The Phantom Stranger didn't seem surprised that Dane was able to call out his name, and he was here specifically to wait for Dane.

"This may be our first meeting, but I think you should know something about me."

The Phantom Stranger, the most mysterious and unknown character in the DC universe, has as many as five origin versions in the comics.

Dane blindly guessed one of them and asked tentatively:"Judas?"

Phantom Stranger's face immediately darkened:"Don't say that name!"

Confirmed, this should be the one in the New 52 version, Judas who once betrayed Jesus.

Because he betrayed Jesus, he was punished to become the Phantom Stranger to atone for his sins in the world. He made sacrifices for a man named"The Voice of Heaven" Things work.

Dane seriously doubts that the so-called"voice of heaven" is God nagging.

"What are you waiting for me for?"Dane remembered that he seemed to have no interaction with this person.

The Phantom Stranger said without any clue:

"Your idea is correct. The Phantom Zone is indeed connected to Hades's underworld, but it is still far away from the underworld, as far away as light years."

Hearing this, Dane frowned. He turned on his nano-microcomputer. Sure enough, he did not receive the location coordinates of Diana and the others.

He raised his head and looked at the Phantom Stranger. Since the other party was waiting for him here specifically, This point was made clear again, indicating that he intended to help.

Sure enough, Phantom Stranger then said:"I can help you find other members of the Justice League, and I can also give you this."

He said and took out a silver coin from his arms.

Dane guessed at that time that this silver coin would not be one of the 30 silver coins he had betrayed Jesus for, right?

Cortana immediately spoke in his ear :"Dane, that silver coin contains extremely strong magic power, and the experimental results are likely to be fulfilled on this silver coin!"

This made Dane begin to examine the value of the coin, but he knew that there is no free lunch in this world, so he asked directly:

"So, what's the cost?"

Phantom Stranger really wanted something else, he replied:

"I can't stop your upcoming experiment, but I...The people behind me and I all hope that after your experiment is successful, you will not appear in that form outside of hell. Dane narrowed his eyes slightly:"In other words, you want me to confine this power to hell?""

Phantom Stranger nodded.

If he was just suspicious just now, Dane is now at least 80% sure that the person behind him is God.

Only he would make such a request.

Dane suddenly asked him again One sentence:"What are you going to do with Gabriel?"

Phantom Stranger was a little speechless. Your relationship with her is like that, how else can we deal with it?

So he said:"She can stay in the human world as you wish, IShe will not be forced to return to heaven, that is also her destiny."

Dane quickly calculated in his mind.

It seems that the increased success rate calculated by Cortana is related to the power of God. If he wants to successfully complete the demonization experiment, the participation of God's power seems to be essential.

But it's not over yet. , Phantom Stranger seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying:

"In addition, I have a personal request. If you can find Naboo's helmet, please help him get it back."

"You can't do it yourself? Dane asked curiously. He knew that the Phantom Stranger was as capable as the gods.

But the Phantom Stranger just shook his head:"I can't take action, especially against the gods of other gods.""

Dane suddenly understood. It seems that Heaven does not want to directly confront the gods. Then he frowned. Does this mean that he wants to use his hand to deal with those gods?

But there is nothing he can say to each other for what they need. After weighing the pros and cons, Dane chose to accept the deal

"I agree to your request."

Phantom Stranger didn't seem surprised by Dane's choice, so he simply threw the silver coin over, and Dane reached out to catch it.

"The deal between us remains a verbal agreement. I believe in Shazam's credibility. You won't break your promise, right?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Dane always felt that there was a bit of ridicule in his words. Could it be that the fact that he likes to force people to sign contracts has begun to spread in heaven? But if he doesn't sign, he won't sign. He has this little credibility There are still some.

The main reason is that God is too buggy and he does not have the conditions to break the contract for the time being.

Seeing Dane accept the silver coins, the Phantom Stranger raised his hands, and the power of magic surged between his palms.

