At the critical moment, the double fork in Hades' hand changed into a bird-headed staff.

He raised the scepter to the sky, sucking the power of the thunder into it, but he himself was unharmed

"Sure enough, he is not that easy to deal with."

Since Zeus is the creator of mankind, the Olympus gods in the DC universe have all experienced epic strengthening in terms of personality, and each of them is not so easy to deal with.

Odin is not surprised, he He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and Gangnir flew back into his hand.

Gangnir is a sure-hit gun, but it does not necessarily mean death. As long as you can resist the sharp gun, you will find that Gangnir's ability is actually just that. That way.

The armor on Hades is also forged from the eighth metal. It comes from the hands of Hephaestus, the famous honest man in the god world. The quality is excellent, no less than that worn by Ares, the god of war.

Just in Hades When Si was about to continue attacking Loki and other gods, a tall figure suddenly appeared behind him.

The figure leaned down slightly and pulled out from his waist an artifact with a blade as white as snow - Tian Congyun.

Hardy A warning sign rose in Si's heart, and the bird-head staff once again transformed into a double fork and swung backwards, colliding with the artifact behind him, and erupting with a violent impact. The impact spread out, overturning the troops along the way, and plowing the earth. , redrawing the map of hell.

Hades took a closer look and couldn't help but sneer:"Little Mao God from the Far East 04" He couldn't remember the name of this god.

The strength of the Japanese god system is not very high. , but the stickiness of believers is very strong, so they still maintain some relatively strong power.

"I am Susano's man. I have heard of your name for a long time, and it is indeed well-deserved."

Susano'o, also known as Su-samaru, is one of the three noble sons in Japanese mythology. The man appeared, a big man with thick beard and hair, wearing an ancient war robe and exquisite gear.

But this The set has symbolic meaning rather than practical value. It is not made of the eighth metal, but is just a work made of some relatively precious magic materials.

In the divine world, most of the named artifacts are made of the eighth metal. This It is because the eighth metal has extremely strong conductivity of divine power, and can fix magic on it and produce some special functions.

And once the casting is completed, the user no longer needs to continuously supply divine power or magic power, and they can perform their own tasks The ability to transform energy.

This metal has similar properties to the eternal metal, but it is much harder than the eternal metal.

The artifacts on Wonder Woman's body are all forged with the eighth metal, so those artifacts can also attack the gods. It has an effect.

The Amazing Cloud in Susano'o's hand also contains some components of the eighth metal, so it can block Hades's double fork. The same is true for other gods in Asgard, all of whom have lived for tens of thousands of years. God, who doesn’t have one or two eighth metal weapons in hand!

Once a fight starts, as long as there are no major mistakes, it is normal to fight for several days and nights.

So if you want a quick victory, Hades There must be some more outstanding advantages, and by chance, he really has them.

Seeing the three gods of Asgard united with the God of the Far East to gather around, Hades showed a sinister smile on his face.

He A magical light lit up on his hand, and a golden helmet appeared. It was the Helmet of Destiny.

Few people knew that the Helmet of Destiny was actually made of N-type, and its purity was very high.

And N-type also has a little-known name. , called the Ninth Metal.

It is a special metal whose characteristics are still higher than those of the Eighth Metal.

It can change its shape at will according to the user's will, and unlike the Eighth Metal, which requires custom enchantment to have specified magical abilities.

The Ninth Metal The metal itself is a kind of magical ability. The type of magical ability seems to be related to its purity. N-type metal with different purity will show different abilities.

And the ninth metal also has a special ability that connects it with the eighth metal at a specific frequency. Knocking can awaken a sinking person.

After getting this helmet, Hades asked people to pour water from the River Lethe on the helmet all the time.

The water from the River Lethe can make souls forget their past and present lives. It has the same effect as Meng Po Soup.

After a long period of watering, the consciousness of Nabu in the helmet gradually weakened, and finally his consciousness was very small.

If Dane hadn't come too quickly and too urgently, Hades would have waited until Nabu in the helmet Boo's consciousness completely dissipated before using it.

But it was almost the same now. Nabu could no longer make a big splash.

Under the will of Hades, the helmet disintegrated and turned into a ball of viscous metallic liquid.

He used this N-type metal Covered on the double-stranded fork, it became a shining golden weapon.

Odin saw Hades's movements and instinctively felt something was wrong.

