Losing his soul and divine power, Ares' divine body gradually turned into a stone statue, as exquisite and unusual as a carefully carved marble statue.

Dane felt that just this statue could be sold for a lot of money if it were brought to the human world.

Just go with the lychee and eggplant on top, European ladies will definitely like it very much.

After a few minutes, the other members of Zhenglian came out of Hades' palace.

They didn't do anything to Persephone because she had no part in it and she couldn't get out of her own room.

It was Barry who discovered this.

He ran so fast that the Queen's room was a room he could get out of in one step.

He guessed this possibility when he ran out of the room but found that Persephone had not followed.

Then the Justice League decided not to care about the Queen of Hades, but chased in the direction of Dane and Ares.

Clark and Hal were fine. They had always had confidence in Dane, but Diana couldn't help but feel worried.

She has already learned from Persephone that Hades has launched a war against Hell. Since Hades and Ares are in a cooperative relationship, this war can be regarded as a war indirectly launched by Ares..

In this way, he can seize power from this war. Diana is not sure that Dane can suppress Ares, whose power is constantly rising.

But when they found Dane, they found him pointing at a stone statue, as if he was trying to determine whether it was worth anything.


Dane turned his head when he heard the sound and saw Diana coming with the others.

The fastest one to arrive was Barry the Flash. A flash of lightning flashed and his body appeared next to the stone statue.

"What is this? After saying that, he looked around:"Where is the guy named Ares?" Dane laughed when he heard what he said:"Look at this thing on the ground, don't you think it looks familiar?" After hearing this

, Barry took a closer look and found that the armor and helmet on the stone statue looked very familiar, except for the axe.

Barry suddenly realized:"This...This guy is the one..."

Others finally came over at this time.

Diana just took one look and knew that this was Ares, the God of War.

"Have you killed him?"She said a little surprised.

She didn't know that Dane also robbed Ares of his divine power and soul, and thought that Ares had only temporarily returned to the divine realm.

"Ares can no longer cause us trouble. Have you found Hades?"

"He led an army to hell."Diana told Dane the news she got from Persephone.

Hell? This world is familiar to him!

Dane glanced at Diana, and was interrupted by her just as he was about to say something.

"I go with you!"

She said very firmly, with a will that could not be rejected. Dane knew that he could not change her mind, so he could only nod.

He turned his attention to Clark and Hal again.

Hal frowned:"You don't want to Shall I go? Isn't this matter not over yet? Clark

's smile was as sunny and confident as ever:"How can I be absent at a time like this?" And Hal is right, it's not over yet, how can we leave."

Barry also raised his hand silently at this time:"I...I am coming too! Xiao

Shan gave him a rare compliment:"Yes, having the courage to face difficulties and obstacles is the quality a hero should have.""

Dane immediately felt relaxed and had a special sense of accomplishment.

"Well, this time, let us settle this matter completely!"

He opened his palm, and a simple-looking key appeared. The light of magic lit up on it. The light expanded and brought everyone into a certain space.

Before leaving, Dane did not forget to take the God of War's key with him. The stone statue was stored in his warehouse.

The stone statue is not important, but the God of War armor on the stone statue is an artifact. Even if no one uses it, it will rot in his own pot! The

Hell Key teleported Dane and his party to Hell. They just arrived here, Dane found that there was no demon here.

Doesn't it make sense?

Dane was a little strange. The place he teleported to was Beelzebub's residence, and it was also the place where he killed him. No matter what, there should be a few demons here. That's right.

He immediately used his mind to connect with the two demons who had signed a contract with him.

He first contacted Aini.

Shazam? Aini was very surprised. This was the first time he found it.

I just returned Go to hell, what happened here?

I can't see a demon in Beelzebub's territory, where are you people?

Aini told him about the current situation: You are finally back, we met a very A powerful enemy, he brought an extremely powerful army.

Let me guess, Hades?

You know?

Dane just chased from Hades's underworld. Of course he knew, but he was curious about another thing at this time..How long has Hades been in hell? It’s been almost 30 human days! Aini complained: Belial and I have been trying to contact you, but we haven’t been able to.

Dane was thoughtful, it seems that in the underworld It is inconsistent with the passage of time in hell. Hades dragged them there deliberately.

Where has he progressed?

Aini answered: More than half of the lords of hell have surrendered to him, and a quarter of the lords have been eliminated. Now, the only ones who are still resisting him are us demons.

Dane is a little surprised. With maybe only a quarter of his remaining troops, Aini can actually block Hades' offensive?

Is it really a genius ? ?

But Aini's words soon told him that this was not the case.

Our strength alone cannot fight against Hades's power, but we are not the only ones fighting against him, there are also some other forces who are also fighting against him.

Yes Who?

Belial and I have observed that those guys are gods like Hades, but they are gods of the light world.

So, did Hades’ actions attract the attention of other gods?

I don’t know this time How many gods from the pantheon are attracted to this maelstrom?

Tell me your current location.

Aini quickly reported the location, and Dane immediately took the other people in Zhenglian and teleported to the demon camp where Aini was..As soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of all the demons.


A demon took a sharp breath, smelled the smell of living people, and suddenly showed a greedy expression.

But before it could do anything, it was evaporated by Dane's thunder ray.

Dane calmly dissipated in his eyes Lei Guang said to several people around him:"They are all demons, so don't hesitate when you encounter provocation, just kill them directly, so that they will respect you."

Barry was stunned for a moment.

But as he said, after killing a big demon in an understatement, Dane and his party were naturally given a way by the demons, and came directly to Aini and Belial. In front of the camp. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When they saw the two familiar demons, Diana was okay, she had already known about this situation in advance.

Clark and Hal were Almost made a move on them

"Guys, relax, we're in this together now!"

Aini raised his hands in a very human style. Even though he was a demon lord, among these people, he could only beat Barry, but he might not be able to outrun him, so this attitude was a pleasant one. Lie has the demeanor of a big shot in the devil. He is indifferent to everyone he meets, and he only shows a little respect when he sees Dane.

Dane said to Clark, Hal and Barry who still didn't know the truth:"In the devil After the incident, I hired them and now they work for me"

"Can you fully control them?"

"No one can completely control a person's will, Clark."

Anti-life equations may not always work.

"However, under the constraints of the contract, they are temporarily credible."

Clark didn't believe in the devil, but he chose to believe in Dane.

Zheng Lian and others entered the devil's combat command post, and they were shocked at the first sight.

Everything they saw along the way was very ancient medieval times. Style, even if there are one or two avant-garde looking demons, this style has not changed.

But now when they walk into this command room, they really feel like they have returned to the real world. It is actually a normal modern style..

There are data clerks, maps, combat screens, and sandboxes. Everything is the same as in the real world. Hal doesn’t care what others are like, but he is numb anyway.

His stiff neck turns around with a snap. Looking at Dane.

Dane wrote lightly:"I made a small upgrade to their fighting methods."

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