Dane noticed that there were golden blood stains on Hades's crotch.

This guy is so ruthless, maybe he just took the opportunity to kill Odin?

Dane used the handle of the ax to move Qianjin four or two times and spread the two forks apart.

However, Hades saw the ax up close and finally confirmed that he had made a mistake.

Isn’t this the battle ax of Ares?

"What did you do to Ares?

Dane showed his white teeth and smiled at him:"Kill him!""

You can be counter-killed like this? What does Ares do for food?

Hades cursed his teammates in his heart for being unreliable. He was not angry at Ares'"death". His feelings were just average, he just hated him. Holding back~.

When a person dies, he dies. What do you mean by giving your weapons and divine power to the enemy?

But there is no way. Since things have reached this point, they can only continue. There is no relationship between them. Any possibility of reconciliation.

With his peripheral vision, Hades saw the lightning that made him invisible on the battlefield in the distance, and a rare trace of annoyance rose in his heart.

If he had caught the little boy earlier and absorbed his power, Maybe it would be easier now.

So in the wild sand flying all over the sky, Hades and Dane started a fierce battle!

This is hell, and they don't have to hold back at all, so every punch breaks the earth and shakes the atmosphere.

Dain Every time En swings the battle ax, the clouds in the sky are torn apart, and the thunder snakes scurry between the cracks in the clouds.

Every time Hades swings his double forks, the earth rolls, and the lava in the ground spurts out, covering the surrounding areas with no time. The demonic army devoured them all.

Only the Kryptonian troops could survive.

The divine power intertwined between their waves seemed to be missiles washing the ground, and each blow ended at the cost of destroying the terrain.

Then the renovated surface ushered in a new one the next time Change.

Gods like Osiris who are not good at close combat stay far away, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Only war gods like Set, Nuada, Marduk and other gods can get up close See the battle

"I can't believe he's actually a human!"Nuada was amazed by Dane's superb martial arts.

They all knew what"Shazam" was, so it was clear that before becoming Shazam, he was just an ordinary person.

"This is better, this way I will feel more accomplished when I kill him!"Set said with a grin.

Dane killed Anubis, which made him resentful.

But Seth didn't know yet that Anubis didn't even escape his soul, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape now. It’s time to be angry, but to be crazy.

Marduk and Enlil watched Dain’s battle carefully, trying to grasp his weaknesses.

They had no power of faith, and all their divine power came from the accumulation in the New God Realm. , use it as little as possible, after all, it is very difficult to replenish it.

Back to the battle, although the power of Shazam will give the user some combat experience and skills, but those are very rudimentary things.

And they Which of the gods who are responsible for fighting is not a warrior with their own legends and experienced divine battles?

However, even they dare not say that they can defeat the current Dane, let alone that he can actually fight Hades evenly..

But Hades was extremely depressed during the battle. If he was in his underworld and had the support of the underworld, he would be stronger.

Unfortunately, Persephone, a bitch, refused to cooperate with him, and Hades also He was afraid that he would be tricked by this bitch in the underworld, otherwise why would he give up the right place to come here?

But he never expected that Dane could actually seize Ares's divine power and still use his skills!

That's right, even if It's Dane himself. In theory, his fighting skills cannot be compared to Hades, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and experienced many divine battles.

But who allows him to possess Ares's divine power? He has him The divine power is equivalent to possessing his combat experience at the same time.

If Ares is rational and normal, his combat skills are very outstanding. After all, he is a god who can fight with Zeus. It is normal to have such an ability.

But it is a pity that the god of war, while giving him stronger attack power, will also subtly affect his mind, making him gradually become bloodthirsty and warlike, and become more and more crazy.

Just like there are people in the dark multiverse A Batman named"Ruthless War Demon" was controlled by the God of War's helmet and completely turned into a monster who only knew how to kill.

Zeus named him the God of War back then, with the intention of making him an evil god, but he didn't expect it. The effect of the God of War was so outrageous that even he could hardly stop it.

If Ares hadn't been affected by the Godhead and his mind became unclear, Zeus might not have been able to defeat him.

But Dane did not accept the God of War, and instead regarded Ares as The divine power battery avoids the defect of being affected by the sanity.

Therefore, he can enjoy the increase of the god of war while still maintaining a clear will and using the superb skills of the god of war.

This immediately made Hades feel very uncomfortable.

He Seeing that those gods were still watching the show, I couldn't help but yell:"What are you waiting for? Come together!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Dane can compete very well with Hades, can he deal with the siege of the gods alone?

I heard Hades say so. , the other gods could no longer sit back and watch, and rushed forward to attack Dane.

As expected, Dane quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Seeing this, other members of the Zhenglian immediately wanted to step forward to help him, but they The way was blocked by a group of Kryptonians.

"There is no sun here, how do they maintain such strong fighting power?"

Hal was punched in the chest by one of the Kryptonians, and he said a little depressed.

Clark still performed bravely, but his teammates all knew that his fist was no longer as powerful as it was at the beginning.

Diana also felt that This incident was a bit unusual, but she knew in her heart that unusual things that happened in the magical world can usually be explained by magic.

So she killed a Kryptonian soldier with one sword, tore open the opponent's armor, and revealed The magic lines inside.

There was a magic rune painted on it. Although Diana couldn't understand it, she felt that the rune looked like a sun! She suspected that these Kryptonians absorbed the energy of the sun in this way.


Diana threw the armor in her hand towards Superman, and Clark subconsciously took it, and his fingers inadvertently touched the magic rune.

In an instant, a familiar energy poured into his body, making him feel It's all warm, that's the energy of the sun

"It turns out that they introduced the power of the sun into this armor through a kind of magic!"

Just when Clark came to his conclusion, the armor in his hand suddenly shattered, which stunned him.

He swore that he would do nothing!

At this time, Hal flew over and took a look, and guessed :"This thing is most likely owned by someone from the same camp, and people from different camps cannot use it."

Doesn't that mean Clark has no way to use it to replenish his lost energy?

This kind of targeting made him feel uncomfortable.

Diana was very anxious when she saw Dane being besieged by the gods.

"We have to go help Dane!"

"I think so too, but these guys are so tough."Hal once again avoided a Kryptonian and stretched out his hand to fire a green laser.

Hades has accumulated a huge number of Kryptonians over the years. Even if their strength cannot reach the level of Superman, it is still difficult to deal with too many.

Kota Na knew of Dane's plan, so she remained unmoved for the time being. On the contrary, she saw that Diana and others were finding it difficult to support, so she brought in a new helper for them.

Fiora received Cortana's instructions , walked out of the dream and came to the battlefield of hell

"This is really a big scene."

Fiora is still wearing the Kryptonian armor, but the difference is that this armor has been modified by Cortana and also has the function of introducing the power of the sun.

This is what Cortana just discovered from Diana. She learned that piece of armor.

She knew more than Diana, and she recognized that it was the rune representing the Egyptian sun god"Ra".

She made some changes to it, and Dane also had the power of the sun god, so Connect its power source to Dane's divine power.

It just leads the sun's light to hell, which does not consume much divine power. Compared with obtaining Fiora's combat power, this price is already very low.

Fiora Pull took a look at the battle situation in the field and flew straight into it, aiming at the Kryptonians.

"Who is that?"Hal quickly saw the scene of Fiora killing people on the battlefield.

Clark recognized the female Kryptonian's armor at a glance. Zod also had a similar one.

"Why did Dane let her out?".

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