"I'll send you to your teammates, don't resist. Dane relaxed his body as he was told. His eyes suddenly blurred, and the surrounding scenery changed.

Then he saw an ax whizzing towards him. He quickly turned his head to let go of the axe, and then He looked forward.

The strong man wearing a horned helmet and full of evil aura looked like the god of war Ares.

"You came just in time!"

When Ares saw him, he was not surprised but overjoyed. He stretched out his hand, and the battle ax returned to his hand.

He stood up and jumped at least two hundred meters high, but he fell very fast! There was a strange feeling on the ax blade. A red fire light lit up and hit Dane hard!


Diana shouted loudly and rushed towards Ares...

If you ask why they met Ares, it was actually the fault of The Flash.

Originally, according to Dane's plan, the Flash, wearing his special suit, could naturally wait until Dane took him back as long as he did nothing.

Hades really couldn't see him before he ate the soil of the underworld, but after he accidentally ate the soil of the underworld, Hades's eyes instantly shifted to him, and he also saw the three members of the Justice League.

He said to Ares, who was alone and angry next to him:"I found them. They are still on the land of the underworld. They must have used some magic or magic weapon to avoid my sight."

"Where are they?"Ares immediately picked up the ax and asked 0...

He is different now from just now. In the human world, his power will be greatly suppressed. This is the law of the world. He has no way to break through, so he can only be beaten passively.

But in this underworld, as long as Hades agrees, he can exert all his power and interpret the true power of the God of War to those mortals!

Demigod Diana, Kryptonians, and the Green Lantern Corps are all bullshit. I am the one who killed Darkseid!

Zeus doesn’t care about me!

So with the cooperation of Hades, he teleported directly to the location of the Justice League and his party.

And it's no wonder that he is so arrogant. After completely liberating his divine power, the God of War is indeed incredibly powerful. In terms of absolute power, he is even slightly stronger than Clark.

The war energy that the God of War absorbed during World War II was very huge, and he had been saving this huge power for no use. This time it was all poured into the strongest members of the Justice League!

"Is it my imagination or is this true? Why do I feel that he is much stronger than last time?"

Half, who was whipped away by the God of War again and again, said depressedly.

His green light creation couldn't get close to the God of War at all. If the opponent swung the ax, all the creations would be shattered in an instant.

Even the strongest protection he put up The shield will also be cut through with several consecutive blows. The opponent's attack power is much stronger than it was on earth.

"That's not an illusion. Although I hate to say it, this is Ares' true strength."

Diana knows a little about the secrets of gods. A righteous god like Ares, the God of War, will be suppressed by strong power in the human world. She also used this advantage to win against Ah when she was just starting out. Rhys.

Otherwise, the outcome is still a matter of debate.

Clark is a bit solemn. In order to deal with Ares, he has to use more strength and energy. In this world without the sun, every point of his strength will be reduced. points.

2.4 He must use it carefully in the next battle. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As for the newly released Flash Barry Allen, this kid can only move around on the battlefield, let alone Help, I can burn high incense without causing any trouble.

"You are the worst host I have ever had!"Xiao Shan couldn't help complaining.

"You only have me as your host!"Barry retorted.

Ares, the God of War, stood in the middle of the pit he created and laughed wildly:

"Hahahahaha, Kryptonian, your strength seems to have weakened. Isn't it impossible for you?"

As he spoke, Ares concentrated his divine power, turned it into the power of destruction and attached it to the battle axe, and then threw it out with force.

The axe swirled in the air, whipping up a sharp airflow like a strong wind and flew out.

Between Ares and the Justice League, a person suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the battle ax passed by the person.

Ares took a closer look and instantly recognized who the person was, and was overjoyed.

"You came just in time!"

Then he picked up the tomahawk again and struck it.

Diana saw the person coming clearly with her sharp eyes and shouted directly:"Dane——!"

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