On the ground, Diana saw that Dane did not respond to her words at all, and she felt infinite worry in her heart.

"Guys, he's still Dane, right?"Barry said in an unconfident tone.

Clark also hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head:"I don't know.…"

"let me try!"After Hal said that, he turned into a green beam and rushed up into the clouds, coming to Dane's huge face.

"It looks even bigger up close..." Hal looked at the giant in the distance, feeling like he was facing the planet Green Lantern Mogo.

They both gave people a very strong visual impact and a huge sense of power.

Hal appeared with a lamp ring. A loudspeaker shouted at Dane:"Dane——! Are you OK?"

His voice successfully attracted the giant's attention, and the huge moon-shaped eyes moved downwards and focused on Hal.

But the light ring instantly sent a warning to Hal!

At the critical moment, Hal only had time to use the green The light energy put a protective shield on itself.

The next second, a"mountain" hit Hal. The super high speed added huge kinetic energy to the"mountain". The protective shield on Hal's body shattered instantly, and his body Like a green meteor falling to the ground.

The impact of his landing turned into explosives equivalent to tens of thousands of tons of TNT, blasting out a crater with a diameter of tens of meters. The power of his fall blew the surrounding demons into pieces.

Hal immediately lost consciousness.

After the giant swept away the annoying little bugs, he slowly put away his palms, took a step forward, and walked forward.

Every time he landed, it would inevitably cause a violent earthquake, leaving behind a huge The footprints pit.

Clark quickly flew towards Hal


Clark fell next to him 677, listened carefully, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he still had a heartbeat.

"Cortana, check on Hal's health for me, Cortana? Cortana?"

Cortana didn't respond, which made Clark very uneasy.

In the distance, Barry and Diana arrived at the same time.

Little Flash said to him in Barry's suit:"Barry, this machine has a diagnostic function."

Barry didn't react at first, but soon he hurriedly said:"Then hurry up and help Green Lantern!"

Little Flash extended out from Barry's nano-suit, and transformed into a small hummingbird under the reorganization of nanoparticles. It waved its small wings and landed on Hal.

It dispersed as soon as it came into contact with Hal. The particles penetrated into his body, but the Lantern Ring did not fight back, as if it had been judged to be harmless. It didn't take long for the nanoparticles transformed by Little Flash to travel all over Hal's body, including his internal organs, blood vessels and nerves. It waited for the organization to walk through.

It did not rush out, but followed Hal's arm to the position of the light ring, and activated one of the functions of the light ring - treatment. The light ring itself has the ability to heal, but it is a bit The trick is that, like the ability to manifest, it requires the host to actively turn it on.

If the host faints, it is impossible for this function to run automatically.

Hmm...Sometimes light rings are really not very smart when they should be smart.

Flash's ability to activate the light ring stems from Cortana's research, or more specifically, her and Dane's research.

When Dane learned about the disadvantages of the light ring, he was thinking about how to solve this problem.

Later, some results were achieved.

In the event that he loses self-awareness but needs the Ring, Cortana can be the second user of the Ring to activate the Ring's ability to help him.

After activating the healing function of the light ring, Flash came out of Hal's body, transformed into a hummingbird, flew back to Barry's suit, and then integrated into it.

Hal's whole body instantly glowed with green light, and the light formed a spherical light shield that completely enveloped him.

Seeing that he seemed fine, Diana immediately said to Clark:"Superman, you stay here to protect Green Lantern, I'll go find Dane!"


Before Clark had time to stop him, he found that Wonder Woman had already flown into the sky and chased the giant in the direction he was heading.

The cute little new Barry shivered and couldn't help but ask:"Little Flash, what should I do?"

Little Flash said rudely:"Stay here, don't go anywhere!"

Barry instantly withered and hid in a corner. Autistic.

Clark had no choice but to stay by Hal's side as Wonder Woman ordered.

