The power of this blow was so strong that it almost broke the foundation stone of hell, and the results were considerable.

It not only took away Hades' hands and legs, but also took away Nuada and the unlucky Osiris, as well as countless demon soldiers and dozens of demon lords on the battlefield.

But the cost of this blow was also huge. Although Cortana helped to block the timing, the divine power inside was provided by Dane himself.

Shazam's power is similar to that of a god, and it is very difficult to replenish it.

If you return to the human body, you may recover faster, because Shazam's power will turn into thunder and return to the Rock of Eternity, where there is sufficient magic power that can be converted into divine power, which is equivalent to a gas station.

Or it can be supplemented by other energy conversions, whether it is the energy of the dream stone or the power of the emotional spectrum, but for some purpose, Dane has always maintained a weak posture to face the gods.

Hades endured the severe pain, holding the wound with his remaining hand, and the divine blood sprayed in the air, pouring down like a rain of blood.

He thought he had seen through Dane's reality, and suddenly looked up to the sky and roared:"The divine power in his body is almost exhausted! Why don't you come out?!" As soon as

Hades' voice fell, a stone door suddenly appeared in the void. It was like this It is huge, as if it blocks out the sky and the sun.

The stone door opened, and the aura of the underworld was revealed from the crack in the door. However, the first thing that came out was actually a ray of sunlight!

That is the gate of the underworld of the Egyptian pantheon. Behind the gate is Duat, the realm of the afterlife. That beam of sunshine is the light of the great Egyptian god"Ra".

But now he should be called"Atum", which symbolizes the sun at dusk. Only Atum will appear in the Duat.

Egyptian mythology has a very interesting feature. Their gods are not always young and strong like other gods.

Ancient Egypt respected the cyclical changes of all things and believed that all things have an end, so their gods also experienced birth, old age, sickness and death.

But they understand"death" as a point in the life cycle that coincides with"life."

After the gods experience birth, old age, illness and death, they will be reborn in Duat, the realm of the afterlife. Duat is another world where the current life lives when it dies, which is no different from the current world.

As the highest god of ancient Egypt, the sun god's form also changes periodically like the sun, and with this change will produce different forms.

Therefore, He is the holy dung beetle"Kepri" at sunrise. At this time, He will step out of the Duat and slowly roll the sun ball to push it out of the ground.

This is why the dung beetle was regarded as a scarab in ancient Egypt. It reproduces the process of the sun god making the sun rise.

At noon, He will transform into the majestic sun god"Ra". This is also the time when His divine power is strongest in the day.

In the evening, He transforms into a tired Atum with a ram's head and steps into the afterlife below the horizon. In the morning, He will be rejuvenated.

So when Atum walked out of the stone door, He appeared in the form of Aten, the newborn sun.

Aten has no form. He does not appear in the form of a holy dung beetle, but appears in front of the gods as a complete sun.

As soon as He appeared, the earth dried up, the water in the demons' bodies was quickly evaporated, and scores of demons died in the sun while wailing.

Diana has an artifact to protect her body, Hal's light ring can protect him from strong heat radiation, and Barry's suit quickly helps his body cool down.

And Clark, he opened his arms and embraced the sunshine.

At the same time, the energy in his body was rising. Not only did he not feel any discomfort, but he felt extremely comfortable.

Ani and Belial suffered. They had no choice but to use their own methods and hide in the shadows.

"Fuck! A sun god entered hell, who would have thought?"

Even if it is as strong as Belial, it does not dare to compete with Aton at this time.

Not only it, the demon lord, but also other gods from various departments can't stand the burning of Aton and avoid his light.

Hadi Si just felt a little uncomfortable, but it was nothing serious.

He was not a vampire, but he was not used to it because he had not seen the sun all year round.

Dane was also fine. Don't forget, he possesses the power of the Egyptian god Shazam. Among them, Aton is also one of the providers of divine power.

And since almost all the divine powers in Shazam's power originating from the Egyptian pantheon are related to the sun god, Dane already knows what his opponent is going to do.

The sun is eternal in ancient Egypt object of worship,"SHAZAM"In this word, the two"A's" stand for"Amon" and"Aton". They are manifestations of the periodic power of the Sun God, so they are both the power of the Sun God.

