Due to the lack of energy support, Fiora is in an extremely brave state, firing her heat vision everywhere like it's free, specializing in the weaknesses of Kryptonians.

Although Kryptonians are extremely strong and have copper skin and iron bones, they can be killed with joint techniques.

And coincidentally, this is Fiora’s specialty

"Who are you? Why do you want to slaughter your own people?"Some Kryptonians who were defeated by her questioned her.

But when Fiora heard this, she just smiled contemptuously at those people:"The main god of Kryptonians is Rao, who do you believe in?"

Those Kryptonians had ugly faces. They had already switched to Hades' camp, so they had no words to answer Fiora's questions.

So they simply shut up and flew up to besiege her again.

Fiora was not happy. Fear, her strength is not necessarily stronger than those of those people, but her movement is more flexible and her skills are richer.

Seeing Fiora quickly adapting to fighting, the members of Zhenglian naturally couldn't stand it and rushed to help.

Clark finally moved After thinking about it for a while, he saw that Fiora seemed to be using heat vision without regard to energy consumption, and immediately asked Cortana"two, three, three"

"Cortana, is there magic in that lady?"

Cortana immediately understood that Clark meant that he also wanted one, so she complied with the other party's request. The teleportation bracelet on Clark's hand quickly deformed, unfolded all over his body, and turned into an extremely thin suit, tightly It sticks to his skin.

Magic runes are quickly synthesized inside the suit and the energy of the sun is introduced into his body.

"This suit can only be used as an energy absorber. Its strength is very low, so please use it with caution."Cortana warned and then fell silent.

Clark instantly felt the energy in his body begin to fill up, and the lost energy was quickly replenished. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were filled with red light. The heat vision flew out, cutting countless demons into pieces.

Then he blew out the air inhaled into his lungs in one breath, turning into a cold wind that froze all the people or demons in contact.

Then he punched Falling down, those frozen guys turned into debris together with the iceberg under this punch.

But the enemies they had to face were still endless. There were more demons than ants, and among them there were some demon mages that even Clark found troublesome..

In short, their idea of ​​rushing over to help Dane as soon as possible in a short time was not feasible.

Barry was able to get there, but Flash stopped him

"With your current strength, you could only add chaos in the past, so you should do what you can do first."

So Barry could only bury his head and continue running, clearing out the minions on the demonic battlefield....

On the battlefield of gods.

Ahriman, the evil god of Zoroastrianism, looked at Dane and smiled sinisterly:"Your friends can't come to save you. Boy, how long can you hold on?"

He had just finished speaking. The thunder struck him directly

"Where did the wild-haired god come from, is it your turn to speak here?"Dane said deliberately.

Indeed, the Zoroastrian pantheon has changed several times in history, and not many people can still remember him today.

But Ahriman knew that Shazam was not among those mortals, so he was still very angry.

In his heyday in the Age of Mythology, he would have died if he took one breath of Dane.

Of course, this is just his imagination. The reason why the Olympus gods are so powerful is because, firstly, Zeus was credited with creating man. The second reason is that they are gods believed by the Greeks.

The foundation of modern Western thought is almost born out of the philosophical system of the Greek period, so the Olympian gods can take advantage of this to prosper.

But Ahriman is just an evil sect that has long since declined. Although God was set up to be awesome in the doctrine, his actual performance was extremely awkward.

He couldn't stop Dane's three moves and two moves. After he was paralyzed by Dane's thunder, he was immediately paralyzed by him. The thrown battle ax was chopped in half with one blow.

But Ahriman was a thief, and the moment his divine body was chopped, his soul slipped away.

Because Ahriman possessed the power of darkness, Dai En's carelessness allowed him to escape successfully.

"Good luck to you!"

The left and right are not very famous gods. Dane shook his head and let him go.

He suddenly raised his hands, and the next moment, a silver arm hit his fist.

In the distance, Osiris used magic power , temporarily sealing Ares's battle axe.