There are still many demons here that are not dead, and some Kryptonians are still alive. He must stay to protect Hal and the Flash.

But on the other side of the battlefield, Fiora, with two lines of blood streaming from her ears, stood up from the pile of corpses.

Because her suit had been modified by Cortana, most of the power of the previous wave bomb was blocked by the suit, and she only suffered minor injuries.

This minor injury was quickly healed under the sunlight inside the suit.

Fiora raised her head and looked into the distance. The giant's body rising straight into the sky was filled with a terrifying sense of power.

Even a veteran soldier like Fiora felt a long-lost fear from that figure.

"This is you...Real strength?"

At this moment, Fiora had to admit that she was greatly shocked. A feeling she had never experienced before came to her heart.

It was like a pilgrim (agag) meeting the legendary"Lord" for the first time. , the impact is self-evident.

Fiora suddenly had a strong will to catch up, even if she didn't actually know what she wanted to do by catching up.


At this time, a very lucky Kryptonian soldier crawled out from the pile of dead people. There was blood in his orifices, his expression was crazy, and the armor on his body was in pieces.

However, he took out a weapon from nowhere and pointed at it. Rush over with Fiora

"Poor thing."

Fiora sighed, quickly avoided the opponent's stab at super speed, and then grabbed his neck with both hands.

"With a click, the Kryptonian soldier's head was instantly twisted off.

When she saw the soldier's expression, she knew that he had gone crazy, so she gave him the last bit of dignity.

Then Fiora took aim. In the direction of the giant's advance, he bent his knees and half crouched, then jumped and flew into the clouds. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Accompanied by the sonic boom cloud, he chased in the direction of the giant.

The mental world.

Dai Enchi's naked body sat cross-legged on the deep black water, as if falling into a deep sleep.

The sky here is black, with a golden moon ring hanging high above it. The surrounding scene is only illuminated by the afterglow of this moon ring. It makes people shudder.

Under the deep water, a giant is walking underwater, but the strange thing is that it makes no sound at all.

Underwater and above water seem to be two worlds

"Dane ~ Dane ~"

Dane, who was in trance, seemed to hear someone calling him. His eyelids twitched slightly, and seemed to show signs of opening.

But at this time, the moon ring in the sky flashed, making Dane Calmness returned again.

After a moment, a white light appeared in this dark world. It gradually shrank and reshaped, and finally turned into a slim woman.

Judging from her appearance, it was Dane's most loyal secretary, Meng Shenke Tana.

When she appeared in this world, the moon ring in the sky was blazing brightly, and thick and turbid unknown substances flowed out from the golden halo. They fell on the surface of the deep water and transformed into seven evil devils. ——Seven Deadly Sins

"Don't even think about waking him up!"Arrogance opened its terrifying mouth, revealing a mouth of fangs.

The huge body of Fury was two lengths taller than all original sins:"He is already ours, and the bright world will no longer accommodate him."

Lust is shaped like a succubus. It turned into a piece of flying smoke and wrapped around Dane's body. The beauty with the horns raised her head and looked at Cortana provocatively.

"We are one, no one can separate him from me!"

Sloth has a wide body and a fat body. It lies on the water, and its deep magic is just trying to lead people to sink.

Greed is a one-eyed demon, and its eye mask is as black as the world. Its one eye seems to hide its love for all things. Strong thirst.

Gluttony has countless big mouths all over its body, each of which is drooling. Hunger tortures it and those who see it all the time. Jealousy is a shadow, it hides under the deep water and expands silently..Dane combined the authority of hell and parasitic demon cells to create this new body that can accommodate the seven deadly sins, which allows the seven deadly sins to directly absorb the sins of the demons in hell.

And their power after absorbing the sinful energy of the entire hell Ushered in an incredible leap!

The seven of them combined into one are the demons among the demons, and because they have the authority to control hell, they have transformed from demons into gods. They are no longer in opposition to the gods, but are combined with each other. Life.

They are both demons and gods.

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