But he had not yet thought of the ninth metal, because in According to his knowledge, the ninth metal is not golden, but black.

The ninth metal is also called dark metal, which involves a secret.

Odin was confused by his own knowledge. After processing, the N element would appear golden. He forgot this, and this was a fatal oversight.

So when he held the cross between Gangnir and Hades, it was only when Gangnir was broken that he was shocked like never before.

And he reacted immediately

"Ninth Metal!"

Hades laughed loudly, and struck Odin with his backhand, knocking him away.

The power belonging to the God of Order on the N-type shell caused great damage to Odin, and he even spat out a mouthful of divine blood.

And just when he was injured and defeated, a ghostly shadow appeared behind him. The shadow took a dagger and stabbed Odin hard in the lower back, piercing his divine body.


Thor was furious. His whole body flashed with lightning and he swung his hammer at the attacker. The thunder in the sky seemed to feel his anger and sent out a thick bolt of lightning in response to his attack.

However, the attacker quickly retreated, and before walking away He stretched out his hand and blocked Odin's body in front of him.

Seeing that his hammer was about to hit Odin, Thor quickly deflected the force and let the power of thunder pour to the side.

At this time, a high-spirited man came from the other side He rushed over and struck Thor with his dagger, slashing him away.

Loki was watching from the sky, seeing everything on the ground clearly, and he couldn't help but frown.

"It's those Egyptian gods..."

The person who attacked Odin was Osiris, the god of the underworld in the Egyptian pantheon. The person who attacked Thor was Seth, the god of desert and war. These two brothers cooperated to deceive the gods!

Loki started I never expected that two brothers who were so incompatible with each other could actually cooperate sincerely!

"Even you can work with Odinthor, why can't they?"

Hades himself can cooperate with people like Ares who had an affair with his wife, let alone other gods? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone has a similar level of moral integrity.

"It turns out that you have joined forces with them a long time ago.

Hades said proudly:"Yes, I have long received the news that the God of the Far East has joined forces with you. Since you can do it, of course I can too.""

"But what price did you pay for it? Loki thought thoughtfully.

Hades smiled faintly:"Hell is so big, there is always enough.""

Loki heard some information from his words and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

If Hades is willing to share the dominance of hell with them, then they don't have to fight at all!

Little did they know that Hades was sneering in his heart. After doing so many things, could it be that these gods would come out to pick peaches during the harvest?

How is that possible!

So when he saw Loki lost in thought, the golden double fork in his hand had quietly been raised.

But before he could take action , a new situation occurred 533.

A strong wind quickly hit the battlefield where the two sides were fighting. The strong wind continued to rage in the battlefield, rolling up a tornado that connected the sky and the earth. The wind and rain covered the earth at the same time, and the armies of Hades and Odin were swept away. Destroy.

Hades felt two ancient gods that he had not seen for a long time from this divine power, so he roared:

"Enlil! You are so brave!"

Enlil, the god of earth and air in Sumerian mythology, was the god who destroyed the world with floods in Sumerian legends.

Along with him came his nephew Marduk, the American The main god of Sopotamia.

Since the time of Hammurabi, he has replaced Enlil as the new main god.

He is responsible for wind, rain, thunderstorms, war and magic. He is a very troublesome god.

However, the beliefs of these two It has been destroyed for a long time, and now it is unable to compete with gods like Hades relying only on the support of the divine domain.

But Hades can also see gods from other pantheons, such as Ahriman of Zoroastrianism, Danu Nuada, the"Silver Hand" of the Gods, and so on, they also came in to take advantage.

Hades laughed angrily. Did he think that the N attribute in my hand was not enough, so he came here specially to kill him?

However, when these gods During the fight, the last oriole appeared. When

Dane saw the gods in the middle of the battlefield, his eyes lit up with blazing light.

"Ani, Belial, you lead the demon army to attack those minions!"

"Diana, Clark, Hal, you are free to play.

There are enemies on the other side, so don’t be afraid to kill them. Demons are not worthy of death, but gods are immortal."

"As for Barry...You try to survive."

After saying that, Dane ignored Barry's resentful expression and flew towards the battlefield of the gods alone.

He pulled his hands, and a half-human battle ax appeared in his hands. The power of the God of War in his body exploded, and he rushed into the battlefield. Enemy camp!.

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