After all, Dane was not the original owner of this battle axe, so there was still some lag in using it, and he could not summon it back for a while.

This happened to be caught by Nuada When the opportunity arose, he hit Dane with his silver arm. But after Dane withstood the blow, he suddenly remembered the legend of this god. He said that"Nuada the Silver Arm" was the god in Celtic mythology. The king of the Nu God Clan.

He is a god in Western mythology that is neither too popular nor too familiar. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because he lost a hand, and He became famous after being equipped with a silver arm.

But at this moment, Dane didn't know why an inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

Hasn't Nuada's silver arm been cured by the god of medicine?

Then the next moment, on the silver Under his arm, another intact arm suddenly appeared and caught Dane's eyes.

That was Nuada's healed right arm, and he also held a lightsaber in his hand.

That was Nuada's favorite. Weapon Sword of Light"Claimh.Solais")"

It's strange that I would overlook this.

Dane only had this thought in his mind before he was slashed in the chest by the sword of light, almost cutting open most of his chest.


The double-pronged fork in Hades's hand on the side has turned into a bird-headed staff at some point. He has just cursed Dane with the magic of the underworld, making him unable to detect the crisis and the truth in time. Now the plan has worked successfully. 0.....

He quickly replaced the bird-head staff with a golden double-pronged prong, holding it in preparation to give Dane the final blow!

They had clearly injured Dane countless times just now. Seth's sandstorm even caused blood to drain from Dane's body, but he was still not dead.

So Hades was going to use the Ninth Metal. Under this artifact, he didn't believe Dane could survive!

However, Dane did not panic when his chest was split open by a sword. He held the Sword of Light with one hand and pinched Nuada's neck with the other hand, pushing him to fly in the direction of Hades.

Want to do the same thing again?

Hades sneered and continued to push his double fork to fly up, stabbing Nuada directly through him. At the same time, his double fork remained unabated and continued to stab towards Dane.

"Hades! You shameless bastard!" Nuada said furiously.

However, neither Hades nor Dane turned a deaf ear.

Just when Hades's vision was blocked by Nuada, Dane had successfully summoned Ares' battle ax into his hand.

In With Cortana's help, he adjusted the vibration frequency of the metal inside the battle ax and slammed it on the double fork that was thrust towards him.

In an instant, a huge metal sound shook the entire battlefield.

It transformed As a huge sound wave spreads outward, the eighth metal and the ninth metal strike at a specific frequency, which can wake up the sinking people.

Dane shouted:"Nabu, the God of Order, wake up quickly!"

Nabu, who was inside the N metal attached to the surface of the double-stranded fork, was suddenly awakened and regained his self-consciousness.

Nabu quickly identifiedUnderstand the battlefield situation and clearly distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

It detached itself from the two-pronged fork, attached to Ares' battle ax as quickly as possible, and enchanted Dane's weapon.

Hades suddenly felt that the N metal on the double forks was lost, and 4.3 in his heart shouted that something was wrong!

However, when he tried to pull out the double-stranded fork, it got stuck. This was revenge from Nuada. He grabbed the double-stranded fork with both hands to prevent Hades from pulling out.

Dane got a message from Nuada's eyes: Let my soul go!

He agreed, in exchange for Nuada stabbing Hades in the back with this life.

He raised the golden battle ax and swung it at Nuada and Hades behind him!

Nuada's body was directly destroyed, and the power of the God of War and the power of Nabu enhanced the power of this ax to an unparalleled level.

Hades only had to turn sideways, and a ray of light flashed in front of his eyes, taking away his hands and legs, and completely annihilating them.

The light still did not stop and continued to move forward. Osiris was unable to dodge and was swallowed up by the light. Along with the demons and Kryptonian soldiers on the battlefield who were swept by the light, they were all sucked into it by this light that was like a huge mouth of the abyss.

The bright light dissipated, leaving only an unfathomable canyon and deathly silence..

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