurrected.

Barry turned green on the spot and couldn't help but want to retching. He had just eaten the mud where these dead people were buried. in the mouth……


Under the reminder of Little Flash, Barry finally remembered what he should do. He ejected forward and ran up with a series of arcs. Those arcs hit the dead and knocked them away instantly.

But Barry did not see his masterpiece. He just ran forward, wanting to get away from this place full of dead people.

"Barry, if you keep running like this, you will soon fall into sugar deficiency symptoms again."

"But Flash, I can't stop."

Barry's mood collapsed again at this time, because no matter how far he ran, he could see countless dead people"growing" out of place.

And their targets were all him, whoever he provoked was this.

Little Flash Quick analysis:"This machine guesses that this is most likely because you have just ingested the soil here, allowing them to lock on to your position.

Barry's face turned green again:"Can we not mention this matter?""


Xiao Shan is quite considerate.

(After running for a long time, Barry felt as if this road had no end.

No matter where he ran, he could not escape the entanglement of those dead people, and he felt the same dizziness again.

According to Xiao Shen, this was because his blood sugar concentration had dropped to a very dangerous level.

Barry stopped, a little hesitant to continue using the injected glucose, but he hadn't found the exit here yet.

What if he ran out of glucose before then?

Just when he was frowning, the dead people around him had already gathered around him.

"Living people, living people..."

Those dead people were full of jealousy and greed for the living, and wanted to swallow their flesh and blood.

At this moment, there was an explosion in the sky, and a figure fell from the sky. It was Wonder Woman!

She fiercely The ground knocked the bracelet, and the shock wave knocked all the dead away.

At the same time, Superman also flew from a distance, his heat vision ruthlessly cut these dead monsters, completely vaporizing their bodies.

Green Lantern's equipment revealed a green giant. Hammer, trying to smash the dead bodies into the ground again like a whack-a-mole.

"Kid, are you okay?"

When Barry came to his senses, what he saw when he looked up was Superman's sunny smile.

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