"M"The representative"Maihan" is the god who protects Atum, and it itself belongs to the sun god, so it can also be regarded as an extension of the sun's power.

"In the later periods of ancient Egypt,"Horus" represented by H was regarded as a mixture of"Ra" and"Ra" by Heliopolis, the"city of the sun" in Greek, and was called"double". Horus on the horizon."

They confused it with the newborn sun, making it another incarnation of the sun god. and"S"The representative"Shu" was once confused with"Horus" to become"Ankh". His strong correlation with Horus means that he is strongly related to the sun god, so it can also be another manifestation of the power of the sun.

In this way, in the power of Egyptian Shazam, in addition to symbolizing wisdom,"Z"That is, except for"Thoth", the remaining five divine powers all originate from the sun god.

So once"Ra" wants to take back Dane's divine power, the power of Shazam he plundered from Black Adam will basically be completely useless.

What's even worse is that the two powers of Shazam in Dane's body have been deeply integrated and are indistinguishable from each other.

Once the Egyptian divine power is plundered, the divine power of the Olympian pantheon will also be affected and become immobile.

This is the real killer move Hades prepared for Dane!

As long as Dane breaks away from Shazam's identity, the prophecy about Shazam in God's Domain will be self-defeating, and Hades will be able to bypass that ominous prophecy.

After all,"Shazam" who has lost his power is no longer"Shazam". He is just Dane Davis, a mortal.

Having said that, as mentioned before, the Power of Shazam has its own will, so when Aton began to forcibly withdraw his divine power in the air, he encountered fierce resistance from the Power of Shazam!

Especially Solomon, who symbolizes wisdom, and the divine power of Thoth, are the most resistant.

Although Aton's method of taking back his divine power did not work, he and Hades had achieved their goal.

After losing a lot of his divine power and being seriously injured, Dane was no longer able to use his power of Shazam to protect himself in the face of the plunder of the sun god Aton.

And in order to protect himself from being robbed by Aten, the power of Shazam began to sink into Dane's body, so he restored his human body.

In an instant, Dane's human body was directly exposed to the harsh sunlight, so he felt the pain of his skin being burnt, and the heat of the sun was about to dry out the moisture in his body.

Fortunately, he was still wearing a nanosuit, which helped him resist the heat.

Dane calmly raised his head and looked at Hades standing in front of him:"Your plan is very clever."

He was sincerely impressed by Hades' plan. Who would have thought that in order to deal with him, ha Dis was actually able to do this.

I'm afraid even Tes Adam didn't know that when he made the deal with Hades, what the god really wanted was the knowledge about the power of Shazam 097 in his mind.

And the purpose is just to complete this killing game against Dane now!

Hades covered the wound that had stopped bleeding and looked at the young human in front of him with emotion.

"Even though I have calculated it to this point, I still didn't expect you to be able to inflict such huge harm to me. As an enemy, you are very scary.

You are a worthy opponent, even Zeus, in the most glorious period of his career as a god, is not as good as you."

Hades did not hesitate to give Dane the highest praise, but at the same time, he also raised the double fork with his only remaining hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Respect is respect, but there is only death. The opponent who loses is the best opponent!

But Dane just smiled at Hades. That smile made Hades instinctively feel uneasy, so he immediately threw the two strands in his hands.

Dane used both hands Make an eye-shaped mudra, place it flat in the center of his chest, open his hands to the left and right, and make a"open the door" gesture.

In an instant, the blue magic eyes opened on his chest, releasing an evil force.

"Ha~ Dear Dane Davis, you are finally willing to accept us!"

"I have long said that the power of Shazam is not worth mentioning. Your real destiny is us.~"

"Come on, come on! Become one with me!"

"Hahahahahaha, damn wizard, we won after all! Hahahahaha!"

Dane's move made them ecstatic. From the beginning, the heir they wanted was him.

A truly perfect, ruthless heir, he would spread the"evil" of the seven deadly sins all over the earth and into the universe. Every inch of land, every intelligent life!

Dane closed his eyes and recited the spell......

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