Ani and Belial's mental activities did not last long before they were interrupted by a voice from their hearts.

"I seem to hear someone scolding me?"

The sound appeared in both of their hearts at the same time, and they were both startled at the same time.

However, they quickly judged from the sound that it was Dane's heart sound.

Immediately afterwards, they felt the strongest feeling in their history. Pain, pain that hits their hearts, like a hand holding their heart instantly

"Your souls are now under my control, so please be respectful, my dear friends."

An invisible big hand grabbed their souls and ravaged them wantonly.

"Stop! Stop it! Even the toughest Belial could not endure such pain and could only beg for mercy from Dane:

"If you have any orders, please speak up and let me go!"

As for Aini, his endurance was even weaker and he could no longer speak.

As soon as Belial finished speaking, the pain in his soul quickly left him. It seemed that Dane heard its voice.

"Two things. The first thing is to gather the living demons around you and move them to the position I gave you."

"The second thing is that hell is mine now, and all the creatures in hell must be under my jurisdiction, but I have no interest in going to hell personally to spread my name, so I leave this matter to you two."

"I can still acknowledge your name as Satan, but I have only one request: kill all the sentient beings in hell who don’t believe in me!"

When the word"kill" fell, Aini and Belial felt that their souls were frozen.

But before they could express their loyalty in a hurry, Dane's voice left them.

But they did not dare to act rashly. Who knew what the other party was looking at? Are you still staring here?

After a long time, seeing that the voice did not appear again, Aini finally couldn't help but whispered:"He's gone, right?""

Belial had a sullen face and was not very sure.

I didn't expect that a god in hell could have such a powerful ability. Now Shazam would probably die if he just looked at it.

Belial couldn't help but regret, why didn't it exist before? What do you think?

And the First Fallen, you are so fucking unlucky!

You have the best chance of becoming a god!

But it is a done deal, and there is no point in regretting it now. Belial and Ani are now controlled by others, and they can only Able to do things obediently according to Dane's instructions


After issuing orders to his men, Dane and other members returned to the real world.

It was daytime at this time, the sun was just right, not too strong, not too weak, and warm and pleasant.

Clark couldn't help but take a deep breath. The earth was better. The air and sunshine here were so comfortable.

Fiora couldn't help but open her mask and accept the moisture of the earth's atmosphere.

She could clearly feel that the earth should be more suitable for Kryptonians to survive.

It's no wonder that Zod's spaceship was intercepted by Dane and Superman shortly after it entered the solar system.

With Zod's character, if he saw the environment of this place, he would definitely occupy it by force and make it his second home on Krypton.

By then, humans in this world will definitely not be able to survive.

Fiora suddenly laughed when she thought of this. What was she thinking about now? Anyway, those have nothing to do with her.

When they returned to the present world, they went straight to the Justice Building, where the restless Batman sat alone in the dark watching the news on the big screen.

International relations between Russia and the United States tend to worsen. This is a legacy of the last brief war in the Pacific.

Although the direct losses were not much, the international community has clearly seen the weak nature of the United States through this incident, and the international situation has begun to change dramatically in places that no one can see.

As soon as Dane and others walked in, Barry was shocked by the scene in front of him.

By the way, Batman is really good at showing off. As a hero without superpowers, he can scare people with superpowers into confusion.

Dane raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a light shone around the Justice League.

"Since we're here, why don't we turn on the lights? Save me some electricity?"

What Dane blurted out instantly shattered Barry's fantasy.

Batman turned his head expressionlessly, but Barry seemed to be able to sense his mood from the aura around him. He was speechless.

"When did you come back?"He just doesn't pick up on Dane.

"Just now."Dane didn't hold on. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Batman nodded slightly:"Now that you are back, does it mean that Hades's matter has been resolved?"

"That's right. Dane moved his eyes to the big screen,"What are you looking at?" Batman also turned his attention back to the big screen:"Now the situation is getting worse and worse. That guy named Ares has brought us a lot of trouble.""

And this trouble is extremely far-reaching. It will not have any impact on ordinary people's daily lives quickly, but it will change everything subtly.

This change will happen gradually over time.

Mao Xiong this time Although the attack was instigated by Ares, it is difficult to say that it has nothing to do with them.

Therefore, NATO member states took this opportunity to begin to press the bear step by step, trying to obtain more political benefits.

And the bear naturally also It’s not something to be trifled with. Due to the rapid increase in the number of superhumans in recent years, the Bears have conducted several secret experiments in private, which seem to have produced some promising results.

So they are very confident and their attitude is very tough.

They have not done anything for themselves defended their behavior, but repeatedly emphasized that it was the United States that provoked first, and they were only defensive and counterattacking...

As we all know, Kryptonians live in the United States, so Mao Xiong has reason to suspect that the few Kryptonians who attacked their base at that time were experimental products of the United States.

They accuse the United States of conducting an inhumane experiment with super powers and using them on Russian soil.

Of course, it was impossible for the United States to accept such accusations, so they got into a quarrel at the United Nations General Assembly. In the end, there was even a full-scale Wudang, and the representatives of both sides started to fight.

To the disappointment of the people of the United States and the excitement of the national media, the representatives of the United States actually lost!

The representative from the Mao Xiong side was a huge, strong man, who could almost hold down the people from the United States side with one hand.

This embarrassing scene spread to thousands of households through the news.

Instigated by the media, a"patriotic" frenzy set off across the country, and they were determined to be the victims of this incident. The hatred towards the furry bears also reached an unprecedented level.

"Now affected by that war, social contradictions have become more prominent, and we have encountered more criminals."

Originally, Gotham became slightly better than before after a major purge.

However, due to the potential impact of the war, some inexplicable and crazy criminals once again increased.

The Birds of Prey team finally no longer has to worry about being unemployed. They Now they are very busy.

Not only them, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin also appear in the crime alley more frequently than before, dealing with those guys who are as endless as cockroaches.

Since the Justice League has not Not to interfere in the affairs of ordinary criminals, Nightwing and Red Hood, after discussion, formed a new team with a few of them as the core, called"Titans".

Titans now specialize in cleaning up gangs in Gotham, and (? (Good) According to Nightwing and Red Hood, they also want to recruit more members.

They are also relatively famous and promising young people in the Justice League, and there are indeed many new superhumans who want to join their team. Dane heard Said Katana (Katana) was also recruited......

Well, her abilities are indeed not bad, and her joining the"Titans" also complements the magical power of this organization, which is good.

Dane could still hear Katana praying to him from time to time. It sounded like she was having a good time recently.

"Regarding these new criminals, I have a suggestion, Joe."

Batman turned his head to look at him and motioned for him to continue.

"Not only has Hades been solved this time, but the problem of Hell has also been solved. It can now become another base camp for us. Do you know what it can be used for?"

Batman's mind changed quickly, and he immediately understood what Dane was thinking.

He said solemnly:"A natural prison...."

"Yes, a prison, and an impenetrable prison, from which they could not escape without my permission."

"Isn't this much better than Arkham, or Blackgate?".

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