This is not just a slight upgrade, it is simply helping the devil to modernize!

Hal was speechless in his heart. If Dane hadn't been their teammate, he would have really suspected the intentions.

But Barry was just curious:"Are there artificial satellites in hell?"

"Of course there is, it is a beholder, its body is covered with eyes, and it can see many places that demons cannot."

Aini saw that he was also a member of Zhenglian, and his attitude was so kind, which made Barry's skin crawl. At this time, Clark noticed that the sand table on the table was moving, and couldn't help but take a closer look.

He found that there were many illusory things on it. Villains, their battles are changing the map on the sandbox every moment

"This is a real-time simulation, and now Hades' army and the gods are fighting."

Clark is also numb. Even if he doesn't know much about technology, he still knows that people on earth in the real world cannot do this kind of technology.

This is just a small upgrade. You have reshaped the war mode of hell, okay?!

It’s no wonder that this group of demons can still move around in the battlefield of the gods with such a small force. This"737" technology upgrade must be a great contribution.

But Dane did not pay attention to the complicated mood of his teammates. He looked towards Aini and Belial asked in a deep voice:"Do the other forces know who they are?

Belial replied:"As far as we have explored, there are the Nordic gods, Odin and Loki of the Asa clan, and Thor, the god of thunder.""

"In addition to them, Osiris, Set and Anubis from the Egyptian pantheon also participated in this battle."

"Not only these familiar pantheons, but also some gods from the Far East are also involved, but they are the least powerful and exist as vassals of the more famous pantheons."

"I heard that there is a guy named Susano-o no Mikoto who works under Odin's tent."

"But in addition, there are some gods that I can't see that are also involved."

The members of Zhenglian were all confused when they heard this. Doesn't this mean that basically all the gods in myths and legends on earth can be seen here?

"What's worse is that hell, unlike the human world, does not limit the power of these gods, so they are almost always at their strongest. This is why most demon lords choose to surrender."

Gods and demons are sometimes not completely opposite. In all major mythological systems, there are basically legends about gods defeating demons and making them become slaves.

This shows that in most cases, the power of gods is always Relatively speaking, they are stronger than the demons.

But by coincidence, since Dane became the new Lord of Hell, the high-level combat power of Hell has been almost wiped out.

Beelzebub was killed by him, and Asmerton was killed. He killed him, the First Fallen was also killed by him, and Lucifer ran away.

Now the"Trinity" of hell exists in name only.

The current hell lacks powerful monarch-level overlords, and the scattered demon lords are unable to resist the invasion of those gods. A large area of ​​territory has fallen into the hands of gods

"Now that you know almost everything about the situation, what are you going to do?"

"Of course you took the initiative. How many troops do you have left?

Aini replied:"You saw it when you were passing by outside just now. Those are the only ones we have left." Dane nodded:"In that case, let's make a sneak attack while those gods are at war!""

He said the word"sneak attack" openly, and the other demons didn't think there was any problem. On the contrary, a few heroes were a little uncomfortable.

But considering the special situation here, they didn't say much. They were here to help. Yes, I’m not here to find fault with you and grab the command.

In the world of magic, war is more about speed and efficiency.

The demon army does not need to consider issues such as logistics and supplies. They will put this issue into consideration when fighting on the battlefield. Solved by the way.

The enemy's corpses are their food.

And even if they are hungry, the demons still have fighting power, so to command such an army, there is only one thing a commander needs to do.

Point them in a direction and use your own His force forced them to advance!

Dane had such force, but at the same time, he also gave these demons a name they couldn't refuse. He stood on the Dianbing Cliff, and below him were densely packed with all kinds of strange demons. , they saw Dane coming out, and they raised their heads high to look at him.

Dane took out the key to hell on this high cliff, and the authority of hell instantly radiated to all the demons present through this key.

"Trash! You should know this thing. It is the key to hell. It was originally held by the predecessor Satan Lucifer. You should know what this means?"

Dane's voice was transmitted to the ears of all demons through magic, including the beholder satellites monitoring over hell.

He suddenly smiled and said a sentence loudly:

"Fuck. Lucifer!"

The demons below were originally waiting for him to have a long speech, but they didn't expect him to say such a sentence suddenly.

Their first reaction was to be stunned, and then all the demons became excited and shouted in unison:"Fuck. Lucifer!!!"×N



Zhenglian members heard their eyelids twitching, and Diana even lowered her head and held her forehead, not knowing what to say.

Dane raised his hand and put it away, and all the sounds disappeared instantly

"Demons, hell is our hell, let the gods and angels Fuck.Off!"


The followers gathered together, and these words were very satisfying to the demons.

Military spirit is available!

Dane nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand. Hell's authority allowed him to open a huge space passage.

"Come with me and kill those sissies——!"

After saying that, he entered the passage first, followed closely by Aini and Belial. The demon army followed without hesitation and entered the space passage in a mighty manner.

The other members of Zhenglian looked at each other for a while, and then followed the demon army into the passage. 0....


On the battlefield of gods, all parties are now in a mess!

Hades was in the battlefield and was in a bad mood.

He blocked Thor's hammer with his forks and asked loudly:"Thor! You have crossed the line!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Thor just laughed boldly:"Crossing the line? We When did the line be crossed? Whose line was crossed?"

"This is my place!"Hades did not hesitate to allocate hell as his own territory.

"Hades, after all these years, you are still as shameless as ever!"

When Hades heard this familiar voice, he suddenly shook Thor away and thrust his forks into the void. After a twist, a handsome man with swords in both hands appeared. He was Loki! The man who caused Ragnarok The culprit!

He had a sneer on his face and held the sword"Levadine" that he forged with his own hands."

"You damn bastard, how dare you show up in front of me!"

It seems that as the most notorious god of trickery in Asgard, there seems to be some unknown disputes between him and Hades.

Faced with Hades's attitude, Loki was not only not angry, but also very excited. He is such a god, he feels very satisfied when being hated by others.

He is such a jerk!

"Hades, how long has it been since we last met? You were so enthusiastic towards me as soon as I came here, it's... it's great!"

Hades secretly cursed a madman, then he sneered and pulled down the helmet on his head so that the mask could just cover his face.

The moment he put it on, he disappeared in front of Loki.

Loki immediately turned aside and flew back.

However, he was still stabbed in the arm by Hades's double fork, and Levadin almost lost his grip.

"Invisible helmet!"

Before Zeus became the king of the gods, in order to deal with their common father Cronus, the Cyclops forged an artifact for each of the three brothers in 2.5.

Hades' artifact was the invisible helmet. Once you put on this With the helmet, he will enter an imaginary space where only he can exist.

And in this space, only he can attack people outside this space without worrying about being hurt by others.

This ability is really a sneak attack on Yin people. The most holy magic weapon, Loki couldn't remember how many times he had envied it.

But when he really faced the power of this artifact, he still felt a headache

"Loki, get out of the way!"

On the ground, Odin took out his weapon.

The magic gun that is sure to hit, Gangnir!

No matter which space you hide in, there is nothing to hide from the eternal spear!

Odin used his extremely beautiful weapon to The posture threw Gungnir, which cut through the sky like a meteor, knocking out Hades hidden in the imaginary space.

Thor, the God of Thunder, had been waiting for a long time!

He roared loudly, Mjolnir He triggered the wind and thunder in his hand, and a beam of thunder fell from the sky, hitting Hades hard!.

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