This world.

Dane carried Hespera back to the Justice Building in Khandak, and other members had also returned.

As soon as he arrived at the Hall of Justice, he heard Constantine yelling inside

"That thing is definitely god-level magic!"

They gathered in front of the big screen and watched the scene played on it over and over again.

Just through the"big mouth" that opened in the void, Constantine dared to bet his tobacco and alcohol money for the rest of his life. This was definitely the work of some god..What

's going on these days? Why does the earth always encounter opponents of this level?

At this time, Dane walked in from the door with Hespera in his hand.

Batman was the first to notice him

"What you guessed before was correct. Ares was indeed the one pulling the strings on the Pacific battlefield."

"He is very strong, but he is no match for us when we join forces."Ye Yi said this

"He also has other helpers, and according to energy analysis at the scene, that intensity is likely to be a god."The Red Hood expressed his opinion.

The Bat Family's analytical skills are really good. Dane can know so much because he has enough information, but they purely relied on very few clues to deduce it.

"I already have some clues about the identity of the man behind the scenes who cooperated with Ares, but in order to understand more clearly, we can interrogate the insiders."

After saying this, Dane looked to his side, and Cortana appeared just at this moment.

Batman squinted his eyes. He didn't know if it was his imagination. He always felt that Cortana had changed a lot recently, and she seemed to have surpassed The level of intelligence that an artificial intelligence should have.

Dane communicated with Cortana:"Have all those people been captured?"

Cortana nodded 523:"All the Kryptonian corpses have been brought back, and Tes Adam was also imprisoned in a special prison."

As she said that, Cortana glanced at the unconscious Hespera, and with a wave of her hand, she transferred her to her prison.

Her action confirmed Batman's guess. Cortana definitely experienced What kind of upgrade he didn't know about? This level of intelligence is not much different from that of a real person. But neither Dane nor Cortana noticed his gaze.

"Cortana, bring Tes Adam over here. We have something to ask him."

Cortana's eyes lit up with magical light, and Tes Adam was teleported in front of everyone.

He was wearing magic-forbidden handcuffs on his hands and could not resist, but he still had a rebellious expression on his face.

He did it in Kandak When he was a slave, he could be said to be submissive to the ruler King Acton. Who would have thought that after becoming a defender, he would become the most determined anti-authority person and the hardest person?

"Tes Adam, tell me about the source of the power of the underworld in you. Is it the one that transported those Kryptonians to the real world?

Adam looked at him with a sneer:"Don't you know everything?" What are you asking me for?"

Batman heard this and walked to Dane like a ghost.

"If you'd like, I'd be happy to help you interrogate this guy."

Red Hood also said:"Or I will do it."

Yeyi looked at these two people and didn't know if he wanted to participate.

"No need to bother, Cortana, I'll leave it to you. (adej)"

Cortana smiled softly and stretched her fingers into Tes Adam's brain like an invisible object, instantly causing him to fall into a deep dream.

In the dream, she could browse Tes Adam's memories at will.

A moment later , she told everyone about her discovery

"The person who arranged all this was Hades, and those Kryptonians were also the exiles he had accumulated over tens of thousands of years. They all came from the Phantom Zone."

Dane nodded, as he expected.

Batman asked:"What is his purpose?"

"He wants hell."Cortana gave an answer that Batman didn't expect.

He couldn't help but repeat:"Hell?"

Cortana glanced at Dane and saw that he had no objection, so she continued:

"Hell is Dane's territory now, so it is basically certain that the other party is coming for Dane."

"Just wait a moment and let me calm down."Nightwing felt that the amount of information in it was a bit large.

He turned his head sharply and looked at Dane:"Hell... is your territory now?

Dane nodded and said lightly:"I just bought it not long ago.""

"I think you should expand on this matter."(If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Batman's face darkened. Of course, no one else could see it because of the mask.

Dane saw that other people also had"fuck" expressions, so he could only try his best. He briefly explained the deal between him and Lucifer.

Zatanna had known about it for a long time, so she was not surprised.

On the contrary, Constantine, a bitch, as soon as he heard the news, he The first reaction is that if he really goes to hell in the future, will he not have to worry about being collected for debt?

He has also become a person with a backing!

So why should he go to a paradise? How good would it be to go to hell to show off his power?

Arthur said this I just sighed at Dane's magical power, and had no other thoughts other than that. His brain capacity is low and he can't think of anything too far-reaching.

But this news has a huge impact on the Bat family, which means that if the future One day Shazam will do evil, and it is almost impossible for the earth to fight back.

But it is meaningless to think about this kind of problem at the moment.

Batman suppresses his divergent thinking and returns the focus to the incident itself.

If Hades just simply wants Hell, this matter actually has nothing to do with humans or the real world.

But judging from Ares's series of actions, even if they don't hinder Hades' plan, they don't seem to have done anything to harm the real world. In the end, the goals of these gods may still be aimed at the real world, which gives Batman a headache.

What he hates most is the things about these gods and demons.

Zatanna first expressed her position:"We cannot let Hades get it. Hell, once he succeeds, his power will expand dramatically.

You should know something about the legend of the Olympus gods. Hades and his brothers and sisters have a very bad relationship, which will set off a war between the gods!

Arthur asked curiously:"They beat them, what does it have to do with us?"

Zatanna looked at him like a fool:"Let's not talk about other things. As believers of Poseidon, you Atlantis will definitely participate in the war. You don't think that the war between gods is only related to gods, do you ? ?"

"At that time, not only you, but Paradise Island will also be dragged into the war. This kind of divine war will eventually spread to the real world, and those gods will use various methods to replenish their sources of troops."

Constantine also frowned and added:"And once Hades gets hell, heaven will definitely not sit idly by. You don't know how many people believe in God in this world, right?"

Everyone realized the seriousness of the situation after hearing this.

But Dane also added fuel to the fire:"In fact, it's not just that. Once the battle for hell breaks out, people from other gods will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing. Maybe there will be How many demons and ghosts from other pantheons were involved."

Everyone looked at him speechlessly. Why do you look like it has nothing to do with you?

Isn't that your territory?

Batman suddenly thought of a question

"Now that hell has become your territory, what about Lucifer? Where did he go? And you are not in hell, so who is in charge of hell now? Dane answered him this way:"There is no manager in hell now. They are busy fighting. As for Lucifer... I advise you not to have any ideas about him. This fallen angel is more dangerous than a real demon.""

Constantine immediately understood Dane's ruling thoughts.

"Let those demons fight you to death in hell, and they won't have so much energy to harass the human world. No wonder I feel that there have been a lot fewer exorcism commissions recently.…"

"So, where were Clark and the others taken?"

Batman asks the most important question

"Since Hades did this, the most likely thing is that they were transported to the underworld"

"That's Hades' territory, are they okay?"

Nightwing said worriedly.

In fact, Diana and Hal are fine, but Clark? His power comes from the sun, and there is no sun in the underworld.

The longer he stays there, the weaker he will be.

"Don't worry, I've taken this into consideration. Dane comforted,"The teleportation bracelets on them have been updated. They will interfere with the operation of magic when they are forcibly teleported by other forces, and take them to a safer place in nearby space.""

While Cortana was upgrading, he also upgraded the equipment of other members. Since it was the recombination of nanoparticles, this upgrade did not attract everyone's attention.

The nanosuit he threw at the Flash also Made with such new technology, he can be sure that Hades will not find them so easily.

Moreover, the upgraded teleporter also has a concealment function, which can avoid Hades's sight, which can buy them some time.

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