As newly born demon gods, their faith comes from demons, not humans, so the seven deadly sins no longer need to be attached to the human world.

On the contrary, I would rather stay in this abyss-like hell.

And to be honest, the evil that demons can provide them with is far more than what humans can provide.

You must know that a considerable number of demons are also transformed from humans in this world.

Therefore, the souls that can enter hell are basically heinous ones.

This is equivalent to purifying the seven deadly sins!

It would be better to save them the effort of searching for those sinful villains and just stay in hell and wait for them to come.

So, after they combined with Dane and faced the rule of becoming the Lord of Hell and being unable to take their power out of Hell for the rest of their lives, the Seven Deadly Sins chose to accept it.

Therefore, they can become the new"Satan" and the only main god of hell.

As hell demons, they can control everything in hell at will, including the matter, energy, and the lives and souls of all creatures in hell.

However, since this godhead was obtained under the leadership of Dane, the real holder of the godhead should actually be him.

The Seven Deadly Sins are not the manipulators of the Demon God's body. The giant who now controls the Demon God's body and walks the earth in hell has his internal consciousness as the"demonic" side of Dane, which can also be called the"evil" personality.

It is composed of a part of Dane's character combined with the group consciousness in the cells of the parasitic demon's tissue. He has no murderous intention or malice towards all things, only a arrogant indifference.

Everything is meaningless in his eyes and is his food.

Does a person have any emotions, good or bad, about his or her food?

And now Dane, who is sitting on the deep water and meditating, is his"good" side. The seven deadly sins use their power to let this"good" side enter the Buddha's realm of concentration.

They want to use this method to indirectly control Dane and the demon in hell.

But Cortana knew that they actually failed.

Because the demon god Dane walking in hell is not controlled by any will. He just feels hungry and wants to devour everything in hell.

Attribute all soul and energy to yourself and make yourself"The.One".

It's just that his behavior coincides with the goals of the Seven Deadly Sins, which makes them think that he is controlling the devil. How ridiculous is this?

"You have no idea what you are doing."

Cortana said with a cold expression. She and Dane designed this experiment together. No one knows what it is better than her.

This situation is actually what Dane and she expected. It is Because in this mental image world, the spirit of the Seven Deadly Sins is still free, the final success rate is not high.

Cortana raised her head and looked at the moon ring in the sky.

Everything in the mental image world has symbolic meaning. That moon ring symbolizes the vacant part in Dane's heart.

So the purpose of Cortana coming here is not to fight the Seven Deadly Sins, which is meaningless at all.

She turned her palm over, and a silver coin appeared in her palm. In the center was the one traded from the Phantom Stranger.

In Cortana's palm, the silver coin emitted a bright silver light, which made the Seven Deadly Sins couldn't help but cover their eyes.

"Stop her quickly!"

Lust screamed miserably. After hearing this, the other original sins immediately rushed towards Cortana, trying to stop her.

However, no matter how fast they were, they could not move faster than the speed of light.

The silver light on the silver coins burst out instantly, and the light engulfed the forms of the seven deadly sins. Wiped away, only short screams could be heard.

Cortana threw the silver coin out, and it turned into a dazzling white light and flew up into the sky until it was level with the moon ring in the sky. The silver coin was suspended in the center of the moon ring. Suddenly it grew in the wind, expanded rapidly at an extremely fast speed, and turned into a disk that filled the moon ring.

At the moment when the edge of the white moon coincided with the moon ring, strong white light radiated out, illuminating the dark mental world. It was as bright as day!

Dane's eyelids, sitting cross-legged, trembled slightly, as if there were signs of waking up.

Real world.

Diana quickly caught up with the giant's footsteps. She flew forward and used the mantra rope to trap Dane's body. One finger.

To the giant, the mantra cord was like a spider silk that was too thin to be seen with the naked eye. He noticed it, but did not care.

Diana grabbed the mantra cord and pulled herself towards the giant's shoulder, Then she climbed towards Dane's ear like a mountain climber.

When she climbed over the huge ear shell and came to the deep ear canal, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The true form of that light was Naboo , He floated in front of Diana in an illusory image.

Since Naboo appeared in the image of Doctor Fate, the hostility in Diana's heart was not serious.

"Diana, Daughter of Paradise Island, to awaken Dane Davis, you need one crucial thing."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As he spoke, a golden battle ax appeared out of thin air and fell in front of Diana.

"The surface of this battle ax is covered with the ninth metal. If you strike it with your bracelet, you can wake up the sinking Davis."

Diana's guardian silver bracelet is an artifact made of the eighth purest metal.

Without thinking for a long time, Diana's intuition made her choose to believe what Dr. Fate said.

She once heard Dane comment that although Dr. Fate is a human being, Pedantic, but overall a qualified superhero and a qualified God of Order.

At least it is really working hard to fight against evil.

So Diana picked up the golden battle ax and said,"Wake up quickly. , Dane, I need you, we all need you."

Then she hit it hard with her bracelet.

"With a loud"ding" sound, Doctor Destiny disappeared instantly. The sound waves spread inward along the giant's ear canal, quickly penetrated the eardrum and reached the brain.

The giant stopped.

At the same time, in the mental world, Cortana He also held Dane's face and said softly:"Wake up~"

Dane, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and the world in his mind was shattered instantly, like a dream of Brahma. When he woke up from his deep sleep, the whole world Ushering in destruction.

Cortana disappeared silently, and only the residual warmth in her palms seemed to remain on Dane's face.

Dane stood up from the broken world, raised his hands high, and stretched.

The daylight in the sky exuded The endless light made him feel like he was reborn.

In the real world, the six-armed giant also stretched his body, and his expression was no longer cold and ruthless, but had the warmth of a human being.

On his forehead, a vertical eye slowly Open it slowly, it is pure blue, the power of"goodness" spreads from it, dispelling the darkness shrouded in the sky of hell, only the moon ring is still hanging high in the sky.

It is the eye of the devil , as long as the demon god does not die, the moon ring will monitor every demon left in hell and judge them!

Dane used his godhead to re-seal the spirit of the seven deadly sins into the demon eye above his head, using the power of"good" Suppress them and completely trap them in this eye. What makes the Seven Deadly Sins regret the most is that they have promised to hell not to leave here again, which means that even if they can leave the evil eye one day in the future, they will not be able to leave it forever. Leaving hell again.

Dane completely cut off the connection between the demons who were the incarnations of the seven deadly sins and the human world! If this were a prehistoric world, there would be a feast of merit and virtue.

The world of mental images was broken, and Dane separated his"good" nature and"evil" nature. Sexual reunification made his spirit intact again.

In the real world, the giant opened his eyes again.

Dane, the evil god of disaster, officially returned to his throne!

He pinched the seal with six hands, shrank his body rapidly, and returned in the blink of an eye. Normal height.

But because his body is so huge, when he shrinks in size, his huge weight makes him penetrate the earth like a nail.

So Dane had to use magic to give himself a constant"floating" spell, so that he could Walking on the ground normally


Diana, who had returned to the ground from the giant a long time ago, was standing in front of him. Dane heard her call and smiled softly at her. There was an indescribable look on that handsome face that was indistinguishable from male and female. The charm of looking directly

"It's me, I'm back Diana."

Dane opened his six arms and let Diana rush into his arms like a nestling swallow.

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