Diana was the first to rush forward to support Dane.

But in the middle of the battlefield, Ares's battle ax collided with the arm armor on Dane's arm, and a strong impact of divine power erupted.

Diana's body in mid-air was blown away by the impact and fell to the ground. She raised her buckler to block the subsequent shock wave.

But the huge wind pressure still pushed her back. It was a blazing wind that blew in all directions and also hit other Zhenglian members behind Diana.

Hal used a shield to protect himself and the Flash in time, but under this strong shock wave, cracks appeared in the green shield.

"It won't break, right?"Barry couldn't help but ask him.

Hal struggled to resist and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth:"Shut.Up!"

Barry immediately covered his mouth and didn't dare to speak.

Just when Hal felt helpless, Clark stood in front of them, using his body to block most of the hot wind for them, so that his legs His arms and chest were burned red by the heat.

Ares' attack this time was almost as powerful as an energy storm on the Day of Destruction. He was an extremely terrifying enemy when he fully unleashed his divine power. The arm armor of Dane's hands He was cut off by a battle axe, and his arm was also cut with two scars. With his hard bones, he was able to block Ares's full blow.

But Ares was very shocked. You know, even 04s, in this way He was determined not to resist the attack with his body.

Dane ignored the pain in his arm and lifted the battle ax little by little.

At the same time, a surging thunder power condensed and brewed in his body, and his eyes and chest were filled with tears. Emitting dazzling lightning.

When the power in his body reached the critical point, the power of thunder exploded from the pores all over his body. Ares was the first to be blown away, and he went back and forth from where he came.

"Dane, you're hurt!"Cortana said anxiously in his mind.

"Yeah, I'm hurt."Dane said with emotion.

This seems to be the first time he has been injured in so many years since his debut?

He is worthy of being the God of War who once chopped off Darkseid with an axe. This blow was really powerful.

But within a moment, thunder and lightning struck Dane's hands. The wound on his arm crackled, as if he was being stitched up to close the wound, and his arm soon returned to its original state.

Not only his injury, but also the arm armor that was split by Ares began to squirm and repair again.

This pair of arm armor is also synthesized using nanotechnology, using a secondary N metal alloy.

The strength of N metal, which is not pure enough, is still too low to withstand the artifacts made of the eighth metal by the Olympus gods. Barely able to offset some of the attacks.

As soon as Ares landed on his back, Diana jumped up and stabbed his head with the sword of Vulcan.

Ares quickly dodged a carp to avoid it, but he was struck by him just as he stood still. A green fist flew away. It was Green Lantern Hal's fist.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

Ares was beaten backwards. Behind him, Clark held his fists with both hands. The position of the blow was very tricky. He hit Ares on the neck, almost missing his spine. The

Flash Barry, He...he shouted cheers on the ground, he is a qualified atmosphere team

"This unit has never felt so humiliating!"Little Flash's mechanical voice became speechless.

Barry's face turned red and he defended himself:"I'm just a newbie, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Shazam was younger than you when he went on his first mission, but it was a successful one.

Barry was very curious when he heard this:"How do you know?""

As if he knew he had made a mistake, Flash suddenly pretended to be dead and fell silent.

This made Barry scratch his head anxiously, but there was nothing he could do.

On the battlefield, the battle continued. With the addition of Dane, it was difficult to deal with Ares. Combat has more tactical options

"Cortana, can you start your dream here?"

If you can, drag Ares in and kite him to death.

But Cortana told him not to

"This is not our home world, and we cannot override the permissions of the owner of this place."

Using the analogy of a mobile phone system, the real world is the Android system, which has wide compatibility. It seems that anyone can expand their own domain there. Therefore, his dreams, the door to hell, and the mysterious realm of nothingness in the Rock of Eternity can be opened in reality.

But Hades's underworld is iOS. Unless he opens up the permissions of the underworld, it is impossible for Dane to expand his own little world here. This is applicable to everyone.

This is why Zeus dare not step in Because of Hades's hatred for him, he might be forced to delete his account and retrain just as soon as he stepped foot in.

But the good news is that although Hades can prevent Dane from dreaming, he can also He didn't use his supreme authority in the underworld to directly obliterate them conceptually.

I don't know if he didn't want to or couldn't.

…………(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It’s not that Hades doesn’t want to, it’s that he can’t do it, because he is not the only one in charge of the underworld.

He looked at the woman in front of him, who had been sleeping with him for thousands of years, and felt unspeakable anger in his heart.

Persephone, since she became the Queen of Hades, has almost as much power in the underworld as Hades.

Just like Hera can take away half of Zeus's power, once Persephone makes up her mind, she can also stand up to Pluto and restrict certain of his actions.

But in the past thousands of years, she has never been so actively involved in the struggle for power. Why this time?

"Why? Persephone?"

Persephone's eyes flashed and she said softly:"This is Zeus' order."

Hades only felt dizzy on the top of his head, as if there was a green hat pressing on his head in the void.

Zeus is both Persephone's father and her lover. Well... Mount Olympus is such a mess, everyone Just get used to it.

In short, she couldn't refuse the request of Zeus, who was both her father and her lover.

She restricted Hades' power so that he could not freely control everything in the underworld, but she also That was all she could do.

She didn't participate too much in the affairs of the underworld, so naturally she couldn't compete for more power. After all, she lacked the initiative.

Hades quickly adjusted his mood. Sneered at this unfaithful woman

"While I'm doing my business, you stay here and you're not allowed to go anywhere!"

Hades followed his words and spoke out the decree of heaven in his palace, imprisoning Persephone in her own room.

He walked out of the palace, and outside, there was a continuous stretch of land with no end in sight. The demon army and the Kryptonian army.

Hades had no intention of facing the Justice League from the beginning.

As an ancient god, Hades was also afraid of Gaia's prophecy, so he was unwilling to face Shazam in person.

But he can instruct the brainless guy like the God of War to deal with him, and he is not worried that the God of War will be defeated quickly.

He is now preparing to lead his army to attack Hell directly, and while the Justice League is being stumbled by the God of War, 763 will capture enough The territory and soul.

As long as the war in hell continues, Hades can supply Ares with a steady stream of war energy.

Let him help him buy time. This is a perfect positive cycle.

"The whole army attacks, the target is hell!"

The abyss of the underworld opened its huge mouth and swallowed Hades and his army into it.


On the other side, Ares felt the rising power of war in his body, his confidence swelled again, and the previous injuries were wiped away.

He laughed loudly at the members of Zhenglian:"Come again! My enemies, challenge me with all your strength!"

This guy is no ordinary Piao!

Dane took the lead and started a head-to-head confrontation with Ares. Every time he burst out with thunderous power, he was eaten by Ares who was in mad fighting mode. No matter how serious the injury was, it could be completely healed in a few breaths..

Clark and Dane attacked Ares together, but those attacks were neutralized by his rich combat skills and combat experience.

The war that Hades waged in Hell provided him with more war spirit.

In front of Ares, whose strength is growing more and more obvious, Clark's strength no longer has a complete advantage.

But even though the God of War is so brave, he was still beaten to the left and right by the members of Zhenglian.

The same applies to him that two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

So Ares raised his ax and roared towards the sky. Under his divine power, countless war demons suddenly emerged from the ground.

They were the war dead who had died at the hands of Ares, including humans, gods, demons, and even Titans.

With Hades's tacit approval, they followed Ares' call and awakened from the underworld to fight for him..

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