The Titan took a big step forward and stepped down with a giant sole of his foot.

Barry saw the opportunity and ran away first, while the other heroes dispersed.

That huge foot made waves, and the underworld spread like ocean waves. The shaken gravel scattered, hitting other war demons around like bullets.

Anyway, it doesn't do much damage to Zheng Lian, but its lethality to teammates is outstanding.

But those war demons didn't care. They were already dead, and at worst they would just crawl out of the underworld again.

It feels like a gangster reincarnated from filthy soil. You can't kill me anyway, so I will disgust you again and again.

Clark's eyes emit heat vision, but no matter how many war demons he cuts in half, they will be"resurrected" under the power of the laws of the underworld."

"We are already dead, you can't kill us a second time!"One of the Titans taunted him.

Now Superman was completely helpless. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't kill a dead person.

"Clark! Ignore the minions and focus on Ares

When they heard someone calling them a follower, countless war demons turned to look at the person who spoke. That person was Dane.

Then the group of war demons swarmed towards him one after another.

Dan En was content and unafraid, he beat people like hanging paintings, and all the war demons caught by him were easily thrown away by him.

Using his palm as a knife, he can easily cut flesh and break bones; using his palm as a fist, he can beat his opponent's flesh and blood.

There was a Titan who tried to wrestle with him. He ignored the size difference between the two sides and lifted the giant up, then threw it towards the crowd, crushing countless war demons in an instant.

Dane has already tried to use the Kiss of Death, but this artifact that made him invincible in the human world has lost its effect here.

Because the souls of these guys have belonged to Hades, and their bodies have died.

Clark couldn't understand it in his mortal body, but Dane could see clearly that the material that made up the bodies of these war demons was the underworld on the ground, and its amount here was almost endless.

But Dane still has a way to deal with them

"The gift of life given to him by"Death" allows him to manipulate the soul at will. This ability is not restricted by all authorities.

In other words, even if the souls of these guys belong to Hades, Dane can still control their souls. Transformation.

So he grabbed one of the Titans and began to transform the other's soul.

At the same time, he asked Diana and others to hold Ares, and called Barry over

""Barry Allen."

When Barry heard what he said, he ran over as fast as a bolt of lightning.

"You look for me!"

Dan saw him looking extremely excited and felt that this young man had a military spirit and was suitable to be used as a tool....No, he is suitable to be a helper, so he directly ordered

"You run around me and don't let other war demons bother me!"

Barry agreed, and then ran around Dane and the Titan under the guidance of Flash.

The wind he raised while running wrapped Dane and the Titan in it, forming an unbreakable barrier. The wind wall, all the war demons who tried to break it were either blown away by the wind or struck by lightning. Ares didn't know what Dane wanted to do, but he knew that no matter what the other party wanted to do, he couldn't let him succeed.

But he didn't wait When he took action, Diana and others rushed over


As soon as Ares saw this face, he remembered his failure in the human world, and then he became obsessed with it.

"Little girl!"

He smiled ferociously and attacked with an axe. It was also a weapon made of the eighth metal. Diana's buckler and Vulcan sword were used together to barely block Ares's force.

He seemed to be getting stronger and stronger! Diana's heart Thinking.

While Ares and Diana were wrestling, Clark fired heat vision to attack Ares' face.

Hal was not to be outdone. He manifested an energy weapon and bombarded the God of War with green light rays.

Ah Reese was temporarily restrained.

After some hard work, Dane also transformed the souls of his men.

Then he grabbed Barry. The kid was so stunned that he didn't even react to being caught.

At the same time, Dai En En immediately issued a warning to the other members, and Diana and the others immediately abandoned Ares and turned around to run away.

Ares stayed there alone, feeling a little dazed for a moment, but then he felt a violent force. Swelling among the war demons.

He just glanced over there and ran away.

A huge bulge bulged on the body of the Titan transformed by Dane, and an unknown energy gathered in it, ready to go.

But the surrounding war demons didn't care, because they were still confused by their immortality and thought it was no big deal. The next moment, a heaven-destroying explosion exploded in the Titan's body, and the strong light in front of him took away Out of everyone's sight, the light swept through the bodies of all the war demons, taking them away without any pain.

Everyone in the Justice League did not suffer any damage because they took the first step.

The soul annihilation bomb has a range of action, and it does not It cannot expand infinitely, otherwise it would not be invincible?

But judging from the quality of the Titan's soul, it is not a problem to destroy the war demons thousands of miles around him.

Moreover, Ares is also within its attack range, this shot is enough He had eaten.

And the situation was as Dane expected. Although Ares responded in time, he was still a step too late and was attacked by the aftermath of the soul annihilation bomb.

His armor could protect against most physical and magical attacks, but against Attacks and defenses at the soul level are not that sufficient.

Therefore, this bomb successfully eliminated part of his soul and greatly traumatized him.

Even with a steady stream of war energy supplements, it cannot make up for the loss of his soul. A loss of soul.

But Ares knew that he could still turn to someone, so he endured the pain and established a spiritual link with a person in the underworld.

"Persephone, help me!"

Ares is actually one of Persephone's guests....

Soon after he sent out his cry for help, the power of the underworld transferred him to other places.

Ares's disappearance quickly attracted Dane's attention, and he immediately asked Cortana to locate Ares. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His battle ax is still stained with Dane's blood, so it is equivalent to being equipped with a tracker.

Cortana was very efficient, and she quickly found Ares' hiding place.

Dane and others unanimously decided not to let go of this opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

"`~Can the teleporter be used here?" Clark asked

"As long as they are in the same space, that's fine."Dane gave him an affirmative answer.

"Wait, what is the teleporter you are talking about?"Barry asked like a curious baby.

Dane looked at him, smiled subtly, and then tapped his chest with his hand.

"This is it."

A beam of electricity suddenly slipped in from the lightning pattern on Barry's chest, activating the teleportation function.

"The local transmission function has been started, 3, 2, 1..."

Xiaofeng's voice rang in Barry's ears, and he couldn't help shouting:"Wait!"

As a flash of light flashed, Barry disappeared directly.

Diana patted Dane lightly:"Don't bully children."

"Barry must disagree with your assessment of him. Dane smiled at her first, and then said,"Let's get there quickly!""

In the room of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, as her spell fell, Ares' body followed the magic and came to her.

"Ares, what's wrong with you?"

Persephone hurriedly ran to Ares and checked his injuries with concern.

Ares's face was pale, with a hint of pain.

"My soul has been wounded, Pearl, help me..."

Persephone suddenly felt very troubled. The injury to her soul was extremely difficult to cure, let alone the damage to the soul of a god. I'm afraid it would only be equivalent to a golden apple. Only divine objects can cure this injury.

But those divine objects are stored in Hades's treasure house, and she just fell out with Hades, and now she can't touch his treasure house at all, so she is helpless.

"Why don't you give it a try by taking some dead souls?"Persephone tried.

By eating the soul directly, the damage to the soul can also be restored, but it will leave some sequelae.

If possible, no one would be willing to do this.

Because if one thing fails, it will become multiple. Personality neurosis.

Ares also knew this, and he hesitated.

At this moment, Barry Allen was teleported here...

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