"So when are we going to rescue them?"

"After I figured out their exact locations, although I installed positioning on them, there was still a layer between the two worlds.

I have to go in first to get their exact location, and if the time is right, I might take you with me. Batman frowned slightly when he heard this:"You want to go alone?"

Dane smiled and said:"Magic matters are best left to people who are good at magic, right?"

Zatanna immediately said:"Then I'll go with you!""

Constantine was so cowardly that he didn't even say it.

Dane shook his head, and he touched Zatanna's head to calm her down.

"This time we have to face gods, and there may be more than one god. It’s not appropriate for you to go."

The gods inside are all battle mages like Gandalf. A fragile mage like Zatanna will be demolished in an instant as soon as she enters."

"You and the others stay here and help me watch the criminals."He was referring to the three goddesses and Te-Si Adam and others.

Dane thought for a while, and then entered the coordinate information of the God Realm into Zatanna's bracelet.

Cortana will go to the Netherworld with Dane this time, It's better to leave things here to Zatanna's management.

"By the way, if you have any doubts, you can discuss it with Mera or Poison Ivy...."

Zatanna twisted Dane's arm hard with her fingers:"I don't need them!"

After saying that, a teleportation light lit up on her body and disappeared.

The other members watched with eyes, nose and heart, pretending not to see.

But a few young people said in their hearts that they are awesome!

This is more than just stepping on a few boats, it is like walking on a boat with iron ropes and staying firm!

Batman doesn't feel anything. For rich second generations like them, this kind of life is normal....

After explaining some things, Dane was immediately ready to leave, but first he had to find Hades' underworld.

The Netherworld is a very vast world, almost as vast as the universe.

Although Dane can also use his Death God authority to enter the underworld, his underworld may be very far from Hades's underworld.

Perhaps it is as far away as the distance between the earth and Oa. Without the exact coordinates, he is likely to be lost in the underworld.

But the Kryptonian Phantom Zone gave him a new idea for finding Hades' underworld.

Since the Phantom Zone and the Netherworld are actually one, and Hades also captured a large number of Kryptonians from here, it is very likely that his Underworld is not too far from the Phantom Zone.

So to find the underworld of Hades, you must first find the phantom region of the Kryptonians.

In the movie"Man of Steel", it has been revealed that the collision of the Kryptonian ghost engines can create a wormhole leading to the Phantom Zone. so...He still had to go through the plot again.

Fortunately, all captured Kryptonian ships are kept in the warehouse of the Justice Building.

In order to ensure that the warehouse would not be invaded by foreign enemies, Dane had already placed it in the dream world under Cortana's jurisdiction.

"Did you really decide to do this?"Cortana said worriedly.

"The Phantom Zone is a place we don't understand at all, and you're not safe there.

Dane said relaxedly:"Sometimes in order to get something, you have to take some risks.""

"And to be honest, I don’t think this trip will be very dangerous. It’s not like the forbidden magic space in hell, where divine power and magic can still be used."

"Even if you take 10,000 steps back and think about it, even if something really might go wrong, wouldn't it still be you?"

Cortana's worry eased slightly, but she still said:"I am no longer a purely technological creature, so once you are attacked by unknown magical power, I may not be able to help you in time."

"You lack awareness of your own capabilities."

Dane does not agree with her view of herself. As a dream god, she still has a lot of potential that has not been explored.

"But since you're so worried, why don't we conduct the experiment in the underworld?"

Cortana heard this and quickly verified it in her mind. After a moment, she said with a hint of confusion:"According to the simulation experiments, the success rate has indeed been significantly improved. Dane was not surprised:"In that case, just bring the experimental subject with you and we will complete the verification directly there.""

He has been studying the issue of demonization recently, and wants to reverse the contract magic to transform into a demon by reversing the power of Shazam. The source of power he chose for the demon body is the Seven Deadly Sins, and he wants to use the complete He can use the power of the Seven Deadly Sins to synthesize a new demonic body.

But the self-awareness of the Seven Deadly Sins is a big problem.

He cannot complete the demonization with the body of Shazam because the power attributes of the two are mutually exclusive. (Read Baoshuang novels and go up to fly Lu Novel Network!) cannot transform as a god of death, because this is equivalent to backward compatibility and has no meaning. After the transformation, he is still a god of death.

So in the end of the research, Dane found that using a human body has the highest success rate of transformation.

But how to resist the erosion of the soul by the seven sins as a human being has become the biggest problem. Dane is not arrogant enough to think that he can fight against the power of the seven original sins with willpower.

Previously, Cortana's simulation calculation showed that, Even in the dream, with her help, Dane had only half a chance of winning against the Seven Deadly Sins alone.

This was not a duel of strength, but of will and spirit, but Dane was not over 30 years old at all costs.

Even if his past life experiences are included, he is still no more than 50 years old. How can he compare with the incarnation of the original sin that has existed for more than ten thousand years? During these times, he has been thinking about how to deal with this thorny problem. The Seven Deadly Sins obviously cannot be like Shazam. The force cooperates with him like that.

On the contrary, they will definitely find opportunities to control him in turn.

But in the Netherworld, the success rate has increased. Although Cortana has personally verified this, she cannot understand it.

0 Asking for flowers for this It's because her verification method is different from ordinary supercomputers, and she also uses a little power of"precognition".

This is the magic she learned from a gypsy in her inspiration dream. Prediction is essentially peeking into fate, so it The principle is difficult to explain scientifically

"By the way, when I was reading Tes Adam's memory just now, I discovered that he had taken Doctor Fate's helmet. Dane thought thoughtfully,"But the helmet of destiny is not on Adam.""

"Yes, because he traded that helmet for some of his power to Hades. Dane laughed when he heard this:"Then he must have sold that helmet cheaply, otherwise how could he only get so little power in exchange for it?""

Hades, the god, has a heart as black as his brother!

"You have to be careful, the Helm of Destiny is in Hades' hands now, and we don't know what he will do with it."

Dane knew the importance of this matter and nodded solemnly.

After that, Cortana found the three daughters of Atlas and quietly extracted the power of original sin from their bodies in their sleep.

Finally, in Under her operation, the Seven Deadly Sins were sealed into the magic eye again, and then Dane obtained the new artifact she had forged some time ago from the witch.

That was the one forged at the cost of sacrificing the souls of millions of demons. It is a new piece of equipment.

It is not a stylish weapon, but a piece of extremely malleable black metal. Like N metal, it can be transformed into any shape of weapon according to the will of use.

Because its shape was shaped with the sacrifice of the devil. sacrifice, so it has strong compatibility with evil forces.

Dane installed the magic eye on a necklace made of this piece of metal. In its shape, he referenced the Eye of Agamotto next door.

So it also resembles the Eye of Agamotto. The Eye also has the ability to seal the Magic Eye, which makes the Magic Eye very safe. Even an ordinary person can wear it.

Dane wore it on his chest and concealed its form.

In the dream world, Cortana collided two newly built ghost engines with each other in front of his eyes.

At the moment of the collision, an invisible singularity appeared, which created a huge force of attraction out of thin air, sucking Dane in without resistance. Among them.

At the critical moment, Cortana also turned into a beam of light and penetrated into Dane's suit.

The Phantom Zone.

This is a lightless area. People trapped here will lose their consciousness and be like blindness. Wandering in this dead space like a ghost.

When Dane appeared here, the lightning on his chest became the only light here

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Dane suddenly turned his head and saw a mysterious man wearing a black suit, a gentleman's hat and a cloak.

He looked at it for a long time before he found out the identity of this man from his memory.

"Phantom Stranger pills?".

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